화양연화 Pt. 1 vs Pt. 2 | An Abundance of Feels | Fml

Okay, first, let me warn you.

I am not in a stable state right now, so this blog post is going to be long and contain so many feels it hurts. And, I wrote this as an outlet to get out my own feels. Just a heads up. ^~^)/

First off, I'll going to compare the two albums. Starting with the order of my favorites on each (excluding the skits).

Pt. 1
1. 이사 (Move on)
2. Outro: Love Is Not Over
3. 잡아죠 (Hold Me Tight)
4. I Need U
5. 쩔어 (Dope)
6. Intro: 화양연화
7. Converse High
8. 흥탄소년단 (Fun Boyz)

Pt. 2
1. 고엽
2. Outro: House of Cards
3. 뱁새
4. Whalien 52
5. Butterfly
6. Intro: Never Mind
7. Run
8. Ma City

To be honest, my ranking of Pt. 2 will definitely change over time, since the album just came out a few hours ago. Now, for Pt. 1, I didn't love every song right off the bat, and I still have a bit of a love-hate relationship with it. But, with Pt. 2, I immediately loved every song. It was crazy. There isn't a single one I could do without. And, I absolutely love the old school/rocker feel to some of the songs and it just gives me feels I don't think I've ever had over an entire album.  That being said, I'm also going to do a comparison between the individual tracks on each album (based on what makes more sense to compare).

Pt. 1 vs. Pt 2
1. 화양연화 vs. Never Mind

I like Never Mind better, hands down. But, I would like to say that I love Yoongi's versatility. He has such a broad range of flows and dynamics, it's so amazing.
The vibe for Never Mind just got me more hyped than Pt. 1, so it was easy to pick between the two. But, who am I kidding? Suga's rap kills me no matter what song.

2. I Need U vs. Run

In all honesty, this is a tie. I love both equally. I Need U is smoother on the ears and easy to listen to, but Run has just as big of an impact. And, like I said, rocker vibes. The beats between both... Just... ugh.

3. 잡아죠 vs. Butterfly

As of right now, I prefer Hold Me Tight, but I have the sinking feeling, the more I listen to Butterfly, the more it'll warm up on me. Both are so beautiful. And, my life.

4. Whalien 52 vs. Converse High

Whalien 52 gives me so many feels from the title and concept alone. If you don't know what it's about, look it up. The loneliest animal in the world. Oh my god.

5. 쩔어 vs. Ma City

This is actually hard. Both are really fun songs, and I love dancing to dope, and I feel like if I pick Ma City now it'll be from the new album hype. But, at the same time... Ma City is a song they talk about their hometowns. How could I not love it?! I mean D-Boy?! Busan!! And... Jimin's voice.... just... no... ugh. Yeah, I'll go with Ma City. 

6. 흥탄소년단 vs. 뱁새

뱁새 made me say 'oh my god' multiple times while listening to it. Like... oh my god. Also, Supreme Boi. 'nuff said.

7. 이사 vs. 고엽

This will kill me picking... I love 이사 so much... but 고엽... No, I refuse. It's a tie. It'll stay a tie. Nope.

8. Love is Not Over vs. House of Cards

Another one I can't choose between. So, I'll call it a tie and rant about it instead.

House of Cards. I am writing a story titled that. Yes, it was titled from the album, but this was from a couple of days ago before I even heard it. I just picked it because the title fit well enough and I liked it. But, then I saw the lyrics today and... holy . It fits my story so well. I knew there would be some link, given the title can't have a ton of meanings, but damn. It's on point. And, this was after I figured my out for the story. I was blown away. And just... T.T


And, finally, the music video.

I won't get into theories because that'll take too long and ugh. I can't. But...

Jimin and Hoseok. Why these two? Why the two that wreck me? Why Why WHY?! T.T


I need to stop. I'm even annoying myself with this blog, but I had to let them out somehow cause asdkfhlasdk.


I'm done.

Not good.

But, done.

What do you guys think about the new album?



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House of Cards gives me so many feels i don't know why
I'm not good. Done. Not good, but done.