NaNoWriMo | Day 11

NaNo's Overall Word Count Goal: 18333
Personal Daily Goal: 1000
Haru's Challenged Word Count: n/a
Official Word Count Goal: 1000
Overall Word Count Goal: 23000
Words Done: 18369

I actually wrote yesterday... over a thousand words. Good job, Kai. Good job. But, I'm still technically in the same situation, since I had to add another 1k on to at least stay somewhat on track with everything.

I feel like ... meh.

But, I shall write nonetheless. My mom has assured me of the internet being on by Friday (we're getting a new provider, I just hope it's as fast as the one we have no T.T) 
I'm sitting at a table in the corner of the student center at my college. I will be spending most of the morning here, while my mom works and then again, tonight, when I have to take her to class.

I got more done yesterday than I thought I would, and I've got nothing better to do on my day off (well, I do, but sleep isn't an option at the moment). May as well write.

Here's to hoping I get... somewhere.

Usually I read over these blog posts for typos... that . Nope. Sorry if there were any (if you actually bothered to read this).

I just wanna go home, sleep and write FSOJ. Is that too much to ask? (T~T)



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kai unnie good luck with this. i just got myself internet after two weeks ya see!