baek hyesung
"i never really miss anyone that much."
( stronghold / canta / 8/10/ イッカク。 )
the basics
( full name ) : bAEK HYESUNG
( nicknames ) :
• baek / he doesn't like how girly it could be / anyone that's not his friends or family, because no way friends will be all polite to him.
• hye-baby/poo/hye/ getting used to how 'hye' could be rather feminine in it's own right, the younger members tend to with so. 'hye-hye', which is similar to 'grandpa' in Chinese, is also used as a pun.
( gender ) : m
( dob / age ) : 19 • 02 • 1993 (22/23)
( birthplace ) : yongin, gyeonggi-do, south korea.
( hometown ) : yongin, gyeonggi-do, south koreaetc.
( ethnicity ) : korean.
( languages ) :
• korean / a native at the country helps / pretty much native, with a seoulite dialect.
• konglish (korean + english) / when you go and ask him in english, it's either, "i hyesung, you is?"
( height ) : 176 cm
( weight ) : 64 kg
( appearance ) : eyes that are sharp with eyebrows that makes everyone jealous, of sort, hyesung is pretty much... him. not easily distinguishable at times, but his currently red-dyed hair is easy to spot, often covering his eyebrows. some said he looked older when he had his bangs slicked back, which isn't that far-fetched either. height slightly normal but isn't, really.
the face
( faceclaim ) : YOO KIHYUN
( backup faceclaim ) : YOOK SUNGJAE
( intro ) : hello, hyesung here, and honestly i'm just a part of the team. please look forward to our acts!... oh! and i like comics, if that's a point. i cook too and -  gets dragged out.
( style ) : almost as nerd looking as he goes, he does use a thin-framed glasses when he isn't somewhere around outside, and he has an affliction for any colors but the neon ones; and probably not short pants, since it looks rather immature. long pants, long-sleeved shirts, etc.
( extra? ) : wears a wing necklace hidden at the back of his shirts.
the deep end
"you're not that strong, with that small mirror. try normal mirror. it's different and you're stronger than what you saw before."
( persona ) : the closet-sass
( personality traits ) :
     positive : wise, creative, perceptive, accepting
     negitive : rebellious, indecisive, emotional, passive.
( elaboration ) :
hyesung, training for six years already in Jellyfish, along with occasional acts among those who had debuted, has always learned more and more, and never exactly stopped. and he receives that as somewhat a destiny. he takes what it takes to do things, so that he would be able to stave off things when receiving difficulties. and thanks to this too, he, when faced with problems, is able to lead the group and himself into a safer place. his ways, are different, are wacky, and crazy, but not only with his experience he did it, he also does so with his brains, that sometimes, on helping the team member itself, he WANTED TO GET IT DONE, FOR PROVING HIS IDEAS AS CORRECT, rather than the fact that he still had his teammates. he tends to be level-headed, as said before, but he manages to lead the group to find themselves in a better place, where he also knows how to empathize, and ensure people that, as long as they are in a broken feeling, he will nurse them again. and when he tends to be failing, out of his emotional state, he will start accepting the fact that he is wrong, and finally turns back again. yet...
hyesung is almost nearly not quiet, probably, but he definitely has zero penchant on seeking so much fights and the fact that sometimes, what he wants to converse with, his dreams without the reality, keeps on being an obstacle. he hates some drama within the group, in which he believed breaks them, yet never to experience his own. after all, he doesn't really have much to show on, rather than the sweeter image he gave. he's not careful about what he says, and often, empathizes frequently he gets the wrong side. his rebellious attitude, as much of a sweet person, comes from the fact that he couldn't accept things ended up causing him to be far-fetched from s. and those behaviours does confuse members a lot; at first he always feels like he was a seemingly harmless person, only to realize, he's much more rebellious outside, much more jaded, and much more tired. he's pretty much there when myDOL FOR VIXX STARTED. THEN HE DIDN'T MAKE THE CUT, STOPPING HIS CONTRACT DUE TO ABSOLUTELY AWFUL CIRCUMSTANCES, AND NOW, ONLY TO DEBUT IN A GROUP OF 12, IN WHICH HE FEARS RATHER BADLY TOO, on whether it's going to be another failure. but when he himself was able to forgive members, he needs to forgive someone else; him.
( background ) : HYESUNG DIDN'T REALLY HAVE MUCH OF A PAST, RATHER THAN a slightly awkward singing voice. hyesung tends to change how the song really goes; sometimes it gets slower, or higher, and etc, sometimes with his parents laughing. a normal family with almost nothing to lose; but as he managed to continue on with his life, he starts to discover about more things; one such as love, and possibly, the start of his own chapter.
hyesung started out likening a same-aged girl at his school, where, the girl had a mutual crush with him. they wondered around, before hyesung, whom playfully started talking to her, and finally, by th,e age of 14, asked her out. they never really kissed, though, neither holding hands. they just... walk around. nothing much. and secretly, his girlfriend, ryu jina, would see him being able to sing beautifully, just with a guitar, or with his band. then, when he was singing his own song, ammateur and all, jina took the tape, and placed it into several companies. one got swept from the Big 3 to Jellyfish, still unknown back then. impressed on how hyesung wrote and sang it, they gave him a chance to audition, properly. surprised, and worse, when jina talked about how she did it, he became furious. one awful argument, how he isn't ready for the whole risk, or how he doesn't want to leave her, or how small Jellyfish was. at this, both of them separated when they were 16. however, he was still curious about the auditoon; now jian being gone, shouls he try? he tries, and manages to get in. three years seems like hell, but managing to be almost in the line-up was worth it. then the bad news came.
jian was dying of leukemia, just around the time myDol aired.
then it came to him. jian, not only demanding him to take his own dreams, was also discovering about herself not going to live longer. she knew that, if she had told him, things are going to get even worse. he hates her for leaving, and slowly pulled out from jellyfish, just for the time being if he wants to come back. and spending the last of her days with him apologizing  so much, as they spend the last time together, jian begged for hyesung to continue, and let it be her last wish. he understood, and sometime later, after he entered again, he was too late for admission, with the show starting and the ceo deeming hyesung was not good enough to go. and with vixx debuting, he had to swallow his own bitterness and work even harder; nothing's going to change. many trainees came, and they leave, but hyesung never really have up, just for jian. his contract hadn't been over yet, and as he make friends with Park sumin, a girl with an even more unfortunate circumstances, yet managing to come around and married taekwoon (one that he also attended), and slowly, until the final line-up, lee kristine, came around, he felt one; the squad is ready.
( trivia ) :
✯ the necklace mentioned earlier was the last gift from jian.
✯ has never travelled outside south korea.
✯ was suppoosed to appear in mydol, cancelled for reasons.
✯ talks on how he wanted to be a detective if not being an idol.
✯ prefers marvel comics
✯ is able to play guitar since he was eight. that's 14 years.
✯ tends to be called girly because he's a skimpy marvel trash. he's much more in the inside.
✯ once called as leo and n's lovechild. at certain angles, he looks like both of them (e.g. the gif)
( likes/dislikes/habits/hobbies ) :
likes - at least 3
  ✯ plain milk; manly guys drink this. but he enjoys it.
  recording drunkards; they're always funny.
  his guitar playing; making lyrics and all and composing
dislikes - at least 3
  ✯ being called weak; he doesn't need this thing anymore.
  ✯ rambling people; ironic as he is one, but he'd rather make an effort.
  ✯ his english; have you heard of it?
habits - at least 3
  ✯ tends to make funny faces before glaring at the person he doesn't like
  ✯ tends to be called girly because he's a skimpy marvel tra
  ✯ laughs with mouth wide open.
hobbies - at least 3
  ✯ playing guitar; it relaxens his mood
  ✯ snarking with wits, regardless of person, but never really shown to members except if he says so.
  ✯ listening to music; giving his control/cool back.
the interview
"tell those who mocks you that losers are smiling from the loser section."
What made you join jellyfish ent? : looks questioningly at interviewer good ol' friend reccomend me about this company. and then there's my tape, in which they are impressed, and we all got in.
desired position? : my vocals are not held for burj khalifa notes, but i'll say i'm pretty good in consistency and har...monizing, i guess. don't ask me to rap and i'm pretty okay with dancing. shrugs.
how well do you get along with others? : they really didn't know i'm much of an in the inside, do they? or they do? ...being the oldest, we all get along well and all is good. sometimes they thought of me being too stone-headed, but they never really knew reality. interviewer mumbles "you don't know them."
who is your favorite sunbae? : on a shallow note, krystal is a pretty okay senior. she's pretty, and , but that's it. i'll say woohyun-hyung from infinite is really great. he had a lot of crap given by his company and probably no solos, but kudos for staying slick to his fans, and to his team members.
how many years have you trained? : six. three years, two months hiatus, three years again to now.
how's your aegyo? : tries to do the bbuing bbuing pose, nobody is impressed. not impressive? that's the best shot, i guess. so no.
can you write lyrics/compose? : depends on the lyrics, but i don't really do dark things like Vixx stuff. being taught composing helps here. and you got members that are extremely thoughtful along with good composers.
the romance
( love interest ) : applicant
( backup ) : last, first
( gender ) : f
( personality ) : secrets.
( meeting ) : write about how the two me(e)t
( interactions ) : write about how they interact with one another
( relationship ) : are they married? single? crushing? do they even know each other yet?
( status ) : is your love interest single or nah
the goodbye
( comments ) :
( questions ) :
( concerns ) : m / f
( scene suggestions ) : 
start here!
( turn-in ) — ( cheat sheet ) — ( source code )


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