I need help.2

Guys can y0u help me? I'm writing this story at home and i w0rked 0n the pl0t f0r 9m0ns. The pr0blem is i can't came up w/ a perfect title the st0ry g0es lyk this: seoul is a beautiful city a perfect place f0r every0ne until the 8 l0rds came up w/ a t0urnament f0r their 0wn fun but it's also a perfect 0pp0rtunity f0r 0thers to revenge their l0ve 0nes this mainly centers 0n l0ve revenge lust anger friendship family etc. Then i came up w/ a lines to each characters lyk: -each 0ne of us have different aspect in life-samuel -y0u're the 0nly 0ne that makes me happy l w0n't let them take u away fr0m me-haneul -y0u'r br0thers' life isn't en0ugh to pay y0ur dept-jimin -y0u must pr0tect what y0u own-ren -y0u can escape my wrath- leo -let's make a better w0rld y0u and me together-je0nghan can y0u help me with the title pls


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I can help you if you want. (Eli's marriage surprise got all my stories on hiatus so I have free time XD)