《失われた海》 : KAIKO & {KAU'I AND KANUNU}

《失われた海》 : Kaiko
age : 265 [ 27/28 ]
faceclaim : Nicolas brown (Gangsta)
Backup : worick arcangelo (gangsta)
hair & tail : Kaiko's hair is pure black in color and he prefers to keep it rather short (as seen in pictures/gifs). His tail is rather unique. Originally it was a gradient of light blue to dark blue at the fins but when his "little brother" was killed, colors of orange began appearing on his fins (including the ones on his back and arms) and again when the woman he loved died, his tail began to take on colors of purple. he continued to age because of the stress he put his body under.
appearance : kaiko is rather built, being one of the hunters of the pod. also he has quite a few scars, specifically a large one on his lower stomach and his fins are slightly ripped in places. Besides this, he has a shoulder to shoulder tribal tattoo
stylE : his hair is usually super messy because of the ocean currents which is why he keeps it short. as for accessories, kaiko has a necklace made of a shark eye shell that keao gave him and he has an earring in his right ear that is made from a beach agate that his little brother had the matching one. once he died, kaiko took his earring and put it in his left ear. 
protective as a seahorse
personality traits :
( + ) : protective, kind, strong 
( - ) : stubborn, closed off, menacing 
( ? ) : sarcastic, blunt
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description : 
(+) : Kaiko's protective nature wasn't something he was born with, in fact, he used to be a pretty big coward. however, when he met kanuha and keao, his demeanor changed. he became very protective of the people closest to him. he would do anything for the people he loves but when they were gone, he shifted his protective nature to the pod. If he couldn't protect his little brother and the girl he loved, at least he could protect the people who were somewhat of his family. he is skilled in underwater combat but only uses it to protect the pod or his companion animals.
(+) : despite his rather gruff nature and outward appearance, kaiko is extremely kind, especially to the younger members of the pod. though he doesn't speak much, he takes care of the younger members in order to somewhat replace his little brother. he acts as an older brother figure, going to find them if they are lost from the pod, intervening in the middle of small fights, protecting them from outside threats. he also "listens" to problems that other people have but he doesn't really give any advice because he doesn't really consider himself to be good at it. he'd like to believe that just "listening" can help them feel better.
(+) : kaiko is strong, both physically and mentally. he is emotionally strong but that came through hard work and getting himself through the deaths of kanuha and keao. he is physically strong as he as trained himself since he was younger in order to become stronger. he was teased as a child and was determined to be able to show them he could be strong. he is mentally sharp, not intelligent per se, but mentally strong. he knows the ins and outs of the ocean and the life it holds and he has learned all he can bout the newcomers to the island.
(-) : if you look up stubborn in the dictionary, it would probably have a picture of kaiko next to it. he is one of the most stubborn mermen in the pod and he is pretty proud of that fact. it may not present itself when you first meet him but over time, one begins to realize just how stubborn he is, especially about trying to talk to the people destroying the island or the fishermen that aren't supposed to fish in the deeper waters. he has his beliefs on things and sticks to them, no matter how people try to change his mind. he can be a huge turn off when people try to convince him otherwise.
(-) : though he may enjoy helping other people with their problems, kaiko himself is extremely closed off. he doesn't talk to anyone about his past and becomes defensive if people ask about it. he helps other people because he understands the pain of losing people you love but he has taken on so much of the pain himself from his past that he has completely shielded that part of himself from anyone. This makes him extremely hard to approach even for people that know why he is like this.
(-) : As you might be able to tell from his demeanor, he doesn't give off the most pleasant of vibes. he portrays and aura of, for lack of a better word, evil or malicious even though he isn't really. He only truly taps into those emotions when he is in battle or protecting someone that requires him to use all of his strength. his scars and general stoic nature don't help in deterring the idea that he is a bad guy from others. kids however seem to see right past that and love to mess around with him.
(?) : kaiko is a sarcastic little . it isn't really a good thing or a bad thing because most people understand when he is being sarcastic. he starting acting like this when he was little and people would treat him differently because of his hearing problem. his sarcasm is a way of letting people know he can handle himself just fine and he can be just as snarky as they are. he also uses it to let them know he can hear them talking behind his back.
(?) : because of how his personality is, kaiko tends to be slightly socially awkard. this presents itself best in how blunt he is when talking to people. he never really got used to talking to people when he was younger because they tended to treat him like there was something majorly wrong with him because he had a hard time hearing. he tells it like it is and that can come across rather harshly at times. he is also pretty much honest to a fault which doesn't help his case.
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background : kaiko was born to unknown parents in the pod. he never knew them as they were killed in a fishing accident when he was very small, the same accident cost him most of his hearing in his right ear. around the time his parents were killed, a hunter in the pod found him and brought him back, raising him as his own son and giving him the name he has now. as a child, kaiko was well loved by his foster father but he never quite connected properly, always going off and doing things by himself. as such, he grew up a rather solitary child who didn't have too many friends. sure, he had people that would ask him to hang out and he would do so occasionally but he didn't really consider anyone his friend. he was afraid that they would leave another hole in his heart like the one that the parents he never knew left and so he never got too close to people. he did, however, want to follow in his father's "footsteps" and become and hunter and protector of the pod, even though they may not understand why. he didn't want any of the other children in the pod to end up like him. as he came into his teenage years (merman teenage years so a little less than 100 years old), his foster father died of natural causes. kaiko took up his place in the pod's hunters and protectors and proved himself to the pod through this. he is one of the most trusted in the group because of the skills he learned from his father which is why it came as no surprise when he came home from a scout with a young merman one day. 
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kanuha (pictured above) was a young merman with light brown hair and an orange tail who had gone through a similar situation with his parents as kaiko had, though they had been killed in a shark attack rather than a fishing incident. kanuha was very skeptical of everyone at first, even going as far as to lash out at kaiko on occasion. after a few years, however, kanuha began to grow attached to kaiko and even asked if he could be trained to be a protector like kaiko was. he was the first person that kaiko truly opened up to and made an integral part of his life after his father passed, even moreso than his father. around this time is when kaiko met keao, another member of the pod and also a loner like him. they had known each other but never really communicated. the three of them became a very unlikely trio and kaiko was happier than he ever had been, smiling more and starting to open up to people about himself.

then the fishing accident happened. kanuha had gone off on his own, chasing a few fish into the reef just messing around. unlike when he first came to the pod, he was much happier and carefree. but it was this time, when kaiko couldn't protect him, that he was mortally wounded by a harpoon from a fishing boat. the fishermen knew they weren't supposed to be out that far into the merpeople's territory but these fishermen had no regard for the rules. they left kanuha to die when they realized what had happened and kaiko only managed to get there in time to say goodbye. he blames himself a lot for what happened but this also started his hatred for those fishermen that didn't respect the rules and boundaries. while he was coping, he more than once attacked boats that were coming too close to the place that kanuha was killed. though he never killed anyone, he has injured multiple people in his anger. around this time is when kanunu attached himself to kaiko.

keao was the only person he talked to after this. she was, after all, the girl he was in love with and the only one who knew the depth of his relationship with kanuha. she helped him to control his feelings and accept what had happened to kanuha and he loved her more for that. when the new industries moved onto the island, somethings started to change. at first it was subtle, keao just had a cough and couldn't go near the island much. after awhile, however, kaiko started to noticed that it was something more. keao had gotten ill from the pollution that was being filtered into the ocean around the spot they would always be at. the healers of the pod tried to save her but with the amount she had inhaled and had entered through her skin, she was beyond saving. he spent her last days never leaving her side and doing everything he could to make her feel comfortable. the first and last time he told her he loved her was the day she died.

after losing the only two people in the ocean he cared about, kaiko became extremely reckless. he kept to his duties protecting the pod but he adopted a mentality that it didn't matter whether he lived or died. he was tired of everything being taken from him, everyone leaving him alone. when he was coming back from a scout, he noticed that he had two pilot fish following him now instead of one. kanunu and kau'i have been with him ever since this day, trying to make him less reckless and to think more about himself than his past. kaiko was still reckless but he also became a little more like his old self, still menacing and stubborn as always.
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lifestyle : most days, kaiko keeps to himself, swimming alone and making rounds on the territory of the pod, looking for any potential threats. he never goes near the shore UNLESS there is a huge threat to the pod. his pilot fish follow him wherever he goes and try to cheer him up and get him back to how he was when kanuha and keao were alive. he refuses to go to the places where the two of them died. mostly he pours his time into focusing on protecting the members of the pod, even though he isn't as close to them as he could be.
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trivia : 
- Name meanings: kaiko (sea with strong currents), kanuha (one who sulks), kau'i (the beauty), kanunu (the strong one), keao (the light of day) [all are hawaiian in origin]
- though kanunu and kau'i are his spirit and companion animals, it appears to outsiders that he could care less about them even though he would die to protect them
- kaiko believes that kanunu and kau'i are reincarnations of keao and kanuha
- he hates sharks because of what happened to kanuha's parents
- he can't stand humans, some of which he hates, others he doesn't hate personally but he can't stand the race because they took everything he loved from him.
- even though he doesn't seem like the friendliest of people, if he is around the pod, there are usually small children around him asking to play
- he has learned to live only using the hearing from one ear so he heavily relies on his eyesight and general instinct
- his favorite weapon is a katana that he built especially for use underwater
- he has no interest in love after keao passed away
- he can be extremely childish in rare moments, especially when he is playing with children and their parents come and pull them away. he's stuck his tongue out more than once
- he doesn't know if he will ever truly smile again 
- he has a hard time sleeping because he is plagued with nightmares of kanuha dying.
creatures of the sea
animal : two pilot fish [kau'i and kanunu]  
backup : two angel fish
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personality : these two are very similar yet extremely different. their similarities revolve around kaiko. they are both very protective of him and worry a lot over him. they chastise him a lot for being reckless and kaiko considers them to be much like older siblings or parents in that sense. the two of them never leave his side and are always there with him because they are afraid that if he is left alone he will do something to hurt himself.

kanunu appeared first, just after kanuha was killed. he is the more fiesty and childish of the two. kau'i frequently gets angry at him for goading kaiko into dangerous situations. kanunu often teams up with kaiko against kau'i when she is being too motherly. 

kau'i appeared just after keao died and immediately took the role of the responsible one of the three. she's the one that tries to knock some sense into both of the boys and she usually wins, though if they gang up against her she has a harder time. 

history : the nature of their appearance is very odd. it is almost as if the ocean felt kaiko's loss and tried to send him some sort of replacement to fill the hole. the two of them appeared after the deaths of kanuha and keao respectively. there wasn't any warning, they just appeared and began following kaiko wherever he went, never leaving his side. 

interaction : kanunu and kau'i are with kaiko 24/7, never leaving his side even when he is asleep. they are more support animals than hunters with him. when he is injured, they clean up his wound before it gets really bad. kaiko protects them from all manner of predator. the relationship is more one of sibling-like protectivenes
love happens
love interest : keao [kanoe yuuko (dusk maiden of amnesia)].
backup : fc only : revy (black lagoon)
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personality : keao was a mermaid who was very blunt and sarcastic and knew how to use her beauty to her advantage. she was not mean spirited unless it came to people hurting kaiko or kanuha. because of her general outward nature, people tended to be a bit put off from her and stayed away. however, keao was actually a very happy and shy girl who lived a sheltered life when she was young and therefore didn't know quite how to interact with people when she got out from under her parents' wings. she can be childishly excited when experiencing new things as well as mature and motherly, especially when it comes to small children.
background : keao grew up in a family of two loving parents. however, she was born with weak lungs and when she was little, she had an episode that caused her tail to turn purple from lack of oxygen which is how it remained for the rest of her life. because of this, her parents tried to protect her from keeping her away from everyone and sheltering her beyond belief. when she was a teenager, she finally convined them to let her venture out a little bit during the day so that she wasn't totally cut off from the world she lived in. 

meeting : kaiko and keao met one day when kanuha was sulking and trying to get away from kaiko and accidentally ran into keao. of course, seeing as kanuha was barely beginning to trust kaiko, he didn't know what to make of keao. when kaiko came up to get him back, keao introduced herself and the two boys were immediately taken with her sarcastic nature. almost immediately the three of them became a trio and keao followed them to their daily sparring practice. 

interactions : from the moment they met, keao, kaiko and kanuha were always together. her parents didn't approve at all of her being with the two of them because of how dangerous they appeared to be but keao would always go and hang out with them. most of their early interactions were kaiko helping both kanuha and keao explore the world and take them on adventures. they started growing closer and keao was his main support when kanuha was killed and tried to bring him back from that darkness. he got a little better over time but when she started to get sick, he was by her side more than ever, even sneaking over to where she lived to spend time with her. neither of them were ever very forward about their feelings and used the communication of sarcasm and blunt speech to attempt to get their feelings across.

status : they started off as friends and when kanuha was killed it turned into more of a relationship of best friends/not quite lovers. neither of them spoke their true feelings until the day keao died. 

the end : keao died from complications between the pollution from the new people on the island and her weak lungs. kaiko and her confessed their feelings on the day she died so nothing ever came of it. her parents blame kaiko for her death because he was the one who introduced her to the world around her.
back to the sea
scene suggestions :
- small children in the pod coming over to kaiko and begging him to play with them
- kaiko protecting other members of the pod even though they don't really know him (i.e. other chosen characters)
- keao helping kaiko get through kanuha's death
- kaiko getting protective of the mermaids that are becoming involved with human men because he doesn't trust them
- anything to do with kaiko's differing opinions on humans
comments : i totally went overboard with the background but once i started writing i couldn't stop hahaha i hope that's okay. i'm so so sorry this took so long but i finally got everything done
password : earworm fo sho
wishiwasazn // ash // 3-4/5


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