
I'm leaving Aff! Yaaaaaay! My writing might still be up (IDEK) but as far as any new writing goes, I'm not doing it anymore. Please continue to support "Ya Park Chanyeoool!" And HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE. I love you all 😊💖


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Ana, I sincerely hope you get back to writing once you feel fully with it. I understand if you want to take a break and, who knows, maybe it'll be long, short, or maybe eternal. I hope it isn't eternal, but that isn't my decision to handle for. You're an amazing person with so much potential, and I hope you haven't stopped believing that. And if you have, I hope this break does good to you and allows you to believe in yourself once again. Thank you for writing, honestly. It's because of you that I started writing, and I'd hate for the one person who believed in me to lose belief in themselves.
What? What about Covers though? Is it going to be discontinued?
Leaving? ;o