65 Questions (it's stolen, do I get charged for this or? loljk)

  1) What is your name?

  1. Danielle Ross

    2) What are your nicknames?

  2. Dani
  3. 3) When is your birthday?

  4. March 31, 1995

  5. 4) Where were you born?

  6. Secret.

  7. 5) What is your star sign?

  8. Aries

  9.  6) What is your occupation?
  10. College student on my last year already!

  11. 7) What colour is your hair?

  12. Natural black

  13. 8) What was the last thing you bought?

    A canvas, charcoal pencil, notebook and pens.

  14. 9) How long is your hair?

  15. Mid-length. It covers up until an inch below my chest I think.

  16. 10) What colour are your eyes?

  17. Dark brown.

  18. 11) What's your best feature?

  19. Eyes. I think. And long legs.

  20. 12) Do you have braces?

  21. Not anymore.

  22. 13) Do you have any piercings?

  23. Used to.

  24. 14) Do you have any tattoos?

  25. Nope but planning on getting one.

  26. 15) Do you have any pets?

  27. No. I'm allergic to animals with furs so that sums it all up to pretty much everything. But we're planning on getting a pug. I'll probably die but yeah...

  28. 16) Are you left handed or right handed?

  29. Right handed

  30. 17) Mac or PC?

  31. Mac.

  32. 18) iOS or Android?

  33. iOS

  34. 19) Dogs or cats?

  35. Dog. But having them will kill me lol

  36. 20) Who is your bestfriend?

  37. Two of the best who has known all my sides and witnessed more than half of my life is Yuchan & AiriLaile (they're authors here, too!) we go a loooong way back. We have like a bunch of sleepovers and we tell each other stories that we plan to write, we have photoshoots sometimes (like the real deal with makeup and we get dressed up and I'm usually the photographer) and we go hangout and eat outside. Lol. Ok. Enough.

  38. 21) What was your first award?

  39. In kindergarten, I was awarded most-punctual.

  40. 22) What is your favourite sport?

  41. Just anything we're taught in P.E mostly. But I've been a part of our school's volleyball varsity team for like three years and had to quit because I was failing Math so badly.

  42. 23) When was your first real holiday?

  43. Are there like...fake holidays? I'm confused.

  44. 24) What was the last concert you went to?

  45. Ed Sheeran. He was very lovely.

  46. 25) What's your favourite movie?

  47. There's a loooong list of my favorite movies. I like romantic-comedies a lot or tragic lovestories. I'm into a lot of Nicholas Sparks' movies, that's for sure.

  48. 26) What's your favourite TV Show?

  49. America's Next Top Model because I like how the show goes on. I'm pretty sure I could pick something else but that's what popped into mind first.

  50. 27) What's your favourite colour?

  51. Blue. Black. White.

  52. 28) What's your favourite song?

  53. Sweet Child O'mine by Guns N Roses. Yup.

  54. 29) What's your favourite restaurant?

  55. There's just so many because I don't cook at all.

  56. 30) What's your favourite shop?

  57. Forever 21

  58. 31) What's your favourite book?

  59. As of now it's Everyday by David Levithan but before that it was All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. They're good reads. Ha.

  60. 32) What's your favourite magazine?

    Vogue. I don't own one but...yeah. I've seen them online.

  61. 33) What's your favourite pair of shoes?

  62. Chuck Taylors. Anything from Converse or a comfy pair of flats.

  63. 34) What's your favourite season?

  64. Winter.

  65. 35) What's your favourite quote?

  66. Never settle for less, dream big.

  67. 36) How are you currently feeling?

  68. Bored, actually. I've just updated another chapter so now I don't know what to do with my life.

  69. 37) Who was the last person you messaged?

  70. My never-calm thesis partner. She already texted back but I'm just never in the mood to talk to her. She's just going to pour like a whole tank of pressure on me about the paper so yeah...no thank you.

  71. 38) Are you single or taken?

  72. Single af

  73. 39) What are you currently eating?

  74. I just had ramen. The maid just took it away from me ;-;

  75. 40) What are you currently listening to?

  76. Before this I was listening to One Ok Rock. Love them.

  77. 41) What are you currently thinking about?

  78. Will someone actually read this?

  79. 42) What are you currently watching?

  80. Nothing. I'm answering this.

  81. 43) What are you currently wearing?

  82. Umm a green sweater, plaid shorts

  83. 44) Do you want children one day?

  84. Probably.

  85. 45) Do you want to be married one day?

  86. Hmm.. yeah I guess.

  87. 46) Where do you want to live?

  88. New York or LA is the dream. But Seoul is fine. I think I'm going to love it anywhere other than my country lol

  89. 47) Do you believe in god?

  90. Yes.

  91. 48) Do you believe in miracles?

  92. Like if someone was very sick to the point of death and was healed, yes. I've seen stories about it. I do believe in it.

  93. 49) Do you believe in love at first sight?

    I used to. But then I figured, you can like someone from afar for some reason but maybe not really love them unless you get to know them first. But that's just my opinion. I don't want to burst anyone's bubble about it. Love is a beautiful thing (until someone decides to be an in the relationship lmao)

  94. 50) Do you believe in ghosts?

  95. I kinda do but I kinda don't. Confusing.

  96. 51) Do you believe in Aliens?

  97. Nope.

  98. 52) Do you believe in Soul mates?

  99. Yeah... sort of.

  100. 53) Do you believe in Heaven or hell?

  101. Both. But I believe more in Heaven of course.

  102. 54) Do you believe in kissing on the first date?

  103. It's okay I guess?

  104. 55) Do you believe in yourself?

  105. Some aspects, yeah. But not most of the time. I tend to see myself poorly in like...certain situations.

  106. 56) Do you sing in the shower?

  107. I do. I dance too. Like a full blast Beyonce concert happening inside and NO. ONE. CAN. STOP. ME.

  108. 57) When did you last laugh and what was it at?

  109. Earlier I watched an interview of ______ on youtube and it was funny as hell.

  110. 58) Where was the last place you traveled?

  111. Kitchen. Loljk I've never gone out of the country.

  112. 59) Would you go skydiving?

  113. Yeah but I want to do it with my best friends

  114. 60) If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?

    Of course I'll go to Japan, SouKor, Shanghai, Beijing and then Europe and then New York, Los Angeles and more.

  115. 61) If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?

  116. I'll probably have my personal music studio built and whatever is left of my money will be sent to Pencils of Promise for kids.

  117. 62) Can you whistle?

  118. Yeah but I can't follow like a song. I just whistle.

  119. 63) Can you speak another language?

  120. English and basic korean and japanese

  121. 64) What's most important in your life?

  122. Family, success and music

  123. 65) Have you ever had surgery?

  124. Nope. I'm terrified of it.


    So yeah, I just stole these questions from this blog roll or list or whatever you call it. I hope no one's mad or anything. If you ever read this, thanks! You actually made it! I hope others would try this too. It's actually really fun. It's like a silent interview. Lol. x



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