I am...

I am one of many lives you destroyed
Battered, torn, broken, forgotten

I am the bullet that pierced your heart
Ceasing it’s beating to save more victims

I am the wetness of the blood that leaked
From your corpse cold on the ground

I am the fly that rests in your wounds
As your body rots to feed my hatch-lings

I am the lies your eulogy tells
To comfort those who mourn the man they never knew

I am the earth six feet above you
With one you will slowly become

I am the clumps of skin that wears away
Slipping off slowly from your grotesque form

I am the musk that arises from your remains
As the stench of decay becomes your essence

I am the reaper that snatches your soul
To the mouth of the damned river

I am the salt of your tears
As fear suggests the inevitable

I am the screams of other damned souls
That resonates as you approach your fate

I am the ferryman that quietly grins
As you are dragged to shore to face eternal damnation

And you…are simply ed

Minerva Belle
11 22 11

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