an update on my personal life

since literally no one asked, here's some updates on what's going on with me


First of all, I'm a section editor for my school's newspaper which is super fun, but also so super stressful. I'm doing so much stuff while running around trying to organize other people. I'm just happy cause it's great experience for what I want to do with my life.


I've applied to my first two colleges which is scary because I won't hear anything until like february. I'm just sitting on pins and needles I'm so worried I won't get accepted anywhere.


I hurt my wrist and I have no clue how. It's been like two and a half weeks and it still totally hurts.


*kinda gross so beware* I donated blood yesterday, but the lady putting the needle in ed up and went through my vein so it super hurts now.


I totally have a crush on this one kid in my class after seeing him in the musical. His voice is that of a literal angel.




Anyways...that's me! How have you guys been?


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You donated blood. That is awesome and a kind deed. ^_^ I hope that everything goes well for you
Awe- I hope everything goes well (The boy, your arm, the newspaper) and I can relate to the school situation. I just applied for high school and I won't know what I get into until March so it's very scary because of the anxiousness of everyone I know and the anticipation!