All this PCY hate???

I am honestly living for Chanyeol saying 'motherfucker' in his rap.

He's a grown damn man. And I thought it was hot as hell. 

Also his rap was hype. Talking about making fans orgasm with his rap. I loved this more vulgar/mature side.

Idk what everyone else was listening to. He killed it. 

PCY, you're a babe. Keep doing what you're doing. <3

[X] [X]


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taoftsehun #1
do you have a link to him saying it? and he can do what he likes, its fucking hot swearing in rap
omg why did i just listen to this?
ozwalkr #3
Personally I have heard worse for YEARS! I prefer hearing motherfucker to hearing about cop killing or any number of other things that have made it into raps, ESPECIALLY here in the US. It wasn't until I got into Kpop that I could even start top declare rap an actual music form due to the content disgusting me so badly. So THUMBS UP for PCY. Go right on out there and curse all you want my lovely. Its STILL far better than many.
A Chanyeol stan here n_n
I personally like his rap on UR2. He makes me proud. Those haters just refuse to believe that a multitalented and an almost perfect human like Chanyeol exists.
Seriously, I can't force you to like him, but don't you dare saying that he's trash and untalented >:(
Don't worry, Chanyeol, you have EXO and EXO-Ls :*
Totothepig #5
Agree. Maybe because I am a Chanyeol bias. I thought his rap and his presence was hot af on the show!!! Did people not understand it's hip hop? I heard worse and he did apologized to Lee SooMan for cursing Hahahahaa!!
PCY is my main bias in EXO, my first bias alongside Kris - i love him with all my heart and im sad for all the hate he gets. No one is innocent, i mean Yoongi said in his rap that his tongue could take you to hong kong and back - where's the hate for him?

Btw, where can i find this rap?
MisoCakes #7
People just want to fight /shrugs/

PCY is bloody fab, lets be real
ficsystem #8
Is it from unpretty rapstar?
his lyrics were fine, slightly cringe, but mainly fine
what's terrible is his delivery, all he does is scream
what's sad is that he actually has a nice voice
him screaming and all, as an exo-l, i can't even defend his rap