I'm Back...

Hey guys! 

So I've been wondering what I should do.

I have two stories that I had started a long time (three years) ago and a lot of things went on with school and computer issues and such. Well now that I finally got a new computer and school has settled down I don;t know what to do with them. I would LOVE to continue them but I don't know if my thoughts will be the same as they were then :/ The one only has one chapter to it and I feel absolutely terrible about that so I really don't want to get rid of it. 

Problem is, I wrote that when I related to what I wanted to write but now....I can't bring myself to get back into that mood (if that makes sense). I'm sure I could come up with something but it doesn't feel right and I'm not sure if it will really 'connect'. 

I don't know if anyone will read this but I thought I would try and be hopeful for once and reach out for help.


I do want to start another fic and I plan to make it one-shots so that way if something should happen again (which it shouldn't) the story won't just stop mid-way. 


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