I want to change!!!!

So,i've been thinking about myself and what's my friends and family have told me....about my personality.I was given the title as "anti-social" at school by my friends becoz i dont talk much....its not like i hate talking...but,im just shy....i cant talk to a person ive just meet,cousins,teachers and other.its take a year for me to talk and get to know my classmates....but only my girl classmates....ive never talk to my guy classmates....even when we are having group project...my family member always scold me for being anti social...they say that i need to learn speaking to people and learn making new friends and stop being shy....my parents have try helping me by sending me to classes that i interest in like music class,art class and other to help me learn how to be independent and make friends....but i always reject it.....i hate being in a place fulls of people i dont know......i want to change...and be a social,outgoing person...i wants my parents to stop worrying me when im going somewhere far like a trip or study overseas alone.....but.....how do i change my personality...how to stop myself from being an anti-social and start talking and make more friends?


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First off - figure out whether or not you have social anxiety and consult with a professional if that is the case.
Other smaller tips is to smile - you don't have to talk, but smile and meet someone else's eyes. That way you sort of put yourself out there. It's difficult as , I used to have sociophobia but it's important.
You also have to stop worrying constantly and "wanting to be something else" - it's not going to help you. You are who you are right now and small steps is needed. Celebrate success now matter how small and don't find failure in everything you do. (E.g. you smiled at someone so you celebrate " yes, i smiled at someone" instead of thinking "oh, i only smiled at someone, i couldn't even talk to them" - you follow me?)
And I honestly think going to a class with something you like might help you. Even if you dislike being around a lot of people - if it doesn't trigger anxiety, jump into it. Everything new is uncomfortable.
Keep telling yourself that you have a lot to offer the world! Because you do! And realize that it's okay not to be a blabbermouth and talk to everybody and be the craziest social butterfly. Not everybody is and that's perfectly okay.
Smile :) it goes a long way.
And the biggest tip i've ever been given is be confident. Even if you're not, empower yourself. "Fake it til you make it."-- watching fashion runways goes a long a way when you're thinking about being confident af
Just forget about everyone else...this is your life, so do your own thing.
I hope this helped :p