I really like you..

First love... greatest crush.. call it what you want but both just as painful. Why is that First love and greatest crush always turn out to be unrequited? Is it because it prepares you for more heart breaks that will come your way? Why is it that even though its over, I still hang on the smallest memory of you. Some call it pathetic and in fact I agree. Secretly I knew deep inside, my heart has space just for you.. Without realizing I became aware of your existience. From the darkness and shine of your hair even to your habit of rubbing your neck when you get nervous.."when you are with some you love, your heart skips a beat and the world is in slow motion"... it might seem exaggerated...but it happens.. I'm not perfect nor close to it so I get very nervous.. its not like we haven't talked before.. Why is it that the memories we created when we were young, those little treasures of mine mean nothing to you? Sadly unlike the fairy tales, fanfictions and mangas, not all feelings are returned. I've been accustomed to your back figure always looking at someone else.. but maybe just onces can't you turn my way? Again.. is it only me who valued those memories? Although we became strangers... will my feelings ever reach you? The more I deny these feelings the greater they become. Therefore I'll stop running away... I really like you.


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