Non-asian, but what the heck I am in Love...

Did you ever let yourself be fancy inlove with Orlando Bloom. Did you, like me, fall for him with when he was the dashing and pure elf Legolas during the Lord of the Rings. or did you fancy yourself smitten when he came in as the hero blacksmith Will Turner in Pirates of the Carribean, or maybe just had a good time with him during the adveture roadtrip date with him as Drew Bayloe in Elizabeth town. or wished so much to be princess Sybylla who is being guarded by Balian of Ibalin in Kingdom of Heaven

an elf                  a pirate              a road trip buddy     or a knight


I know some fancy yourself in love with Orlando Bloom...

'But then...hmmnnn... what can i say...'

Only to be broken hearted when he married  Australian supermodel and a VIctoria Secret's Angel Miranda Kerr.

Were you like me who shouted to the heaven why there are such people as perfectly perfect that would steal the love of your life...?






















or maybe you are more into musicians.....

Musicians in the form and sound of  John Mayer. He is musician, singer-songwriter, recording artist, and music producer all in one.

He would lullabye you into sleep by his Gravity or be seduced when he sings Your Body is a Wonderland or maybe you wish that his amazing plucking and strumming skills in Slow Dancing In A Burning Room would translate with his fingers on your hand...

'But then again... tsk tsk tsk'

He would always batter your heart by the amourous and speeding-train relationship he has with numerous women....
















And that is when I say enough heartbreaks.. enough of it..

I dont want to cry anymore

and I also say fear not my friends, I present a solution to all those broken hearts and sad tears.......... 



























With no futher suspense let me introduce ALEX CORNELL

A guy with the face of Orlando Bloom and the musicality of JOhn Mayer. This is the guy that I am SO IN LOVE RIGHT NOW cause he literally blew my mind out...

He is a San Francisco based designer and musician. received a BFA in Psychology from Duke University, he moved to the West Coast to pursue a graduate degree in graphic design at the Academy of Art University and develop his solo music career.

all in all he is ultimately an Artist...



Hope you guys check him out...



please please

Please support him...







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FairytalePerfection #1
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I was smitten with him at the age of twelve.
orlando bloom I en love him too I totally fell in love with his Elf y blond self. Hahah