my feelings came back.. //sighh//

Hey im back... sorry i deleted my previous blog about HIM... for those who dont know abt him, let me tell you.


Im his student, He is my teacher. I like him and our is so far apart.. im 16 and he is 29.... sad right? hmm...

I started to like him this year..i dont know how it happened. It just did!! Well,the first thing i like about him is his personality. He is a caring type of person. I still remember when i cried at school (mood swings..maybe?) , then, the 1st period was his period.. at that time he was teaching, then he glanced at me.. (my tears so obvious af) then he indirectly said "are you okay?" .. i didnt respond..haiiyaa

He is funny af. (well, sometimes..heheheheh)

His cologne smells good. Like you can smell it 3 metres away, (not joking, true af) . So addictive!! i certainly find it hard to resist a man with sublest scent of cologne ... O.O


"When somebody smells good, it automatically makes them more attractive" - Mysterious Facts


i tell you, he is not handsome. just average. but there's something that makes him special, i still cant figure ot out. (T.T) he is a religious type of person.. :D (just my type!! WHEEE!)


"There is something about you that makes my heart beat fasts" - CTTO


Jealousy strikes me when he was with another student.. erkk!! not long ago, a friend of mine told me that he has a girlfriend, i kept quiet. (only god knows what im feeling back then) yet, i dont believe her (:P) .. but surprisingly he never shows his girlfriend. Well, most of my friend thought he was single. ( i hope he is)

He likes BBT, he uploaded a pic of jim parsons, soon after i started to watch BBT.. (erk) I tend to follow him (not like stalker..erkk that is so creepy af) 

hopefully he is not being transferred to other school next year, i still got a year left!! T.T


"Infatuation is when you find somebody who is absolutely perfect. Love is when you realize that they aren't and it doesn't matter" - CTTO


I had a really weird dream last night, in my dream he was really tired after running, then he put his head on my lap, i began to fan him with my hand and caress his forehead.. O.O then i woke up. errkkkkk OMG WHAT WAS THAT??!!

i really hope this feeling is mutual.. but there is 0.01% chance for this to happen :'( 

OH YEAHH!! i almost forgot, two weeks ago, he picked 4 students to join a camp. then he picked two students from yr 9 plus me and my friend. not sure why he picked us tho.. then we go to the place where the event was held by his car.. since the back passenger only limited to 3 people, so one of us had to sit at the front.. i was planning to sit at the front but because of my shyness i let yr 9 student sit at the front.. (why did i do that?! hmmm)

fast foward!! after the game ended, i was all sweaty (erk) then i went back to the hall to finish the given crossword. then i asked him some of the crossword question, then he said "do you feel hot?" then he start fanning me with his hand. OMG SO SWEET LAH SIA!! 

HMMM.. WHAT IS LIFE? my feelings for him come and go.. why is that?







sorry for my bad english, (second language fyi) , i didnt check again for grammar mistakes.. sooo... bear with me xD 



byee.. thank you for spending you time to read my not-so-interesting-story .. help me? how to make this feelings go away..



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