How Can I Help?

As a lot of you know, I am from and currently reside in the UK. And this issue with Congress passing laws that will restrict sites such as AFF - I oppose this bill but the only problem is; I can't sign the petition because I don't live in the US.

I'm just here to say, though, to do my bit; anyone who is in the US, please sign the petition. All you have to do is click this link and put in your name, email and postal code (I suppose, just to make sure you live in the US).

Please do what you can to stop this bill! :3


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are they only banning it in the UK ; or will it be nation wise? I live in the US & I`m more than happy to help ; I just need to know a little bit more of the info . !
PM me please (:
kKpaperplane #2
I know what you mean....... I live in the UK too!
I am outside US too

and I love it here, can't do without it
You can call or email US representatives