Kwon Jaekwan - Jaekwan [Daredevils]


❝Kwon Jaekwan ©

— (stage name goes here -Jaekwan) / basic info

Nickname(s) (Explains why or how he got his nickname): 
× Teddy Bear: Jaekwan's fluffy aura is welcoming to any person at any age. His friendliness earns himself the nickname. 

Age (international age): 20

Birthday (month/day/year):  July 15, 1995

Birthplace + Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Height (in cms & ft+inches): 175cm & 5'7"

Weight (in kgs & lbs): 53kg & 118bs

Languages (lang + fluency level + how/why they speak it | Unlimited but make sure it's legitimate):

× Korean - Native
× English - basic enough to communicate
× Japanese - enough to communicate

Position: (plotline #1 - and check out Ma Boo here)

Persona: Innocent Man

Talking Twin: Shinee Taemin

Personal Talents: singing the alphabet backwards, playing the guitar and beatboxing


— face claim / (Kim Hui Dae)


Fashion sense: [1][2][3]

— appearance 

Jaekwan gets cold easily so he'd wear jeans and jackets most of the time. Jaekwan doesn't shave and let his hair grow around his legs because it keeps him warmer. He's usually in casual and street wise wear. He has a for netty shirts . Jaekwan usually dye his hair on a regular basis to see which hairstyle would best suit him.

— personality (as detail as you can, explain and list his five (min) positive & negative traits)

Postives: good athlete, capable, good natured, decisive, forgiving, artistic, romantic

Negatives: materialistic, secretive, too self-cautious, curious, mama's boy, picky

Despite his shortness in height among the average Korean-Idol man, he is very althetic and outgoing. He enjoys outdoor and indoor sports equally. He loves tennis so he would play both in and outdoors. Jaekwan is very capable even as a much shorter and smaller man, people who are quick to judge his height will be proven wrong by how capable he is. In being capable, decisive also comes with it. Jaekwan is good natured, he isn't one to break the laws or go against his beliefs just to satisfy everyone. Jaekwan is very forgiving and doesn't stay angry for long, in fact he tries to be more considerate and logically think things through. He knows the other person must have had their reasions for their actions. Jaekwan's artisit side gives him a creative side as well. He's a romantic so he's quite the sweetheart and enjoys seeing that he is making his partner happy. 

Jaekwan's good natured makes him an extremely caring person, so he even care for the littlest of things like electronic devices, materials, and smaller lives. Jaekwan is secretive, in order to protect other people's feelings he remain anonymous to their actions and assumption of him. But then he is now too cautious and is always wondering what everyone may be thinking of him. Jaekwan is a curious mama's boy, somethings his curiousity brings out his mama boy side and so he'll randomly cry out for his mother. Jaekwan can be very picky as he doesn't like certain food or drinks. 


— background / history

Jaekwan's mother was a singer and so has always guide Jaekwan through the music path. As a child Jaekwan has been in many band groups, participated in choirs, and even wrote a few songs to participate in talent shows. Jaekwan's family wasn't well off since his mother was an unknown singer and Jaekwan had no father. Jaekwan formed small dance groups throughout his high school years to understand choreography, another aspect in the music field. As the only child, Jaekwan was very cautious and stict about the life of his mother, he made sure she was always sober, never sad, and living life in a positive light. His mother suffered from depression so it was left for Jaekwan to take care of them both. It was what Jaekwan took his skills to another level and begin writing and selling music online. Jaekwan later overcome the gender gap between him and his mother and became more of her friend. In doing so, Jaekwan developed a feminine side and later was seek out by a bi-ual school mate. Jaekwan dated the boy for a few months. 


— trainee life (input years here: four years)

Jaekwan's self composed music was noticed by Woollim's staff and it was when CEO Jungyeop offered to help Jaekwan improve that he became a trainee. Jaekwan started training in high school then auditioned for Daredevils four years later. Because of Jungyeop's kindness that Jaekwan got to train for free, as long as he lped around with some cleaning. That was when some trainees mistaken him as a cleaner and worker at the company. 


— relationships (family first then friends, role models, etc)

mom/parent | Kwon Mimi | 45 | pork feet restaurant co-owner | bipolar but loves Jaekwan to death | very closed to each other


— likes + dislikes (10+ for each)
× western food ex: pizzas, spagetti, tacos
× jackets 
× mittens
× tennis
× romcom manga and dramas
× stuff animals, especially polar bears
× reading
× singing
× dancing
× drawing&painting

× playing instruments such as guitar, piano
× Summer

× being fooled or tricked
× cold/raw food
× coffee
× bitter drinks
× horror
× gore&violence
× the term 'abuse'
× being scared
× heights
× having a free schedule

× dogs


— trivia / hobbies + habits (unlimited) 
× smiles too much at times
× has a ''gentle' smile
× loves talking about the members siblings, thinks they're lucky to have any sibling
× role model is Rain 
× too innocent for his own good. sometimes he can't tell when a girl is flirting with him


— ideal type / love interest *optional*
as detail as you can, explains (or list) and tell me what is his ideal type is like? and who is his ideal type? have they met before? 


— scandals -here you are in charge-
His ex from high school leaked info on his uality / you must list ONE


BACK TO STORY / PASSWORD: (so here is the song, pitch it however you like) Soyeon


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