2000+ Unique subscribers [HipHipHurrah!!]

;-; if you could each pay me a dollar I'd be rich, huh? lol jkjk

Thank you so much everyone :D 

In honor of eveyone who had read at least one of my BAP fics; I will write two special chapters for my most subscribed fanfics, 


(Slightly annoyed by the fact that they are both Daejae stories.
I should work harder with Banghim.
Slightly annoyed(?) with the massiveness of the Daejae ship)


Thank you for supporting me :) and BAP

We are BABY, Yessir!





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zZSleepyHead #2
Grats!! ^^ you totally deserve them subs!!! And LOLOLOL EMBRACE THE DAEJAE <333 I am so excited for the chapters!!! Especially the black current tea guy ^^ totally awesome. And I'm starting to think I'm werid that I comment on every blog post you post LOL heh :D