Your feelings are valid.

From someone who's dealt with depression for a while, I will tell you that your emotions matter. Don't ever let anyone tell you that your feelings are invalid, or that "you're just going through a phase." People assume that because you're smiling on the surface, you're not crumbling beneath your skin. Everyone treats it as if it isn't a serious issue and no amount of pills can completely negate the effects. Depression isn't a joke. It isn't a phase, and isn't something that you can just brush off within a matter of days. Oftentimes, it strikes without warning. When you think you're getting better, it's actually getting worse. If anyone ever tries to make you feel as if you're overreacting or seeking attention, screw them. Know that, regardless of the kind of relationship I have with you, I am always willing to listen if you need someone to talk to. 


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