

Falling for Jeonghan

(a personal account)

 From the first time I ever experienced "Seventeen" through "Adore U", Jeonghan was the first my eyes went to; he was the one they stayed on until the end of the music video. I loved his hair, of course. I've had a thing for feminine men, but now I know that he's more than that ( of course) and that I'm not so shallow when it comes to liking him. Originally, I thought that I wouldn't be infatuated with him too long by the time the members' personalities began to unravel and I'd have found someone who I liked better, but that was not the case! The more I watched interviews, fancams, etc., the more I fell for Yoon Jeonghan.

   One of my all time favorite things about him is how he cares so much. He cares about and loves the other members, shows every single one of them affection equally. To me, anyone could be 'caring' if they did these things, but with him, it felt like he never learned to, or was never told how to behave towards the people around him. It just feels natural with him, like he genuinely wants his friends to feel happy and loved around him. I noticed that even though he was of the last to join Seventeen, he seems to be the closest with everyone. The chinese-line, whether we notice or not, do not get treated exactly the same as the korean or american members, jeonghan is another exception here, always hugging them, staying close to them, helping them understand the language if they get confused. There was also this one moment where they were choosing teams and Minghao was the only one left without a team, Jeonghan took his hand and pulled him over to his team. That made me so happy.(and of course, he isn't the only nice member, but I'm happy he makes an effort to be helpful and supportive)

link here 

   And it doesn't stop there...Jeonghan is also somehow the cutest, iest, and coolest person to me. It's amazing how he can laugh so robotically yet make me feel butterflies in my stomach everytime he does. How he can go from a dorky terrible pick up line spewing machine to a sensual dancer onstage. He's a master at all of it and it drives me mad. He's also considerate and too hard on himselfat times. He mentioned once that he felt like a hindrance to the otehr members, getting tired more easily than the rest of them and perhaps not being as strong in the vocal team as the others. When I watch fansigns, every person that passes him gets a wonderful greeting, smile, short conversation, and fanservice if they ask for it. He always gives his all to make the fans happy, therefore making me happy too even though I've never met him... 


Jeonghan deserves all of the love and support you can give him because no matter what his vocal skills are currently, he knows he wants to improve and he's working hard towards it. Like he said, he looks up to Taemin because Taemin changed so much and got so much better from when he debuted to now. I think he has the same idea in mind for himself and I can't wait to see him futher his potential. That's all I can write so far but I really felt the need here, have some of my favorite gifs of him~




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