Just Curious....

So..I kinda hear this a lot....every time i am reading some blog about Kpop or reading the comments of some kpop youtube video and i am just wondering if it's true or not. Is Jrock alike to Kpop in anyways, or is all just abunch of hype. i am just curious to how similar they are....i have heard a lot about how the fanservice between the two is practically similar, only Jrock is bascially more ual. I am interested if the way their videos are set up is the same, also if they do the same muscial style in any way that is similar........Bascially i am just curious about Jock and its alikness to kpop. And does anyone know about the band called Gazette ae they any good...Just wondering, just a meaningless thought bubble i had while watching some fanservice. Please enlighten me someone;]


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Thanks so much....so like visual kei is the way to go????
OMG kpop and jrock can not be compared, especially if you get introduced to a band like the Gazette. The Gazette, for all their rock-ness, started out in the jmusic scene as a visual kei band (visual kei meaning visual way, so similar to how our kpop boys dress up like girls but its more ambiguous, so you can't really tell if they are a guy or a girl). I like a couple of the Gazette's songs, but overal not a huge fan of their style.

I don't listen to a whole lot of jrock as the only band I listen to in that genre is One Ok Rock, and I typically listen to more visual kei. I dunno on the level of fan service, but for the videos...oh gods no, some jrock and visual kei videos are downright disturbing with how dark they can be, but some are absolutely beautiful with the stories they tell. Some good ones for reference are anything by UVERworld, Dir en Grey, exist+trace (which is the ONLY female visual kei/jrock girl group, they have some good stuff), Acid Black Cherry, and while I've never listened to/watched anything by Versallies, I've heard they have some good music videos. I also like some of SuG's stuff from when they first stepped onto the scene. I could give you more but names escape me at the moment :D I also can give you a reference to a guy who does a countdown for visual kei/jrock on you tube the channel is LMNjmusic2011 who got me into visual kei.