My favorite games :3 (except ZELDA)

Here is some of my favorite games in no spesific order (just the first), and I'd really like to know if there is more people who like them to out there :3

I feel the need to spazz about their awesomeness!

My favorite games: (All of them are for nintendo ds)



Hotel Dusk: Room 215  AND Last window: Secret of Cape West.


I can not describe how much I love these 2 games, they are just AMAZING in every way.

Never before have I found a game where every single character is fully developed and brings their own unique color into the game which makes it so fun and exciting to play. This game isn't for you if you can't stand reading, It has a LOT of text, because skipping it would ruin the game. But why would you when each line is freaking genius.

Set in 1979 you play Kyle Hyde who used to be a cop before he shot his partner Brad when he betrayed him. Now you work as a door to door salesman. And I have to tell you, he couldn't have found a job that fit him less. A cactus has more social skills then him. But that's what makes him so cool, he is sarcastic and mean, and doesn't care too much about others feelings or how they see him. I guess I forgot to mention your little side job, you find things that doesn't want to be found. One day you are sent out on a mission to find something on a small hotel called Hotel Dusk.

Easy right? Well no. Not only do you have to sneak around and search without the slightly paranoid owner of the hotel find out. You also have to deal with the other guests at the hotel, who for some reason gets the strange urge to spill all their darkest secrets to you and leave it up to you to fix the mess. Who do they think you are, Doctor Phil?

Listen to them well and you'll find what your searching for. Maybe even the answer to the question that have haunted you the last couple of years; What happened to Brad?

Last window is the sequel, set one year after hotel dusk.

Side note: If Kyle asked me to marry him I'd say yes in a second. I love him so much, if he was real I might even love him more then Yoochun *gasps from the imaginary audience*




2: Another Code/Trace Memory

By the same company as Hotel dusk.

Trailer (I only found one in japanese, sorry)

You play a 15 year old Ashely who lives with her aunth after her parents where killed. Or at least that's what she thought. Close to her 15 year old birthday she gets an letter from her dad, asking her to meet him on a island you've never even heard about before. He'll explain everything once they meet.

You travel to that island together with your aunth, only to find out 2 things. 1. Your dad is not there waiting for you. 2. Never let your aunth go searching for him alone, she'll go missing. So of course you do the only thing you can do, you decided to explore the island yourself and find your family. (because that stupid captein of the ship refuses to take you back T_T). You are now all alone in a creepy island, with no other people in sight. Actually, it kind of looks like there hasn't been anyone around for at least 50 years.

Well, you are not entirely alone. You meet a pretty cute guy around your age who offers to show you around and help you with your puzzles.

Too bad he died 70 years ago.

I bought this game used online after reading the summary, and boy did it not dissapoint! The story is extremly moving and my heart ache for all parts involved, even the bad guys. The gameplay itself is also smooth, and the graphics are stunning.





3: The Professor Layton Series. (I've only played one so far)

Trailer to Pandora's Box:


The story: Professor layton's good friend and mentor is murdered, only leaving papers about finding the pandora's box behind, a box said to kill who ever opens it. But the box is nowhere to be found! Professor layton and his apperantice Luke decides to find out the truth, and begins traveling the route his good friend had planned for himself. Along the way they face nerve wrecking puzzles, and equally frustrating people. (watch the trailer, it explaines it so much better then me)

Ever felt the strange need to run around in a world where everyone is obessed with brain workouts and puzzles? Well here's the game for you! Sad? A puzzle will cheer you up! Happy? Let's do a puzzle! Angry? Get your anger out on a puzzle. Don't care? We do, so do the damn puzzle!

Okay so there is more to the games then just puzzles. I have only played pandora's box so I can only talk from about experience of that one, but damn this game is brilliant! The puzzles and Mind twisters are fun and tricky, a good mix of old clasics and new.

Professor Layton wins me over with his charm and gentleman behaviour, and his little "apprentice" luke is so cute! I was really shocked how complex the story was, I honestly expected it to be far less deep. It really challenges you to think outside of the box. I concider myself as a pretty good "detective", but when it all came clear my jaw dropped to the floor, I did not see that one comming.

There a quite of few puzzles you can't skip, but most you can skip most of them if they are to difficult. But what's the point of that? Beside, "A true gentleman leaves no puzzle unsolved".




(sorry about my spelling mistakes, I got really tired while writing this, and I just don't have the energy to correct it right now, it's been a loong day.)


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