Hello and thank you ♥

I've never used this before.. ahah.

But I really just wanted to take a moment and say thank you to everyone who's subscribed to me! I know I don't update much :( I'm usually busy with school and all that... but thank you all for being supportive and waiting patiently~ You probably forget about me, but that's okay! I'm happy that you clicked subscribe so that in the future, when I do post something, you'll remember me and come back to check out my new story. You guys are the best!

Also, if you've ever left me comments, just know that I really feel the love. Tbh, reading a comment from any of you makes my day and I'll smile about it for hours! I love knowing if you enjoyed my writing or even if you wish I would do something differently! Just that you took the time to write me something means the world to me. So thank you!


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