✨ Ultraviolet ✥ Ko ❝ MIHYUN, WATCH YOUR DAMN MOUTH. ❞

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Kitagawa Kokoa
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                        ( ❝ Bite me. ❞ )
                               Layni17 // Tsuki // 7-10 // Yes!
+ short description : Kitagawa Kokoa is a very unique person. She has large hips but only B-cup s, not that she minds it. She has very defined cheekbones and small eyes, giving her a somewhat-exotic look. Her skin is pretty tan, and paired with her dark brown eyes and messy hair, she's simply something new to look at, especially with the mole just under her left eye. Kokoa has wonderful posture and a normally bouncy walk, though when she's playing the part of an idol she makes her walk more sensual.
+ face claim : Sayo Yoshida (2)
+ style : Kokoa is seriously into fashion. She loves pairing cream with black, and ed plaid is a must-have during fall. She loves to accessorize with watches and sunglasses, and her shoes are often super cool heels. Her hair is always in either a bun, curlec, or messily let down
+ other : Kokoa has ten piercings total, five in each ear. She doesn't tend to wear all of them at the same time, though, usually it's only three each.
+ full name : Kitagawa Kokoa (Kanji: 北川琥蒼)
+ nickname(s) :
— Honey Bee; Her love interest calls her this because of her strange obsession with bees and honey
— KoKo Umma; The band calls her this because of her motherly personality, though it's mostly a joke.
— Ko-nee/Ko-neechan; The younger ones of Ultraviolet who speak Japanese call her this because they're close. (It's a Japanese thing, so yeah.)

+ birthday&age : 12/16 (21 international)
+ hometown : Tokyo, Japan
+ birthplace : Tokyo, Japan
+ ethnicity : Half Korean, half Japanese
+ height&weight : 160 cm & 50 kg
+ bloodtype : AB
+ spoken languages :
— Japanese; Fluent, native language
— Korean; Fluent, her father is Korean and taught her from an early age
— English; Fluent, her best friend since high school is American and taught her, plus the classes in middle and high school

+ personality traits :
positive; Maternal, confident, charismatic, persuasive
neutral; Sarcastic
negative; Stubborn, unrealistic, demanding, faithless
+ personality :
Kokoa is quite the...Diverse person. She's highly demanding and expects basically everything from others. She seriously asks everyone to do something all the time, and doesn't do it herself. It's something that a lot of people hate about her, and not many can handle. She's seriously unrealistic with expectations that everyone will do what she wants, but it's even more ridiculous that she thinks Ultraviolet will become super popular simply because they debuted. It's ridiculous. She's disgustingly stubborn, and never gives up in whatever situation it may be, even if she knows that she's wrong or really should. It's awful how bull-headed she can be. Not to mention, Kokoa is seriously faithless- She has a long line of ex-lovers, and ninety-five percent of them are ex's because she had no faith in them, that they would stay faithful to her.And it's not just boyfriends, is friends in general as well. After all, considering her past, wouldn't you think that way to? And let's not forget the extreme sarcasm that comes will this lovely package of rapper. Nearly every word she speaks is dripping with sarcasm, unless she's playing as an idol or being a mom. It's quite interesting how her tone can change immediately.
She is also very charismatic, despite her faults. She has this charm about her that makes her irresistable, a way that she simply draws people in, a fire in her eyes- And this charisma stems from her confidence. This girl knows she's hot, she knows she talented, and she knows she's smart. Kokoa has the upmost confidence, and there's nothing that can make her believe otherwise. Kokoa is so sure of herself, if you just look at her you know she believes in herself. This enhances her natural beauty, because let's be honest- Confidence makes someone that much hotter. Kokoa is quite persuasive, and can make an argument shift her awy with little effort. It's amazing how she can change someone's opinions in so little time, with so little yet meaningful words. Hell, she could convince the CEO to get rid of a member if she wanted to- Which is quite scary to think about, if we're being completely honest. But Kokoa could never do that to her band, because her maternal insticts is to protect her cubs, but hurt them. Sure, she berates them all the time, and cuts down their sugar intake majorly, but this is all because she cares for them. Kokoa would simply die if something bad happened to one of the members- She mothers them as she would her own children, she's the first to know when something is wrong, she's the one everyone goes to for advice and help. She's truly the mother of Ultraviolet- This isn't just a stage personality.


+ background&life now :
Kitagawa Kokoa was born twenty-one years ago as an only child to a busy family. That's not to say that her parents didn't have time for her, they simply both worked so a lot of the time she was left to herself- Of course there was a babysitter and a housekeeper, but ever since she was young, Kokoa prefered to keep to herself. She was very independant growing up, and Kokoa was fine with things the way they were. When she entered elementary school, she was well-likes for her pretty looks and kind personality. In music class, she excelled, and leanred how to play the piano/keyboard, as well as guitar and recorder. She loved music from that time on, and entered the school's talent show almost every year to middle school- And she won almost each time. Kokoa had a lot of friends, and a few of them became a small, private band called Coded where Kokoa was the dancer and rapper. Two others were singers, and there was the second-best dancer and rapper. They only ever performed for their families and close friends, and they did this from age ten to twelve.
When Kokoa was thirteen, she and her parents visited a close family friend in South Korea during her break. When she was there, JYP was holding auditions, and you bet Kokoa was immediately begging her parents to let her try. When she finally got permission, she set everything up. Upon auditoning, she was asked to return a few times before she was accepted. By the time she found out, Kokoa was already back in Japan. This was when she really learned how hard it was to train, because her parents said she could move to Seoul- But she would have to live with her family friends. Despite the fear of being without her parents in a foreign country, Kokoa agreed to the offer. Luckily enough, she had already studied Korean as her father taught her, so off to Korea she went. Kokoa had a bit of a hard time adjusting to life, and a new school with no friends in South Korea, on top of trainning. She unfotunately lost contact with her friends, and didn't even have time to make new ones. Though she switched companies around a bit, Kokoa was happy with her new life. Her closest friend was Son Naeun, whom she was neighbors to.
They were quite close (as they literally lived right next to each other), and she also became close with her younger sister SoEun. She finished middle school and high school with good marks and a few good friends, though most of hers were in her trainee group. When Kokoa was eighteen, she moved into her own apartment, and later that year, her parents moved to Seoul for her father's work. Though Kokoa visited, those times were rare, and in those five year she had only seen her parents four times, so it was quite the tearful reunion. She introduced her closest friends to them- Kyung Iseul, Choi Hana, and Kim Hyeon- and she lived at their houses half of the time. She became close with her parents again, and lived a good, normal life.
family :
Kim Haneul | 52 | Vet | Kind, supportive, critical | Kokoa really loves her father. He's supported her through all of this, and thankfully nevergot mad at Aoi for what's happened recently. He does tend to point out flaws often, but he really only does it because he loves his family.

Kitagawa Shione | 50 | None | Strict, short-tempered, intelligent, maternal | Kokoa and her mother aren't as close, but they still trust each other. Even though she's strict, she loves her children and could never want to hurt them. She loves that her children followed their dreams, and that Kokoa was brave enough to move away.

Kitagawa Aoi | 23 | Idol (Main vocalist, maknae face of the group of ZET- Fake JYP group) | Responsible, humorous, short-tempered, restrained | Aoi and Kokoa are unbelieveably close. Even though Aio is currently hiding from the world (He got invloved in a pretty big scandal is is currently taking a "hiatus" from his group- Kokoa looks up to him so much. She loves his sense of humor, how he dotes on her, and how he always makes sure to call her once a day. Kokoa couldn't live without her brother, and vice versa. He debuted six years ago with the song War of Horomone, but never quite gained the popularity expected. Four years ago they took a hiatus (The whole group) and came back two months ago only to be caught up in this mess.
friends :
Son Naeun | 21 | Idol (Lead dancer, vocalist, visual of Apink)| Mischevious, quiet, playful, loyal | Naeun and Kokoa are seriously close. Kokoa supported her through everything, even all of the hate she recieved during We Got Married and when her group member leeft. They often go out shopping, going to massage places, etc. Theey know everything about each other, and Naeun was the girl person Kokoa called about getting into Ultraviolet. Naeun actually cried for her because she knew Kokoa worked so hard and finally her hard work paid off. She supports Kokoa the most and often visits Ultraviolet's dorm. After Taemin and Kokoa get closer, Naeun gets jealous (After all, Taemin and her were "married for a period of time and were really close friends that easily could have been something more) and they distance.

Lee Hana | 23 | College student & assistant vet (Works with Kokoa's father, which is how they met when Hana started interning) | Reckless, uninhibited, maternal, adaptable  | (Faceclaim: Lee ChaeEun) Kokoa was the only one who stuck by Hana after she had her son, Hyeon. Hana takes great care of Kokoa, and vice versa. Hana does do a lot drinking, though, so often Kokoa takes Hyeon. Now that she's debuting, there's really no one to do it. Still, they love each other a lot, and Kokoa often berates her for her drinking issues. They like to go out to eat, sleep over at Hana's house, or simply just enjoy each other's presence. Kokoa loves go out with Hana and Hyeon to the park, little playdates, mommy-baby classes, etc.

other :
Technically as mentioned earlier, Naeun is something of a love rival.

+ likes :
- Ice cream, it's her favorite dessert!
- Clubs, they're super fun. She loves to feel the music pounding in her body.
- Children, she loves to babysit.
- Anime, she grew up with it and will love it her whole life.
- Baseball. Watching is fun, but she loves to play even more.
- Soups, they're her favorite dish- Particularly red pepper tomato bisque.

+ dislikes :
- Cooking, she gets too dirty and she basically burns and destroys everything, so...
- Baking, it's even worse than cooking.
- Fish, super gross.
- Nuts, who likes those? They taste super bad!
- School, hence why she's not going to college, though maybe she'll start.
- Showering, she gets dizzy easily when she's taking a bath or shower because of steam. It's been like that her whole life.

+ habits :
- Goes to a secluded lake that's near her current apartment when she's really upset.
- Plays with any empty ear piercings she has that day when nervous.
- Eating a lot of food when embarassed and there's food near, then proceeding to choke on said food as a result.

+ hobbies :
- Ice skating, she's been into it since she was three- Before rapping and dancing.
- Pressing flowers, she likes to freeze things in time in a way.
- Running, she was always into track and always will be.

+ trivia :
- Tends to curse when Mihyun curses
- Is ambidexterous
- She loves to write songs, but she's not quite mastered it yet.
-  She needs coffee every morning.
- Kokoa is a master at violins, but no one knows.
- She has a kitten names Binnie, who is often cared for by her roomate when she's gone.
- Kokoa wants to have three children.
- One of her favorite bands is Apink~
- She gets really frustrated over slow internet.
- Kokoa seriously hates people telling her that she did something badly without giveing her the reason/how she did badly.
- She actually doesn't like singing much. Of course it's fun, but she feels it strains her voice too much sometimes. That's why she likes rapping and dancing better.
- When she was younger, she had a huge crush on Leeteuk
- She loves hearing high notes- Just not singing them.
-She prefers dancing to rapping.
- She gets headaches and nosebleeds easily. Headaches because she gets stressed often, and nosebleeds because her nose tends to get dry from always breathing through it.
-She's pretty interested in the cycle of elephant breeding, and would have worked with animals had she not trained as an idol.
- She loves all grain products.
~More to Come~
+ full name : Lee Taemin (Main dancer, vocalist, maknae of SHInee)
+ backup : Kim ibum (Key, triple-threat of SHInee)
+ personality : Lee Taemin is a very patient person. As he's been an idol for years, he's learned how to hold his temper fairly well. He is also very kind, hating to hurt other's feelings. If he so much as raises his voice at someone he feels like he killed a puppy or kitty. Taemin is always giving money to the homeless, or buying toys, books, clothes, etc. for the orphanage next to his apartment. Even if he's made plans, though, if the other end drops them he adapts to the moment in an instant. He can change his whole attitude depending on where he's going and what attitude he knows he'll need to have. He can easily make himself fit into a group of people. Despite his good qualities, Taemin can get very annoyed, easily. If someone's talking for way too long, or repeating themselves, he'll flip his , seriously. He hates it when people are repetitive or monotone, and if someone speaks one bad thing about someone he cares about, there will  be hell to pay. Taemin also tends to get stubborn- Very stubborn. If he wants something, he wants it. Just give it to him. Don't argue. Not to mention his awful problem with being stressed. He can rarely calm down, it's hard for him to relax. Every little thing bugs him to no end, and the pressure of being "perfect" for his parents. He has a hard time dealing with it all due to his own faults as a person.
+ how you meet : Taemin and Kokoa meet during Ultraviolet's debut period, where SHINee was performins as well as the girls. He visits their dressing room before the show to congradulate them on debut and to give them a few tips, being a kind sunbae he is. He spoke to all the girls individually about their posititions, and how to gather attention on stage. When he spoke to Kokoa, he kindly spoke to her in her native langauge, which she definitely appreciated. He also congadulated them after the show, exchanging numbers with them in case they ever wanted advice or a friend.
+ interactions : When they first start to become friends, they're quite respectful. They have seen each other in passing a few times, but they never had an honest conversation. When they exchange numbers, Kokoa always send him videos of her singing, dancing, and rapping in order to get his 100% honest opinion, because he's not the type to lie. As they get closer, skinship is totally normal, and they speak comfortable after only a few months- Kokoa doesn't even call him Oppa. They often speak in Japanese for Kokoa's sake.
+ status : Strangers- Have never met by the time Ultraviolet debuts.
ship name! : KoMin
nicknames! :
Pumpkin- When they date, Taemin starts to call her this because he knows it makes her stupidly happy.
Bee- Same as above, except it's when they're closer friends.
Minnie- Kokoa calls Taemin this as a small play on his name- Also since she's pretty small herself.
Mr. Idol- Kokoa calls him this mockingly when they argue playfull and the like.

( ❝ Let's just try our best, okay? ❞ )
stage name : Ko
 persona : The Sweet Rapper/Leader | Ko is quite cute and sweet on stage. She tends to do a lot of aegyo and seems to take care of the members well. Ko is really sweet and doting on her band, so she's earned up to the persona.
position : Leader, main rapper, lead dancer, face of the group
back-up postion : Lead vocalist, main dancer

singing twin : Oh Hayoung of Apink [Yuri of SNSD]
dancing twin : Jia of Miss a [Namjoo of Apink]
​+ rapping twin : YeEun of CLC [CL of 2ne1]
​+ talking twin 
​+ talent : Ice skating, athletics

 trainee years : Eight years
+ trainee life : Ko had a normal trainee life. There were no big hardships or anything particularly special. KNowing Naeun of Apink did give her a lot of good experiences, though, so she had some more insight on the real life of an idol as compared to the other trainees. She was never bullied and she never bullied anyone herself, so she was liked by the other trainees. Her teachers liked her for her quick leanring, minus the vocal teachers as she never quite got the hang of singing well. She never switched companies, and worked hard to debut.
+ pre-debut : None
+ social media 
Instagram and Twitter: HotKocoa_5mbrs


+ question : Who is an inspiration to you?
+ question : Why did do you choose to audition for JYP?
+ question : Who idol/group do you really want to meet? 
+ question : Who's your ideal type?
+ questiony or cute or bada$$ concept? 
+ question : What will you do if the crowd doesn't like you when you come on stage?
question : What is your weakness?

+ answer : Kokoa thought quietly for a moment, her face scrunching up in a strange expression before she answered, "Probably my brother and Super Junior," She smiled, "Super Junior for their ever-lasting talent. They have such great members and have always kept me going as a trainee. For my brother, for daring to follow who he really is. He was never afraid to do what he wanted, and I admire that so much. I've always wanted to be a free person like that."
answer : "I chose JYP because they were closest to my house when I moved to Korea," Kokoa laughed unabashedly, "It was easiest to go somewhere nearby to that's the only reasno why. I'll never regret it, though!"
answer : "Apink," She answered without hesition, "They're seriously the people I want to meet most. They have such great talent and it would be a huge honor to meet them. I want to learn from them on how to improve performing, as well as getting to know them as friends. It would be a really great experience to meet my sunbae's."
answer : "First off, great hair is a must-have, I really like soft dyed hair to be honest. I love those people with undeniable charms, you know? Especially those guys who are gentle and kind. And someone with a great voice is an absolute dream. People like Infinite's Woohyun and Super Junior's Kyuhyun."
answer : "Cute and badass. I think that I can easily pull off both, so why not? Also, I'm not quite a fan of too-y consepts. They make me uncomfortable," She blushed lightly, "I'd much rather anything but y."
answer : "Um...Show them I'm cool anyway?" She askwed, unsure, "I think I'd probably cry when I get home, but in that moment I would enjoy my time as much as I can."
answer : "My weakness is easily breath control. Since I have awful breath control, I can't sing very well. My technique is quite bad, so I'm not the most useful when recording. I'm the worst at singing in the grop, so I really feel that I let Ultraviolet down sometimes," She smiled but it was forced and seemed more like a grimace than anything.
+ comments / concerns :
// Thanks so much for this opportunity! I hope Kokoa was to your liking!
+ scene suggestions / requests :
// I'm begging you for Hello Baby, I seriously am.
// And We Got Mareid would be gorgeous as well.
// Kokoa and Kibum skirt around each other hardcore before their members get tired of it and plan together to make them confess.
// She and the maknae get into a huge fight after something happens in a show. The tension is great (?)!
~More to come~
+ questions :
// None! <33
+ password :
// It should!


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