I know I said I was gonna be gone but....roommate has forced me... Anywho....I tag any of y'all who read this. Bai.

A- Age: in high school. All you need to know at the moment.
B- Biggest Fear: how bout naw?
C- Current Time: 2:33 AM (though by the time I post this....ehhh?)
D- Drink you last had: FUSE Strawberry Ice Tea...and Pepsi combined...i know im weird stfu
E- Easiest Person To Talk to: ......I would say but....things are kind of tense between us now...
F- Favorite Movie: don't really watch any..
G- Grossest Memory: this one kid in my eighth grade ate a cockroach.... Hilarious but gross (and I got it on video)
H- Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
I- In love with: .....someone I can't have
J- Jealous Of: ....noon- WAIT I'm jealous of my friends in Korea...cuz they're there while I'm in fuking America
K- Killed Someone?: want to because they're a dickbag...but no.
L- Longest Relationship: haven't been in one.
M- Middle Name: I'd rather not.
N- Number of Siblings: None?
O- One Wish: To make up with my best friend...
P- Person who you last called: My roommate/best friend (not the one stated above)
Q- Question you're always asked: "Biual? Does that mean you like some K-Pop idol named BI?" (don't ask who. Just don't)
R- Reason to smile: .....how bout none...
S- Song last sang: Thinking Out Loud -Ed Sheeran. I actually posted this on my YT- WAIT NO I DIDNT
T- Time you woke up: I've been staying up for a while....so none? Plus I got bags for days.
U- Underwear Color: It was lavender before but now....?..none..?
V- Vacation Destination: My hometown or Jeju.
W- Worst Habit: Fighting...what kind? None of your business.
X- Xrays you've had: ankle, both wrists (wow I think that answers the one above), ribcage, spine, collarbone, ribcage again (but it's daily and only for my heart so I think that's an MRI???)
Y- Your favorite food: Beef bulgogi....or rice...
Z- Zodiac Sign: Leo..(wow answers a lot doesn't it)


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Is the E me? '-'
ooh~ tell me your fear~