Hey YOU, help me PLEASE?

I don't know if anybody is gonna read this, so hey. It's been years since I've been writing. And I've been having trouble to write again. I felt pathetic yes I do. Maybe it was due to all the subscribers that I used to have in the past in my other accounts. They've been giving me the inspiration to write. Don't blame me, people just inspire me. I write because I feel excited reading my stories. Oh the feels. It's really hard to write one now. Maybe just maybe, I need to take things slow? Oh dang it, I regret deleting my all account = 3= Oh hell yes I'm pathetic, bish slap me please T_T

Things are hard since I've made a new account and I don't have any friends here. Almost all of my friends are inactive or have forgotten about me = 3= Well I couldn't blamed them since, I was the one who made the decisions to disappear. I . I know. Slap me again please. = o =

Uhmm, gosh I don't know what more to say. I'm just freaking frustrated right now. I mean I envy all the people who could write. Me? Damn it. I lost it. I felt clueless. I don't even know where to begin. Arghh just kill me T_________T



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indiankpopcrazygirl #1
well, I faced that problem for a while too, but not because of subscribers but because i got so busy, i lost interest in writing for a long time, which is insane because i've been writing since i was eight years old but yeah, i found inspiration again through a different genre. So yeah, for a while try a different genre, watch a new drama or anime, you'll get ideas really fast. I mean, I'm writing anime fanfics and kpop fanfucs like no one's business now....hehe....secretly advertising japanese anime here as well. But yeah, try something new, make a project for yourself, set deadlines, get proofreaders, ask advice, it always helps.
*very very very lightly slaps you*
I know what you mean about the subs thing. If your story is popular and you get comments its encouraging and feels more fulfilling. I have storylines I love but I don't feel determined to write since they aren't read much no matter how much effort I put in... it's a pity but yeah :/ just try write something for yourself rather than others I guess