Jung Ahnmun - Maj


❝Jung Ahn Mung ©

— (Maj) / basic info

Nickname(s) (Explains why or how he got his nickname): 
× Hulk - he's very strong
× Moody Maj - he's moody
× Scary Maj - he's scary 

Age (international age): 22

Birthday (month/day/year):  March 2, 1993

Birthplace + Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height (in cms & ft+inches): 182 cm & 6'0"

Weight (in kgs & lbs): 60kg & 132lbs

Languages (lang + fluency level + how/why they speak it | Unlimited but make sure it's legitimate):

× Korean - fluent
× English - basic / can understand it
× Chinese Mandarin, Cantonese, and Taiwanese - basic

Position: (insert plotline #2 Lead Vocalist, Rapper - and check out Ma Boo here)

Persona: The Neighborhood Guy

Talking Twin: Btob Hyungsik (singing

Personal Talents: playing instruments, electric guitar. cracking walnuts/food, fixing items


— face claim / (Jung Joonyoung)


Fashion sense: [1][2][3][4][5]

— appearance 

He usually keeps his hair long and black. He wears dark colored clothes that are sort of tight on him. 

— personality (as detail as you can, explain and list his five (min) positive & negative traits)

Postives: playful, caring, protective, lenient, talkative, sense of humor

Negatives: bold, violent/agressive, loud, overly protective, scary, shameless

Ahnmun is one of the few who's playful yet violent and agressive at the same time when need be. He's caring and protective of those around him, sometimes he becomes the worrywart.He's lenient so anyone can get anything pass him. He's talkative and has a good sense of humor. However he's also bold when the time comes to be. He's scary since he's strong and agressive. Ahnmun can be shameless.  


— background / history

Ahnmun started out as a backup dancer then follow through into debuting with a group. Since his childhood he has always enjoyed dancing and so his parents sent him to an art school where he learned how to dance, play instruments, sing, and even act. Ahnmun was a backup dancer for groups like Epik High, Shinee, BTS, and even Infinite before deciding to join their sunbaes Infinite at Woollim. Ahnmun decided to join Woollim after Infinite's Hoya, Woohyun, and Dongwoo helped him with some of his skills. 


— trainee life (five/two years)

Ahnmun is in the mist of finishing college and has been training for a while. Ahnmun got into the Kpop field five years before as the backup dancer, it was after three years that he became a trainee under a company. 


— relationships (family first then friends, role models, etc)

Jang Seunggyu | father | 50 | pilot | workaholic, rough | they're friendly with one another
Jang Nara | mother| 48 | small flower store owner | sweet, kind | closed with one another, Ahnmun is protective of his mom
Jang Ahnmin | older brother | 25 | front desk assistant | personality | good friends, they talk on a daily basis


friend | Hoya |goofy, like to pretend to hit each other
​friend | Dongwoo| friendly, Ahnmun like Dongwoo's welcoming personality


— likes + dislikes (10+ for each)
× spicy food
× bitter food 
× energy drinks
× working out
× sports
× games
× dancing, singing
× the beach
× the gym
× animals

× insects
× sweet food
× spiders
× writing (believe he has terrible handwriting)
× cooking
× cleaning
× any housework


— trivia / hobbies + habits (unlimited) 
× likes height, he enjoys looking down from a tall height
× boxing is a side hobby

— ideal type / love interest *optional*
as detail as you can, explains (or list) and tell me what is his ideal type is like? and who is his ideal type? have they met before? 


— scandals -here you are in charge-
Netizens claim Ahnmun isn't a good leader / you must list ONE


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