To the Guy Who Resisted Temptation (not kpop related)

As some of you may know, I'm in college now, meaning Netflix and chill is only a walk away and the drinks never end. I am thankful to say that my college life is not like that at all... Or at least, until today. I was sitting on my friend's bed watching family guy with him on Netflix. Personally, being the airhead that I am, I didn't think much of it. Somehow or another, we ended up talking about , and then he said something.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I'm kind of wishing  you were single."

I looked at him with a blank stare asking him what he meant. He pointed out the network playing the crude cartoon and the fact that I was sitting on his bed. Before I could freak out, he stopped me and told me this.

"Although I find you very attractive and would like to do nothing more than kiss you here and now if not more, I know what it's like to get cheated on. Hell, we could do it right now and never tell him, but the guilt would kill you and you would never be able to live this down, even if it was just a kiss. No, I'm not going to put you or your boyfriend through that and I don't want to ruin a good thing you guys have going on. I refuse."

I left his room still pondering about it because in my head, all I could think about was how much of a man he must have been in order to control himself for the sake of keeping my relationship alive and well. I just want to say thank you, not only for holding back, but for letting me know that there are good people out there that still care about others and not just about satisfying their needs. 


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He's a good friend.
Aww Appa that's awfully sweet and thoughtful of him actually. You're getting all the guys down there, save some for me! But seriously babe, I'm proud of you and of him :)