Aimashou / tilda / 7-10

“Your appearance influences your life, because it effects how people treat you. Sometimes you don’t have to be king to be treated like royalty—you only have to look like the king.”   Jarod Kintz

Face claim: alice / hello venus
Back-up: han groo / actress
Height, weight: 50 kg + 173.5 cm
Appearance: Haeryu was always a very tall girl, even taller than her sister who is ten years older than her. Though what makes her tall are her long slim legs. Along with having slim legs, Haeryu has a slimmed face that was rid of any baby fat from her younger years. She naturally had black hair, but dyed it later on to a nice brown colour. Haeryu's eyes are a shade of dark brown.
Style: You would think that a fashion designer would wear their own designs and flaunt their clothes, as if they were promoting, but that's the opposite of Haeryu. She prefers to wear comfortable everyday clothes. If she didn't have such a recognisable face, Haeryu could pass off as an everyday person.  

layout © cerulean tm
homenum revelio
"human-presence-revealing spell"
"Each time you say hello to a stranger, your heart acknowledges over and over again that we are all family.” ―  Suzy Kassem

Name: Jung Haeryu
 Ryu; a shorter name that is easier to say; her relatives use it to annoy her
 Mother Jung; despite not being the oldest of her siblings, she is the most responsible and is mother-like to them; her siblings and Erin
 Giraffe; simply because Haeryu was tall when she was growing up and still technically is tall; her friends and family uses it
 President; a funnier way to say CEO. It reminds her of her school years, how she never actually got the title of president in the little clubs they made up. So once Haebyeol was employed, she brought the title 'President' into place as a joke ; her workmates and employees

DOB, Birthplace: December 19 1990, Jeju Island, South Korea
Hometown(s): Hongdae, South Korea (22 Years) + Kyoto, Japan (2 Years)
Ethnicity: Korean
 Korean; fluent; her native language
English; basic; to communicate with international fans

Japanese; semi-fluent; one of her favourite countries to visit as inspiration, she had lived there was a couple of years. 
specialis revelio
"Any man's life, told truly, is a novel” – Ernest Hemingway

Occupation: fashion designer / ceo of yak sok! [made-up fashion company]

Background: Haeryu was born in Jeju Island with her father and half-sister, Haebyeol. Her mother did not want Haeryu so she was eventually given to her father months later, since she was not capable of carrying a child alone and was not married. When Haeryu was two years old (technically one years old in international age system), she and her family moved to Hongdae. There, Haebyeol and Haeryu lived a fairly normal life. They attended school, joined school clubs and even dated during their high-school years. When Haeryu was eleven, her dad brought home a woman who had accused him of getting her pregnant. So they housed the woman for nine monthes until the child was born. The woman soon left him with the child, Bohee. After this, Haeryu's father promised not to date or impregnate women again to his daughters.

Haeryu first discovered her passion and talent for creating clothes in her middle year of high-school when she was in technology class. There, she had to create something of her liking and chose to create a dress. From there, Haeryu kept designing dresses and even making some of them in her past-time. By the age of nineteen, many of her works were told to be great and looked professional (told by her teachers and family). On her twentieth birthday, she opened a small clothing, named Yak Sok! and gained lots of recognistion but it was not a lot compared to big stores. Eventually the store became bigger and gained another floor to the business so it would not become more crowded and was renovated to become more modern. By the time Haeryu was twenty-two, the main store in Hongdae grew into a four storey store (the top levels were for workers only) and had two other stores in central Seoul and Busan. 

In the same year, Haeryu moved to Japan to expand her clothing line and to gain more inspiration. There, Yak Sok! gained a lot of fortune and recognition for it's simplistic and delicate clothing style. Haeryu made a big reputation for designing her dresses and casual wear. The in next two years, Haeryu returned to South Korea.

Positive: Responsible, innovative, well-mannered
Neutral: Determined, predictable, guileless
Negative: Realistic, gullible, sensitive

Haeryu is the epitome of a responsible young daughter that all parents want. She is responsible; always on time and doing jobs correctly. You name it and Haeryu can do it, only if it's reasonable of course. Haeryu is also innovative. She always introduces new ideas and ways to do things to her friends and family to try make things easier and simpler. Haeryu is also well-mannered and is down-to-earth.

Okay, let's be realistic; not everyone can be as perfect. Haeryu, in fact, can get a bit too realistic that she forgets that even the impossible can happen. Like how she couldn't predict that her fashion line was going to grow big since she had only started out in a small shop. Look where she is now. She can also be a bit gullible, and a bit too trusting towards others.

Behavior towards strangers:  Haeryu believes that if you want someone to get to know you better, you'd have to leave an impression. Though this doesn't mean flaunting, Haeryu sticks with her normal personality and is true to herself so no complications could be in the way of any future relationship. So it technically isn't her fault if someone dislikes her, it's just her personality.

— Haeryu has an unusual habit of blinking both of her eyes separately when trying to focus on something; the habit has stayed with her throughout all her life.
— Another habit of Haeryu is tapping her pencil on a surface of any kind.

 Innocence; her main inspiration for her designs, Haeryu likes to see the innocence in things before things turn out ugly.
 Apples; an apple a day, keeps the doctors away? Certainly for Haeryu. Haeryu loves apples and literally has apple scented candles and loves apple toffees. Anything apple can make Haeryu happy, surprisingly she hasn't done any apple designs yet...?
 Romcom Movies/Genre; this genre just makes Haeryu all squishy inside and all hyped up. There's no explanation, just watch a romcom movie instead.

 Avacadoes; Haeryu hates the taste of avacado. Truly, the fruit and even guacamole. 
 Untidiness; Everything has to be neat and organised for Haeryu, because she cannot function when it's messy. Maybe this is the reason why she joined Roommate.
 Alcahol; Coming from a non-alchoholic it pretty much makes sense. Simply the taste and what it does to the body makes Haeryu want to puke.

— Haeryu has a signature eyesmile 
— She named her fashion line Yak Sok! because it means promise; it is named after her father's promise because in between the lines of his promise to the girls he said the words innocence - which is one of the major factors of her fashion inspirations.
— Haeryu's only sns sites are twitter and instagram; though she has one twitter account and two instagrams; one personal account and one for Yak Sok!
  @juhryuys90 [twitter]     @jhryu90 [instagram]     @yaksokofficial [instagram]

— When Yak Sok! became big, Haeryu immediately hired Haebyeol and Erin as workers under her. Bohee could possibly become Haeryu's apprentice if she behaves.
— Yak Sok! is more popular in Japan than in South Korea.
— Haeryu is allergic to cats, which almost led her sister buying a hairless cat to .
— She hates having long nails, simply because her nails are easily breakable and chips
Haeryu prefers seeing others wear her designs rather than herself.
 She doesn't move in her sleep, so when Haeryu wakes up she'll get stiff bones.
 Haeryu and Haebyeol both attended Seoul High School while Bohee attends Sunhwa Arts School (and hoping to get a dance scholarship to SOPA)

protego horribilis
"Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore” ― Robin Hobb


Father • Jung Taekwoon • 57 • Retiree • Taekwoon is Haeryu's blood father. You can say that Taekwoon was quite a playboy and hence had three daughters with three different mothers. He treats all his daughters equally, each supporting the girls with ideas and adventures. • Although Taekwoon is proud that his daughter is getting more recognition publicly, he is quite disappointed and sad with her decision to join Roommate. It means spending less time with his daughter, but Haeryu specifically told him she would make up to him either during the program or afterwards. 

Half-sister • Jung Haebyeol • 30 • Hair Dresser • Haebyeol is Haeryu's older half-sister. They both have different mothers but are brought together by the same father. They often bicker, mostly about food or clothing styles. Nothing serious though, but Haebyeol is more of the mischievious sister rather than the responsible one, which Haeryu is. Haebyeol also works under Haeryu, as the hair-stylist when Yak Sok! is promoting their clothes in magazines or on their website.  • Haebyeol thinks it is a great opportunity for her to get more noticed and her company sponsored more. 

Half-sister • Jung Bohee • 14 • Student • Bohee always wants Haeryu's attention whenever they have time together. She's the one who always brags about being her sister, though no one believes her because of the . Haeryu treats Bohee like her own child; overfeeding her, making sure she grows up to be smart and kind and what not. • Bohee thinks it's really cool that she's finally being in the entertainment side of Korea. After all, Bohee might meet some of her idols.


BAE (Before Anyone Else) • Jessica Jung • 26 • CEO of Blanc & Eclare • Haeryu first met Jessica in 2014, when she wanted help to create her own fashion line. Haeryu was pleased that she did and became close friends with her. Though when Jessica left SNSD, Haeryu supported her thoroughly and was by her side a lot during the time. When Blanc and Eclare was established, Yak Sok! immediately became it's first affiliate. Jessica and Haeryu enjoy having lunch or coffee together and sharing ideas for each other's fashion line. In other words, they always support each other. 

BAE (Because Ahn Erin) • Erin Ahn • 21 • Make-up Artist • Haeryu first met Erin when Erin's family first moved to her neighbourhood in Hongdae. Haeryu was appointed as Erin's babysitter, since Erin's parents were often away from work. Ever since then, Haeryu and Erin became close. Even if Erin is annoying as hell, hence 'Because Ahn Erin'.

"Many relationships are give & take but the most successful ones are give & give.” ―  Mark Hewer

Who do you want to share the same roof with?: Lee Kwangsoo
(He'd be a good variety to the show + he's quite underrated.)

Have you met them before? If yes, please elaborate: No. 

More about this person: 

Name: Lee Kwangsoo

DOB: July 14th, 1985

Occupation: Actor

Personality: kind-hearted, quirky. hard-working, impulsive. 
Kwangsoo can be a bit childish and impulsive, often going his way to win something. With those traits, he is quirky; adding onto the fact that he's tall and lanky, definately giving off the vibe of a comedian. Though childish and impulsive, he does have good intentions. Kwangsoo is kind-hearted and loves to help others. When we have all those traits together, Kwangsoo adds up to be a hard-working soul who loves to do what he can do best; entertaining others and bringing a smile onto their faces.

First meeting on the show: Kwangsoo was one of the first people who was at the house first. When Haeryu arrived, he was quick to help her out with her luggage but as soon as he reached the front door, Haeryu's belongings tumbled down from Kwangsoo's arms. Haeryu was suspected by netizens of keeping a grudge for Kwangsoo since then. 

How’s your relationship with this person throughout the show?: Kwangsoo and Haeryu have a very complicated relationship on screen, yet offscreen they are a completely different story. On screen, the two bicker a lot. Whether it be the challenges that we set for them or even to what they were having for dinner, they'd fight like a married couple. Off-screen, they are good friends. The burden of being appealing for the public is gone. Truthfully, if Haeryu had to say what their relationship was, they would be like the brother she would never have.

Is it okay if I pair her/him up with someone else in the show?: Of course; because I didn't add Kwangsoo to become her love interest; just for variety reasons. 

Another suggestion; if you do pair Kwangsoo and Haeryu together, their ship name is Giraffe Couple.

“Each time we don't say what we wanna say, we're dying.”  ― Yoko Ono

Hello, please introduce yourself.
"Hello! I am the fashion designer, Jung Haeryu and I run the fashion line - Yak Sok!" Haeryu confidently states with her signature eyesmile

Where did you live, with who, and what’s your reason to join the show?
→ "I live by myself and live in Hongdae, though I did have a residence in Japan before. The reason that I've come to join the show..." Haeryu pauses and leans towards the camera, her hand cupping "I have run out of ideas. Mature fashion is in right now but that's not my style. So I thought, maybe living with others would benefit my designs. And to be honest, I need friends." Haeryu leans back and laughs

How is the situation in your current residence?
→ Haeryu tilts her head, trying to envision her residence "Usually it's quite tidy but now it's very messy and cramped. Lonely too, it's sad to live by yourself."

How are you feeling about living under the same roof with strangers?
→ "Hopefully, we won't be strangers for long because we'd have to live together!" Haeryu's eyes widened at a thought "I just wish everyone would get along though, afterall, not everyone does."

Who do you want to share the same roof with?
→ "Nana? I've watched the show before and met her a few times so I think it would be nice to have her around." Haeryu smiles.

What do you think is your role in the shared house?
→ "I am very good at cleaning!" Haeryu stops for a moment "Just not at my apartment at the moment."

expecto patronum
“You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon

Scene requests.
Haeryu draws designs based off the participants of Roommate
→ Picnic!
→ The car / van breaks down and everyone including the cameramen and staff has to wait for someone who can fix the car.

→ Nothing really.

→ omfg i can't write personalities, please spare my soul. also please tell me if anything is missing or wrong! 

→ Jackson and Youngji [ JACKJI ]


.F I N.


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