Well... My country...

Paris is being attacked... For the moment, 60 people have died. 


I don't want to live here anymore. Everything will all be "our" fault again. (My parents are Moroccan...) 


I just want to go back to Korea.


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well this is new .. they may hate arabs and muslims but not Tunisians Algerians and Moroccans ..
NA are westerners in behaviour ..
Oh, Jesus. May God protect you and your family!
Please be safe, the world has lost too many innocent people already #PrayForFrance
yesjams- #4
Is it weird that I didn't know about that even though I live in France? ._.
I just heard about that from my mom. My sister is visiting Germany, so I'm scared for her if she decides to visit Paris.
My brother in-law is also Morrocan, but he lives here in America.
Stay safe, that's pretty scary. ( ^. ^ )