keep a secret application {oh nana}


basic info

aff username - nanachirisuu

aff profile link -

character name - Lee Haneul (but now goes by Oh Nana)


birthday  - July 31st, 1996

character's age - 15

height & weight - 156 cm, 37 kg [used to weight 76kg]

appearance wise

looks - 



uljjang name - Do Hwe Ji

style  - Nana usually bears alot of skin. Because she now has model-thin legs, a flat stomach and a skinny waist, she's more confident with her choice of clothes. Ocasionally, she'll wear baggy clothes to make her look even thinner, usually when she's at the gym or working out. Her casual clothes will look flashy, almost like a super-model. She's known as a bagel girl to the online world, she takes numerous photos just like any ulzzang. She is an internet sensation known as Nana, who is not only famous for her y body but also her fashion sense. Nana dresses neatly. Her casual clothes would be normally pastel colours. She wears anything to compliment her pale skin tone, and usually prefers dresses and skirts as opposed to pants. For more formal occasions, she'll wear a tight dress or one with an exaggerated waistline. She loves showing off her curves, and legs. Nana is always one to dress up. She loves to wear pretty clothes, and loves making herself feel like a princess. Anything lacy or pink will appeal to her, anything that will make her feel beautiful.

At school, she brightens up her gloomy uniform with pretty clips and headbands in her hair. She usually wears long white socks, and thin-leather white shoes.

extra -

  • two piercings on the sides of both ears.

it's the inside that counts.

personality - As stated earlier, Nana is a netdol. She's famous all over the internet, so she values her reputation above anything else. She worries about what people think when they see her, when he make-up is smudged, and most of all, looking ugly. She is a relatively secretive girl. She doesn't open up to many people, and doesn't have a true friend in particular, other than Jurin. Nana keeps to herself, and doesn't let anyone know a thing about the 'Nana' that she's created. While Nana is flashy and confident, Haneul is a shy girl who is hiding behind a happy image. She is an insecure girl, who was scarred by society's harsh judgement.

The new Nana that she created is bright, always smart and cunning. She is confident enough to attract attention, yet intelligent enough to avoid questions about her past. There is barely any conncetion between Lee Haneul and Oh Nana. Nana can be competitive when it comes to it. She believes that she's now pretty, prettier than anyone. While she's not exactly conceited, she thinks highly of her current appearance, leading to a larger ego.

As they say, confidence is key. Nana lives behind an image and she's having fun pretending. The way she walks is different to normal students. She struts down the hallways without a care, her bair flicking in the wind. To those who have never spoken to her, she's a dreadful 'Ice Queen'. She doesn't even glance at those who are unappealing to the eye, or those who are overweight. Most girls envy Nana, not only because of her beauty, but because she runs alone, not with any clique or friends whatsover.

Though she's known as the Queen of Mean, she can be sweet once she decides to open up to you. Except that she barely ever opens up to anyone. One thing she'll never let anyone know about is her ugly past, a dark secret she plans on ripping into shreds. 

One thing she can't stand is someone hating on her appearance. Call her a mean and she's cool, but if you even stutter the word 'ugly', you'll be torn apart. Nana controls the school, the closest thing they have to an idol. Though she's only famous on minihompy and other social networks, lots of people know of her. She's even had offers to become a model.

Nana has no interest in joining the entertainment industry, however. She's too cautious about her old life, too afraid of the truth. Other than that, Nana quietly helps girls who are like her. She has one friend, Park Jurin. Jurin looks as ugly as Nana did a year before. She stops the other kids from bullying Jurin, and in return, she worships Nana like a Goddess. Jurin still doesn't know her hidden past, however. Her other friend is No Minwoo. He's a nerdy boy who has a crush on Jurin. He's a mathswhiz, and nothing like a cool guy. As you can see, Nana prefers the 'losers' to the 'popular crowd'.

She's the fearless Queenka of the school, a girl with an innocent sense of fashion. Most people want to be her, others hate her more than anything, but you can't deny how significant Oh Nana is to the school. And what happens when it turns out she was the fat, horrendous Haneul?

likes  -

  • pretty things
  • compliments
  • designer clothes/bags/shoes
  • someone who will love her for her heart, not her face
  • materiallistic things
  • ballet
  • thin girls
  • the internet

dislikes -

  • looking ugly
  • her bare-faced skin
  • past photos of her
  • rumours
  • gossip
  • fattening foods
  • bullies

hobbies -

  • fashion
  • photography
  • doing exercises/going to the gym
  • yoga
  • doing make-up
  • reading

habits  -

  • angry - slides her tongue over her top set of teeth
  • sad - bottom lip trembles
  • happy - eye smile comes out
  • nervous - bites her lips/scratches her thighs
  • ALWAYS - twirls her hair around her finger

trivia  -

  • Her favourite colour is pink, white and any pastel colours
  • She loves designer brands
  • Is allergic to shellfish
  • Goes to the gym everyday after school
  • Is vegetarian now
  • Is an exceptionally good liar
  • Has a pet goldfish, named 'Blue'. He swims around in a tank, and she watches him quietly everyday
  • Sometimes she's very quiet
  • Cannot do aegyo at all
  • Is actually very girly

it's the adam family~

background  - Nana is half-Japanese, half-Korean. She was raised in Osaka, Japan, from birth until she was 4, and she, with her parents, moved to Korea to start their Dukkbokki shop. When she started school, she was already a chubby girl. She was bullied and teased, and this continued all the way until high school. After she decided to recreate herself, Nana flew back to Japan, and back to her Grandmother's place. She stayed there for one year, doing nothing but hard exercise until she practically fainted. Her Grandmother encouraged her, giving her strength.

When Nana returned to Korea, one year later, she was gorgeous. When her parents came to pick her up at the airport, they couldn't recognise her. She was thin, much too thin, making her mother worry. She even told her parents to call her Oh Nana from now on.

Her parents worried sick about her, called her anorexic and stick-thin. But Nana wouldn't have any of it. She loved her parents more than anyone, but they never stopped nagging her about her weight. She eventually told her parents what she wanted, how she wanted the bullying to stop, and her parents respected her desiscion as an almost-adult. 

family -

father | 48 | Dukkbokki Shop Owner | Nana's father's name is Lee Hyukjae. He is a strong-willed man, who is quite chubby. He is happy and bubbly, a man who is always giving a hearty laugh. His favourite food is pork fat, food being his entire life. He started getting into making Dukkbokki since he was young, and when he met Narata, they married and started their own shop! The shop is called Haneul Sarang [Love Sky].

mother | 48 | Dukkbokki Shop Co-Owner | Nana's mother's name is Hinamori Narata, a Japanese woman who came to Korea for a holiday. She met a young man with a big dream, and let him whisk her away on a fairytale. Narata has grown to love the Korean culture, and she speaks fluent Seoul dialect. She is also a chubby woman, who is always happy and smiling.

how do you interact with your family - Nana is very happy with them. For a minute at the Dukkbokki Shop, she can relax, go back to being a happy girl and smile. Though she doesn't eat as much as she used to, she's still always happy at home. She and her parents are very close. She doesn't want to go into the Dukkbokki business, but she doesn't want to let her father down either. 


got a secret, can you keep it?

what's your dark secret  - Nana was once the ugliest girl on the planet. Though she had a clear face, her fat was undeniable. She jiggled with every step, and was humiliated by her harsh classmates. She was bullied because of her weight and addiction to food, causing her to fall into a depressing state. She took laxatives and became bulimic after a few months.

In her severe depression, Haneul decided to create Nana. Nana would be terrific. She'd be confident, stylish, beautiful and most of all skinny. So Haneul, the fat, 76 kg girl, lost 30 kg in one long, painful year. To avoid rumours of plastic surgery, and to forget about her pathetic past, Haneul recreated herself and her name. One year spent doing nothing but exercise for more hours than she slept, who ate nothing but salad, who didn't eat or drink junk food for 12 months. Fat, ugly Haneul was gone. Nana was here to stay.

does anyone know your dark secret? - No.

what do they think about it (only if you chose yes for ^ ) - n/a

the perfect two

love interest -

  • 1. Kim Myungsoo
  • 2. Lee Sungyeol

his personality -

  • 1. Kim Myungsoo | Once upon a time, a fat, 7-year-old little girl was crying. The kids were bullying her again. This time, Go Daejun was calling her a squishy marshmallow, and he even squeezed the flab on her arm, hard. She had a red mark, Go Daejun's finger marks. As the tears poured over her eyes, she looked up to see a boy putting ice over her wound. "Are you okay?" he mumbled to her, in a velvety voice. He was tall, and looked like one of the older kids. "No," she mumbled. "I'm fat. And ugly. And no one likes me." That set off the waterworks again. The mysterious boy wiped away her tears. "No, don't be sad! Actually, I like chubby girls more than skinny ones," he whispered.
    "Really?" the girl said, blinking.
    "Of course! They are so cute, not like those skinny girls with no meat. I like a girl with appetite."
    She felt better instantly. "Thank you. What's your name?"
    "I'm Kim Myungsoo. And you're Haneul, right? Your dad owns the Dukkbokki shop!"
    "That's right!" she said, happier now. She felt lighter, as if she'd made a new friend.

    Myungsoo is a quiet person. He is very cat-like, always dozing off, sleeping under a tree. He loves to read, and is always out-of-it. He's a bit strange, lonely, too, but that only makes Nana like him more. Nana instantly takes notice of him, at first as a good-looking guy. After a while, she slowly realises that he is the boy from her childhood, and sits with him at the same tree. They talk, and she suddenly feels insecure about his ideal type. He doesn't know who she is, and if he found out, Nana would risk having her secret get out.
  • 2. Lee Sungyeol | Sungyeol is a cheeky guy, who's always prowling about, checking girls out. He recognises Nana by her face first, admiring her y body, and her icey persona. But when he starts chatting her up like the playboy he is, she only scowls and ignores him. Sungyeol is instantly intrigued, and sets the Queen of Mean as his target.

what's your relationship  -

  • 1. Kim Myungsoo | These two are close childhood friends, though Myungsoo doesn't know yet. Nana secretly watches him, and starts developing a crush on him.
  • 2. Lee Sungyeol | Nana and him have a cat and mouse relationship, Sungyeol's always chasing her around, flirting. But Nana won't budge a bit.

you're my heartbreaker

love interest -

  • Lee Taemin 

his personlity - Taemin is the perfect medicine for a girl like Nana. His upbeat personality and his adorable smile can make Nana simply melt. He is always caring for her, asking her what's wrong, treating her like a princess. He's a really sweet boy, who is adorable and always happy.

how would you feel if he was the one that knew your secrets  - Nana would hurt. She would feel betrayed, as if the entire relationship was a lie. Instead of planning her revenge, or crying into a heap, she'd simply work on fixing her reputation again. Yes, she'd bawl her eyes out, but only for a bit. Nana's a strong girl, and to her, crying is a sign of defeat. She'd probably never speak to Myungsoo/Sungyeol ever again.

would you feel okay if I made your love interest from infinite the bad guy? - Hahas, go ahead! But it'd be nice if you didn't, because Myungsoo and Nana have a cute past. Just saaaayin'.

why can't we be friends? why can't we be friends?

friends - 

  • 1. Park Jurin
  • 2. No Minwoo
  • 3. Lee Taemin

their personalities -

  • 1. Park Jurin | She is always going to be a sweetheart. She is a very nerdy girl, who wears glasses and has a giant school bag. She wears her skirt below her kees and is as fat as Nana was. Although, Jurin has no interest in losing weight. She's happy being chubby and having Nana and Minwoo as her only friends. Even though people say she's a , Jurin believes she has a soft side.
  • 2. No Minwoo | Minwoo is a cute boy. He's happy and always jumping up and down. Although he's a nerd too, Nana hangs around him. She likes to sit with the misfits. Minwoo's bestfriends with Jurin and Nana, and actually has a crush on Jurin. Nana tries to help him become a cooler guy, to be most handsome, even though he sometimes embarrasses himself. Minwoo, unlike Jurin, is stick thin.
  • 3. Lee Taemin | See other love interest.

how did you meet them -

  • 1. Jurin & Minwoo | Nana knew Jurin and Minwoo since she first entered high school as Oh Nana. She found both of them being bullied by some snotty rich girls, calling them pathetic and ugly, and she knew she had to take a stand. Nana stood between the popular and the losers, her hands on her hips. The leader's name was Im Yoona, an incredibly beautiful girl. Though, not as beautiful as Nana. Yoona stuttered, her eyes wide. "N-Nana! The model?" she said, agape. Nana simply shrugged. "I prefer bagel girl. They call us hot bodies with baby faces. Now leave them alone, or I'll crush your plastic nose in half, understand?" she said sweetly. Yoona and her gang immediately recoiled, leaving Nana with Minwoo and Jurin, the two she decided would be her new bestfriends.
  • 2. Lee Taemin | Taemin and Nana met when he accidentally spilled food on her uniform, making her extremely upset. Rather than apologising like any other student, he smiled, giving her an eyesmile. "You smell nice with the food on you!" he said, cheekily. Nana grumbled to herself, running off to the toilet to try and wash it off her skirt. Taemin felt bad, and immediately grabbed her wrist. "I'm sorry. Here, you can have my pants!" And so, they swapped uniform for the whole day, Nana rocking her new scored pants, and Taemin in a skirt covered in kimchi.


rivals  -

  • Jung Eunmi - When Haneul was fat, Jung Eunmi would bully her the most. She embarrassed her in front of everyone in school, called her names and hit her. Nana hated Eunmi more than anyone. But now that she's on top as Nana, the school's Queenka, Eunmi always tries to up to her. She copies Nana's clothes and fashion, and gives her her food ready to go. She serves her every command without a word, hoping to become her new BFF. Nana dismisses her though, annoyed by the thought of her presence.


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