American Rights

So...I know I may be quite radical but for those who have heard of SOPA and PIPA, I'm sure you may feel equally angered by the bills, and I highly suggest you sign the google petition. Now, honestly the thing that hurt me the most were the following.

Before I really got into KPop or any internet site, do you know what kind of lifestyle I was living? I studied. All I would do was homework and studying as well as some light reading because honestly I had nothing to distract myself with. It wasn't very fun, and after I started getting into KPop and stuff I've had the time of my life. It's been so fun, and I never want it to end. To think that it could end with these bills crushed me.

If this gets passed I will once again, spend my time studying day and night. I'd probably go back to my old lifestyle, and my creative juices would be so restricted.

On AFF...I opened up. As I may have said before, I'm an awkward child. I'm overly polite, can't start conversations, at talking to strangers, and can't get over my shyness, but on AFF I felt as though I was at home. Now, I've even started to open up outside of AFF and to have this part of me stolen away would be like a slap across the face.

So why, might you say, is this such a horrid bill that one should fear? Not only is it going to have grave effects on daily internet users, but it is also in violation of our Constitutional rights.

Has the Bill of Rights not stated our right to freedom of speech enough? How many rulings have these amendments overturned? Now would a democracy really support a bill like this? I feel that this is the real question.


If you haven't already, please sign this petition. It'd mean the world to me and so many others. Don't let your rights be taken away. Fight and stand your ground.


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THis website is the only reason why I'm so happy nowadays.
Honestly, I'm very scared T.T
I signed it a few times with different emails. I think I'm gonna sign it some more times with made up emails!! I don't know how I would live without all these sites, and I need Google to study, too.
already signed it and i feel the same way!!
i cant live my life without ppl in my fandom and not updated on kpop..without it we wouldnt be who we are today
i signed the petition earlier. i think i really would jump off a bridge if the bill is passed. my life would end because i would no longer be able to enjoy Kpop to its full potential, and that would completely and utterly destroy me. i'd be so depressed, i'd purposefully fail school because of my lack of Kpop, AFF, Tumblr, etc.
because of my freedom on the internet, i got to know great people here on AFF through our common liking: K pop.
and because of that, i made pretty close friends, like you. so if the bill is passed, it would be worse than a slap across the face. i'd be like the living dead, with absolutely no motivation.
If I had no internet, my life will never used to be the same, i'll be depressed.
predictator #7
/thumbs up.
ssweetdreamer101 #8
done done and done a bizillion years ago! I know how you feel!