✕ Metas : The Raven : Sigrid Nam✕


nam sigrid sihyun

stronghold — canta — 6/10

basic profile.

name —  sigrid nam

nickname(s) — rinam - combination of her, 'ri' and 'nam'. calling her own name is obviously difficult for many people in South Korea.

nam sihyun - her korean name.

birthday & age — 15 August, 1994 - 22

birthplace & hometown — Incheon, South Korea + Uppsala, Sweden.

ethnicity —  korean at 3/4 and swedish.

Swedish ; fluency as native

Korean ; her 'return' to Incheon had ties. while less fluent compared to her english, even, at one point, she continues so to the least she was able to held her raps.

English ; you're supposed to learn that alright.

face claim & backup sonamoo' d.ana + DIA Cathy (the girl with red hair)


me, me, and me. 


APPEARENCE — With the normal height of 168 and 54 kgs, Sigrid had serene eyes that both intimidated people and provide a cold comfort of reassurance towards those who had troubles ahead of them. But with that cast aside, her hair is currently dyed blond something (courtesy to the stylist, but whatever). Her skin is rather pale with thin lips, which is why she really seems 'fakey' when smiling.

style — it's not always about how girly or tomboyish, but for her, the easy black is her main choice for convenience and easy matches. Not only that, elegance is a matter of personal rather than anything, and so she usually keeps the black on while rather royal or dark tones are used, while not as frequent.



positive: insightful, curious, confident, knowledgeable.

negative: cunning, jaded, arrogant, pessimistic, secretive.

sigrid is mostly a person who, 'gets to learn the not supposed to be' type of person, who sees something that piques her interest, but she tends to delve deeper through that and thus usually is a knowledgeable person (thanks to her curiosity). with this however, sigrid's known to be using it for the wrong sets of goods, and ended up usually using her cheat codes for daily life uses (and not your diy daily hacks; it's social hacks) that tends to leave people regretting when they just forgets she's not an enemy to be messed with. not only that she's also fine when people starts hurtling her with words; which leads us to... .

while it's no longer a surprise that sigrid's a witty person and slicks throughout her ways, she's also very aware of her surroundings and had her thoughts and opinions on who's ill-defined and who's probably worth her chit-chats. this links up to her curious nature of digging people, but it's also worth it that she finds most people interesting to watch (not counting interactions) and tends to find a similar pattern or again, cheats on how they were dealt at the end of the day. but this ends up when sometimes, she ends up dealing with the unpleasant kind of surprise; some of her words became very insensitive and ends up hurting those who had retorted back. her, on the other hand though, has a difficult tough exterior to crack; and this reminds people that it's not just an outside shell of a child, it's a deeply rooted endurance.

while seemingly like a dire irony to each other, sigrid usually waits and tends to be unaffected by people when she had to see them with their frustration ended up adding too much sugar or not pouring over glass; ignorance does not equals experience, but she'd rather be that than seeing people being so discouraged when she had to yell at them (she knows the outlook wouldn't be better that way). same goes for people she didn't like the most; had she reacted to the itch of payback, it seems good at first, but it would hurt her anyway. she waits and by the time she knows the time to strike, she's not hesitating on her plans; she plans things, maps them out, and if it doesn't go well, she gets frustrated when not being flexible of things, mostly because she shouldn't, but seriously, have you seen her getting so enamored with something yet ended up getting it out bad thanks to so much pressure she puts up herself with? Yeah... that happens. A lot.


unfortunately labeled as the cold city girl, sigrid actually had her moments when she's seeking for curiosity and when clicking in with those with similar thoughts, she could be surprisingly talkative (which is why she's pretty unresponsive towards most stuff anyways) and her bold nature shows up with less intimidation and more on the classy elegance her face had unfortunately not shown (wrongly, at least). but when partaking with a group, she's surprisingly persistent with her conditions; taking in the blame wasn't exactly a thing she's used to (as of being the youngest also doesn't help) and it doesn't help that she's not young anymore; at the average legal age, so expecting her to be mature while she's still an in-time university graduate with lacking... social or vibrant nature wasn't their greatest option. but hey, she gets her emotions correct, so isn't that supposed to be good?



meatballs; because who doesn't?

provoking trolls in the internet; did this waayy longer before she even debuted. from literal trolls in articles that came to bigots to other ignorants. 

reading; it relieves her stress better than anything. she's more on the books, but to this day, between fivtion to reality such as history, even she admitted that the reality is a more interesting  fiction.

hip-hop songs; obviously because she's a rapper. it's been there since she came to South Korea; once she heard the real taste itself, something inside her heart excites her whenever she feels the flow, albeit she still have problems with dancing.

messing with members;  because if she starts snarking you out, that means she really do have interest in you.

rapping; similarly connected with the hip-hop scene, once she saw it, she can't stop it.

discrimination; noted while her origin is Swedish, she does regard other cultures greatly and prefers people respecting them. despises cultural appropriation more than anything and hates her white origin. No kidding. But sometimes being laughed upon as of mistaken as an American (aka the usual, "where the heck is South Korea? Why isn't there any snow in Denmark?) while in reality, is interested in hitory, especially on how those of the tensions could actually be solved (referring to any country, really)
drama; the real life one. it's entertaining to see the others in misery, but her involved (or someone she knew), she prefers to stay out of trouble.

the spotlight; between reading and being in the literal limelight is different, and she felt that it was uncomfortable when she needs to do so, even with talking with their friends.

Yaja time; she appreciates her friends actually trying to think of her as a good person, but the problem is that, like being said, she doesn't really like being told off and prefers to have her own solution without knowing it.

spicy foods; living in sweden for who-knows-how-many-years eventually let her develop a taste of bland and fermentation (except for meatballs). her first time tasting spicy food ended up with her head nearly exploding as the heat rose to her head.

tends to cough when she got shocked.

start staring in shock, then laugh before audibly growling at people she hated or news that hits her spots.

claps when she saw people being good, and she gets swayed a lot. Boys and girls alike.

scratches other people's faces next to her when asleep.

cries only when there's an extremely saddening news (and it takes a lot, since it's been really long that she did cry), and when she does, nobody hears her.

laughs with a mere chuckle, never a huge one.


playing with telekinesis

messing with anyone


tucks hairs of members







in actuality laughs at horror movies without clowns. movie list has been really dark; those include pieta, oldboy, etc. generally not romcom

favorite musics are rock and hip-hop; possibly of the older eras, at 70-80s, where storytelling and skills are legitly important in contrary to being random dance beats. rock is another thing.

is a ramen trash and will explode the kitchen had they let her cook (one time was cooking spaghetti and messed them up by freezing them and does not know which one is sugar or salt). give her pizza and she's happy.

with her telekinesis powers, she tried moving out objects with her mind and hands. Rarely with legs, but mostly hands. she did it to anything and anyone; and knew that, to a certain extent, it could be killing others when she knew how to control organs by messing with them.

...added later when i had an idea...

home is where the heart is. 

Hello, I am Sigrid — Nam Sigrid was born in Uppsala, 15th of August 1994. Often to this day Sigrid never really felt her parents even existed in her life; it's always the empty shell of the house. Life in Sweden had definitely gives off a significant change; their free education does lightened up the mood of their parents, but at certain points the pressure for her is on when she had to compete with her older brother, Sigurd. The older boy is not the smartest compared to the top students, but he's one of the better and doesn't want to lose the spot. And yet when both of them were supposedly closer before, with Sigurd usually cracking out the half-assed puns, "How do you call someone who has money?"
"Richey." "Wow, you're good!" "Sigurd, all of us knew it."
But things started to change when their family went to South Korea when she was 14 and him 17. So at one point, where Sigurd was actually caring more about the upcoming career above his own happiness, Sigurd tried to keep everything balanced, like his girlfriend, grades, and popularity, something common yet never affected him as intense as he is now, Sigrid, or now called Sihyun, is barely able to keep up with so many things while she saw her own brother often suffering under his own stress and in one occasion, locking himself up in the bathroom while she was unable to do anything. The days afterwards had him wearing baggy sleeves, one that hid the fading lines at his arms. And afterwards she had an urge to do something; be able to be with him, albeit at points Sigurd would figure it out and couldn't exactly talk like it was nonsense as he knew it. But even when Sigurd always seemed unfazed, Sigrid would often see his lips pressed like a firm thin line, holding out a laughter he hadn't been able to do so years ago.
But with her 17th birthday, where she tried to think of her career - surprisigly after thinking of a dream with kids and a successful career, but her parents had set a way for her, one that she adamantly refuses, one that had her parents thought that they had raised a wild child, unlike her older brother. Sigurd heard her fights with her parents, and as the one to finally rebel, Sigrid went out anyway, only to be kicked out of the house, just in front of Sigurd. Horrified and realizing the dark after she ran away, Sigurd had his sanity strained between the continuous pressure and the pushing fact that his last light vanished like the fog. for days he ruined his own life, lost friends, and even broke up with his ex. it was so much that, only to repay his debts at her, and his only way to, 'resolve himself', is at his lowest at this time, and made himself clear; and later on, by the time Sihyun came home, she was terrified to find Shiyoung's unconcious, a bottle of pills left at his left hand, and a note at his right. And only to realize that, to quote, "Sigrid, Iwasawa, let's live happily next time. I love you."
And while it takes her time to cope with anyone, the sudden death brushed her with anger and resentment boiling against him and his close friends, at the very fact that it covered any remaining guilt that she herself is hopeless. Times she kept on reading books in the library, when she tried to ease her mind or just to see her brother, is now kept as a complete distraction, on where she saw the wonders and the beauty of the world, their interests of countries, and many of the history, just to ease herself that her guilt is not always onto her. Sihyun has, and will always be, excited by random facts, only to not be able to tell it to anyone. Her days were spent living off her friends' houses, running after day by day, only for the night after living off as an underground rapper. But this doesn't end there; after six months, Sigurd's ex found her reading at the public bathroom, and told her of DM Entertainment; Sigurd had discovered what she really was passionate about; rapping. The was Sigrid wrote the lyrics, about all the hardships of the world, and how there's still hope, and how herself being a storyteller of many others, on how, to say it, not alone. and some stored mixtapes he gave to Iwasawa, moments before he left. He personally requested that it was given to a good company, so that she wouldn't be wasting her life barely being famous as a measly underground rapper. Hearing this, Sigrid cried; and Iwasawa promised her that, as long as she is still living, the older would protect her. And from that on, by the point that Lee Jaegeun was impressed by her, albeit needing a little workout on her rapping. With one more official audition, Sigrid was taken in to train at DM.


family — 


▪ Nam Sigurd (Nam Siyoung) | Older brother | calm, mysterious, diligent | when remembering that Sigurd isn't alive and wouldn't be alive, a certain feeling inside herself tells her that he is still with her, and will be in her side no matter what, and while currently feeling like he has never done anything wrong, Sigrid has been lonely in most of her life, with her parents barely a shade cast and him always looking like he has to study just for some elite school and happy life. Deep down never knowing he was happy, with her efforts of backing him up as his only sibling never really worked, but she didn't give up. sometimes his thin smiles jeered up when he saw her passion, something he wouldn't be able to achieve when his own life has been condemned to a certain path that he has never been able to escape, a powerless guy who couldn't even protect his sister when she got berated and put down upon by others. His last resolution was that to make her dreams come true; so that she wouldn't be as he sees himself; the iredeemable ice statue. And at the process of that, after he signed Sigrid in for DM, where his girlfriend had worked, he had his own resolve to escape on his own, never minding that after getting her to South Korea, he attempted to take his own life. One that left Sigrid devastated, and causing most of the little of her love gone and buried right inside her heart. But there are certain circumstances where she realized, that maybe, in another dimension, or another place in the world, he's not dead yet.




▪ Iwasawa 'Akka' Ueda | brother's ex | emotional, kind, striving | the half Japanese-Korearn girl was Sigurd's ex and the only noe Sigrid could feel close too, with Akka being one of the most open-minded people Sigrid has seen, and then is really kind, albeit rather naive for Sigrid's tastes. Still, when you saw someone not treating you as if they had seen a monster, as much of an intimidation that is, Sigrid is loyal to them, though not alwas talking about how she showed her appreciation. Akka took Sigurd's wish, and long after he was gone, to Sigrid, and being able to know her as a great person wit a social issue was a good thing.


▪ Kim "Truedy" Jinsol | youthful , egoistical, lively | To say they were subpar rivals seemed ridiculous, as Sigrid admitted herself as of being better than Truedy (not proven yet). But she would've ignored the antics of Jinsol had one thing bugged her out; the fact that the girl admitted of embracing the black culture, being a wannabe just for the fun yet ignored the real problems that eventually occured, had urged Sigrid to stop her ignorance, only to be told, "What? I mean, you're like, a white. Does that even matter?" the very fact that Sigrid herself almost punched the remaining daylight out of her, her biggest problem had been that; ignorance. Truedy forgot that and hadn't remember any particular memory, only for Sigrid to completely ignore her, despite being younger.



answer in character pov

What are your thoughts on DM Media? Lee Jaegeun? How about the other Metas members?
I'd say that, in a way... they're good people. I'm not sure about being close to them, but they're interesting, if not really noisy. why?
What went through your mind when you discovered your powers were indeed real?
how does one say superpower anyway? in my opinion (not that you would need them), we are never about naturals anyway. we're humans, and we're supposed to be weirdos. powers are just addition to make us... us. hey, i'm not surprised anymore with reality, since knowing stuff that actually is more crazy than fiction.
Are you ever going to tell anyone outside of your members and label about your powers?
well you have Akka, and then she's in dm as a japanese tutor. i'm not that happy about my parents, i thinks that's the only think you need to know.
Honestly, do you even want your powers? Or do you want to go back to a normal life?

honestly it's irreversible, but even if it is... actually, i kinda like it. nothing different.

my superpower

PLOTLINE —  the raven

STAGE NAME — riinam

PERSONA — the outback

TRAINEE YEARS + LIFE — Sigrid was submitted to DM right two months after akka was taken in, and then akka was part of the first staffs that was taken to teach japanese to trainees. thus, sigrid was one of their first few trainees. life is quite hard alright, being so young and restrained again wasn't her best type of happiness, but she'd gotten used to it.

▪ mixtapes discovered released inofficially since 2008, first official one in 2010


Talking: Krystal (F(x))
Singing: Sihyun (SPICA)
Dancing: Seunghee (CLC)
Rapping: Yezi (FIESTAR)



the one and only.

love interest(&backup) —  set to change later.

personality — a detailed paragraph at most

STORY — everyone has a love story. how you first met, etc.

relationship  — interactions and such, what your relationship status is.

ENDING — in a relationship? still just friends? or maybe you ended up with your love rival? or leave it to the author?


maybe it was you all along.

love interest — optional

personality — same as above for everything.


relationship  — 


last messages.

comments/suggestions — as for her brother, he could be either dead or alive... it depends on you. i mean, if he's alive, he could've just ran away courtesy to Ueda. also: SORRY LMAO I THOUGHT OF THAT TIME WHEN EVERYONE ONLY KNEW BALI INSTEAD OF INDONESIA SORRY IT WAS A STEREOTYPE SHE'S ALSO STEREOTYPING PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED

scene requestS — later.

password — medal

turn inback to story


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