✕ 카이로스 : #알로 : LEAD VOCALS, DANCER



NAMEahn jihoon / 안지훈
⤵ arlo / 알로 / his foreign friends found it hard to pronounce his name so they had 'created' a new name for him, hence the name arlo. ever since he had gotten the name, he used it until he moved back to korea.
⤵ jezza / his friends in australia had always pronounced his name as 'jaehoon' and like every australian thing and person, they created the name 'jezza'. 
     saviour / known for breaking up fights and solving problems, jihoon ended up being called a saviour for that reason.
BIRTHPLACE & HOMETOWNsydney, australia + seoul, south korea (4 years)
NATIONALITYkorean - australian
⤵ korean / semi-fluent /  his parents often made him study the korean language since he was young since he was korean
     english / fluent /  jihoon has lived in australia for most of his life and obviously had to learn english, though he has a slight aussie accent now.


HEIGHT & WEIGHT177cm & 61kg (bmi of 19)
APPEARANCEjihoon is quite tall and looks lanky, but certainly isn't lanky. jihoon has a fit body, certainly due to the fact that he runs a lot. he doesn't really care for hairstyles at all, at the most, he'll just leave with smexy bedhair. only when it's a formal occasion or when he feels good in the morning, that he'll brush his silky hair and maybe gel it up. he has smooth skin and dark brown eyes.  after he graduated highschool, arlo decided to dye his hair chocolate brown (like in the pictures above). 
STYLE - "nothing can describe arlo's horrid sense of fashion-oh wait, horrid, that's it." - tia marshall, 2013
let's just stick with that quote if you ever have to describe jihoon's fashion. he literally wears anything out of his closet. if he's having a particularly bad hair day, he would wear a cap or tia would force him to wear one if he doesn't and that would be a normal day. jihoon would usually wear sneakers everywhere, seeing as it is the most comfortable for him with t-shirts and jeans. 

FACECLAIM & BACKUPlee hyunwoo & kim taehyung



TRAITSaltruistic, shrewd, honest.  naive, forgetful, clumsy.
ELABORATIONjihoon is known for his altruistic behaviour as he likes help others and is quite selfless. he'd rather see the happiness of others to be happy just himself, as seeing other people happy makes him happy too. with being a problem solver and a peacemaker, jihoon is also shrewd. he is perceptive and observant too and likes to keep attention to detail. because of his 'altruistic' traits, jihoon is frightfully honest but knows when he goes too far. though he wouldn't be able to share his secrets, more or less he'll listen and keep secrets from other people. jihoon is naive, a trait he earned from his late mother. he wouldn't see the bad in things until someone had told him so. jihoon can be quite forgetful too, though it can't really be explained since jihoon doesn't even know why? though this trait only occurs when he has to remember dates, times and places. 
BACKGROUNDit all started on the 7th of the 11th, 1996 in sydney, australia. ahn jihoon was finally born into the world. since a young age, jihoon was exposed to music and had a naturally gifted singing voice. he would hum songs and lullabies  loudly before even speaking his first words as a toddler. as a growing child, jihoon was one of the kids (on the block) who actually liked to showcase their singing skills. he had been an exceptionally normal student throughout his life and had a handful amount of friends. in the transition between primary school and highschool, his mother who had been battling a fight of throat cancer had been allowed surgery but died halfway through it. a month later, jihoon's grandmother on his mother's side invited him and his father to stay in korea, since his father could not cope with the loss of his dead wife. 

since he came to korea, jihoon had to get used to a few different things. first of all; the age system. he was already in 7th grade. 2nd; he was not accustomed to korean food or laws. 3rd and lastly; he knew no one. so when he came to school, expecting it to be a large korean only highschool, he was surprised that there were a handful of foreigners there. okay, not a lot, there was only two foreigners in the school since apparently their houses were too far away from the international schools. jihoon was even more surprised that there was a non-official club for the foreigners too and they were popular since they were foreign. soon after meeting all the foreigners; danica, tia and her little brother samuel and a korean who was originally from hawaii-shinhyuk, they became very close friends and even made a name for each other - 'idiot five / foreign morons'. a few months later, jihoon managed to get a girlfriend (love interest section). 

in his last year of highschool (2014), shinyuk's older (and don't forget annoying) sister made he and shinhyuk audition for b2m entertainment with her. his sister didn't exactly get in, shinhyuk didn't either until he told the judges that he could play the piano exceptionally well and jihoon made it into the company because he clearly aced the auditions with his singing. at the time, jihoon didn't realise that the only reason for shinhyuk's sister wanting to audition was because she saw the hot (trainee) boys, kairos, on the entertainment company's youtube. the next year, jihoon became one of the boys in the final lineup of kairos after one was kicked out due to bad behaviour. 

father bear / ahn gongchan / 42 / cafe manager / gongchan is really affectionate of jihoon, afterall, jihoon is his only son. gongchan used to be a bright and out-going person but after his wife died, he turned more serious and introverted. after coming to korea, he became the manager of his cousin's cafe. gongchan is still very close with jihoon and fully supports him in whatever he does but gongchan is very wary about jihoon's health as he could develop throat cancer or disease and illness like his mother. / fc  is bae yongjoon

(the original five / the idiot five / the foreign morons) + just read the snapchats

why isn't she a model? / danica vargas / 18 / student / the pretty one in the group and should be a model. danica is practically the mother of the group (jihoon is the father) and strives to be the nicest in the world. it's impossible, but for her it's her reality. she was the one who came up with the name 'arlo' since she kept forgetting jihoon's name. jihoon and danica were particularly close that everyone in the school used to think that they were dating but they were like brother and sister. even after jihoon graduated, she and the rest of the group are close friends. / fc is malaika firth

pain in the neck #1 / samuel marshall / 16 / student / the youngest and the most annoying(est?) in the group, samuel is the youngest in the idiot group. he basically clings to everyone's arms and is intimate with everyone. he likes to talk...a lot. probably because his older sister, tia, won't talk to him unless he's dressed prettily or at least presentable. always wearing his previous beanies, no one really knows how samuel is surviving in korea. when jihoon first met samuel, the young boy was still in middle school and got lost in the highschool building whilst trying to look for tia and he never stopped bothering him since. / fc is ethan karpathy

the only non-sane guy left / bang shinhyuk / 19 / jobless / the oldest in idiot five, yet the dumbest? graduating with jihoon, he opted to be jobless and read manga because he was lazy. now to think of it, shinhyuk is extraordinary at playing the piano that he teaches the kids in his neighbourhood to play. probably how he gets money to keep up with his rent, right? besides from being full korean and ending up with a bunch of foreign kids, he actually lived in hawaii for most of his life and came to live in korea because why not? not really, no one knows how he ended up in korea. / fc is shin hoseok

pain in the neck #2 / tia marshall / 18 / student / being the older sister of samuel shouldn't be that bad. wrong. this girl is the epitome of tumblr. literally. from her phone to her clothing style, everything that is hers are aesthetically beautiful. she's well known throughout the whole school and popular because of her looks and smarts. tia and jihoon met through samuel and eversince then, tia made it her mission to outshine jihoon and in everything. yet somehow, these two are compatible? / fc is unknown


STAGE NAME - arlo // he had chosen to stick with the name that his friends had given him because it means 'strong' and 'manly' in latin. 
PERSONA -  kairos's noble knight // jihoon is the one in kairos to fix the majority of the fights and problems, thus earning him the nickname of 'saviour' and what else is a saviour? A knight. 
FANCLUB + COLOUR arlovu + #993366 // don't even ask him why he made that fanclub name up, in fact he didn't. shinhyuk made it up when he was drunk on soju and said 'i love you' in english...yet it sounded like 'arlo ve you'. 
vocals  // vixx's ken

dance  // seventeen's joshua
variety // got7's bambam

TRAINING YEARS - 2 (including 2015)
EXPERIENCEjihoon didn't have much problems blending in with the trainees in b2m, except when he slipped up with his hangul or pronunciation, the experience was fine. his worst experience was when it was monthly evaluations, where each trainee was tested to see if they should stay or go and jihoon during the time was sick with a cold, yet somehow it was scorching. luckily the people knew he was sick and called him later to evaluate him after he had gotten better. he wasn't alone when he was a trainee, shinhyuk was an assisstant/apprentice for a composer but unfortunately quit in mid 2015. 

LOVE INTEREST - seo chaeri
FACE CLAIM - lee soohyun / akdong musician
PERSONALITYtimid, clumsly, intelligent, introverted

FIRST MEETINGit all started when jihoon came to school in korea and immediately failed at korean literature, even though he was semi-fluent in the language, jihoon couldn't write the hangul properly so his teacher instructed the lead student in his class to tutor him and the student was seo chaeri. at first, chaeri was skeptical about having to tutor him since he was with the popular group which made fun of her for being chubby and a bookworm but instead he worked hard during the tutor lesson. halfway through the lesson, jihoon couldn't help but call her pretty and cute which flustered her and caused her to run away. ever since then,  jihoon kept sticking by her side and even made other people apologize for teasing her. 
RELATIONSHIPtwo months into the two's peaceful relationship of being plain old friends, jihoon dropped the bomb by confessing his love to her (with the help of the foreign morons of course). she complied with his request and began a confusing girlfriend-boyfriend relationship. it's actually not that confusing. oh, did i mention she's older than him by months since she was born on the 21st of january. so this is a noona-dongaeng relationship technically. ha nope.  although when he likes to playfully tease chaeri, he does call her noona. 
ENDINGafter netizens found out that jihoon had a girlfriend, they didn't hesitate to bash her for her size and looks. jihoon, at this, was infruriated at the netizens and told them to back off and leave his girlfriend alone. many found it cute how he stood up for her like that and gained good publication for that staying loyal to his non-idol girlfriend. they are still together, even after many doubts of chaeri believing she was not good enough and jihoon's hectic schedule.


COMMENTS & SCENE REQUESTSyou didn't have a trivia section, which saddened me a bit since it was one of my favourite parts of the app but i made it up in the friends' section. keke. my scene request is that the boys do sh*t together, not literally like act bonkers and out of character, in the dorms and post it online. maybe they could make a parody of movies too, eg. titanic, hunger games, twilight, harry potter etc. 
PASSWORD"Straight into action! We are Kairos!"  [since kairos means into action or decision] + vixx's chained up / got7's if you do



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