Seeing You (Being Me)

title: Seeing You (Being Me)
author: lolistar73 
ship(s): chen-centric +chen/suho
length: one-shot (9k~)
rating: nc-17
warnings: referenced ion, technical self-cest. Oral , , , Kink, Oppa-kink, .
summary: Jongdae makes money off of people thinking they’re ing popular idol Chen. Word eventually gets around to Chen that people have been banging ‘him’. He decides to go pay himself a visit.
andrea's note: I mean, every Jongdae stan needs to read this, and if you aren't Jongdae stanned, well, you should still read this. I was passing by because it's SuChen but then I went WOAH WTF IT'S CHENCEST!! because everybody likes watching their bias themselves. literally. also i kinda expected jongdae to top? but chen was really ing hot holy




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