To: Anyone Who Cares

My first blog update and it's talking about the END...

Well, my end that is, although "end" isn't a very good word to use. It's more like the "stopping doing a thing for a number of days before deciding to stop stopping doing a thing" ... I would like to formally apologize for that...

The thing is, I've done some thinking, which may not be a very good thing because most of my thoughts don't lead to very good places, but I'd like to have a heart to heart with you all. All of my subscribers and friends and people that I know but who do not know that I know them, yes, all of you. Or in other words, all of you who will actually be reading this and listening to what I'm saying, or typing I suppose. If there is actually anyone like that out there. *cue distant look into the fleeting future in the distance that is follow by a redundant stare by the audience* Again, I would like to formally apologize for that... d_b

So, if you have read to this point, or just skipped to the next big and important looking word although it may be in the dreaded comic sans, I would like to explain some things. Real quick. None of that "meaning of life" or "endoplasmic reticulum" kind of explaining, just real simple fanfiction explaining as an author to their reader. 

You see, I've been slowly sliding down the slippery slope of fanfictions as an author, although it does shock me to use that word since I haven't written anything very worthy, but anyways, enough of that boring teenage angst. This slide that I have been going down, it started out as one of those giant spiralling water slides in the most amazing of hotels on your road trip where the possibilities are endless and the bottom is only a splash before you get out and start again, but now I find that the slide was really just one of those crappy kiddie slides in the ancient playground in that one really old and sad park that's close to your house but you don't really want to go there, like EVER. 

I've realised that I'm almost at the bottom of the slide, and my fun has just about come to an end, that means that all of the excitement and imagination and inspiration fuelled has also just about run out. So to sum up my idiotic and long metaphor, I'm basically saying that I'm going to quit writing fanfiction. Now, this may come as a shock and a disappointment to some of you and you might even feel a tiny bit of pain in your heart from hearing/reading this, but to everyone else you probably don't really care. That's fine, I'm just writing this so that people don't go all bat crazy on me and get annoyed because I just disappear all of a sudden. 

Now, this doesn't meant that I'm just going to never go on AFF ever again, and I'll explain what this actually is, after like five previous paragraphs, you finally get to hear the truth, although I'm stunned if you've read this far without skimming over everything. I say "quit writing fanfiction" which can be translated to "not going to write new fanfiction" as in "no new stories" instead, I will try my very hardest and put forth full efforts to finish up all of my ongoing stories. That means that over the course of however long it'll take me to muster up enough strength to finish writing everything and making it actually good and not just summing everything up into one chapter, I will stick that complete sticker onto the many fics that remain unfinished. This includes:

 A Secret and Forbidden Love

Camera Trouble

Confinement Room

Murder in the Woods (completed)

The Legend of Dongbokk High/The Mighty Quest 

After seeing that enticing list, you may be shivering with excitement, or you may have just said "meh, that's cool", either way, that's how it is. I'm being extremely factual and I'm typing this with that little voice in my head droning on in an extremely annoying monotonous voice. It's driving me crazy too. 

I don't know how long this will take, but I promise, although that word is terrible to keep, that it will happen. Once everything is completed there won't be any more updates from me, and in that sense, it really is the end. It's been a long trip, but it really has been a slide downwards with Rescued Intentions and Life of Desire VS Life of Love being the highlights.

I think it's time for me to stop now, get off the slide and go home. Although I would really like to stop this metaphor, I just don't know if I can >_< Oh my gosh you must be absolutely dead if you read this whole thing. I wouldn't even read all of this. Jeez, don't even read this, go back and only read the important bits that are conveniently enlarged and standoutish. That's it now. The end. There you have it. I've said it all. Probably could have said less. Stupid metaphors. Now go and respond with "cool story, bro" I dare you.


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Well, actually as a fan (of super junior), an author and also a reader. This is actually one of the things I often feel. I mean I kinda understand what you're feeling. There will always be a point in my life where I feel like the fun and enthusiasm of fan girling and reading/writing stories of the people I stan for has run out. But magically or basically because of there comebacks and posts in sns revives the thrill. I don't even know if I'm making any sense to you or if you're even going to read this ^_^ but, uh well.

Lasty, I'm actually scared of this happening to me, I mean when I skim through the old stories of various author which either stopped coming here or has deactivated there accounts. I always ask myself, will there come a time where I will depart this awesome place for escaping reality? Huh, I'm getting depressed.

By the way COOL STORY, BRO.
Awww that's sad to know, but
I guess all authors come to this point
eventually, so no worries ^-^ I'm glad
you're deciding to finish all your stories!
I am eternally grateful :D (Toy Story Reference)
Hopefully you find pleasure in other things~!
Maybe like knitting or instead of writing, just
reading fanfictions, or drawing. I don't know XD
Good Luck with finishing the stories! Oh! And one
last thing.... COOL STORY, BRO XD Peace out ^0^
cooldudemomo100 #3
cool story, bro