Melting lipstick and cotton candy~

Hi guys, Kata here.  Given that I like to pretend that I'm pretty, I only post pictures here when I am all make-upped and in my best clothes.

On most days I just don't have time for such things, especially not when I sometimes sleep in T.T Anyway, I decided to post a silly blog right now because I had the most hilarious convo with my bff. So yesterday we went lipstick shopping. 

Yeah, even then I was feeling like this: 


So we choose a pretty color

And today, just as I had finished writing she was like 'OMG BAE SHOW ME YOUR LIPSTICK ASAP'. I was like 'but girl it's past nine' and she was like 'IDC' so I was like:

 (my glasses are not on right I know, I need to get new ones but they are reaaaly expensive here, so... funnily enough on this pic it looks like they are twice bigger than my head or idk. I also was not wearing any makeup tho my eyes looks weird lol)

but not before realizing that my lipstick had MELTED. I have no idea what happened, it was in my bag like most stuff and it..melted. It wasn't even directly on the heater. Anyway I put it in the freezer... hope it helps xD

However, my Friday was fantastic (tho a bird pooped on my hair, yay) 

I got the best thing in the world:

COTTON CANDY!!! It was coconut flavored too :D


Anyway, I just wanted to show you guys my other faces lol. I am a derp. I am also feeling better...and very slow at replying to people because most of my time is spent in bed whining about feeling tired..and being waken up by random OTL

So...who's doing Nanowrimo this year? Anyone wanna chat about it? 

here is a little unedited stuff to get a sneakpeek into the book I'm working on :D It probably won't be in the novel itself, but it was beyond fun to write xD


"Mama, Mama," Tiny squealed as he skipped to his mother, brune tail wagging behind him at a crazed pace."Mama, mama, BigFoot told me something funny, I wanna know if it's true!" 
Before poor Rosemary knew it, her foster-son was tackling her to the ground, yapping enthusiastically."Mama, is it true that boys are named after the first thing their mamas see on them?" he tilted his head to the side curiously, tiny hands grasping his mother's shoulders."Then why is my name Tiny?"
At first, the woman had nodded along, chukling to herself as her mind was filled with images of the tradition. However, her eyes went wide and cheeks flushed a deep crimson as the last question escaped the little one.
It was something she just was not prepared to tell him yet."Because..because you are so tiny, puppy!" she cooed out finally, praying to the goddesses up there that what she said would satisfy the pup's curiosity. Naming him had been a rash decision, something she still regretted to the very day. After all, his eyes were beautiful, his skin was a beauitful tan, his hair a shocking red... There would have been so many other names that would have fitted him and yet, she had named him after what dangled between his little legs



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You're pretty with or without make up and the lipstick is ❤❤❤
And oh btw I've never tasted a coconut flavored cotton candy hahaha
LELELLELELELEL but the lipstick is still pretty *proud*
MyeolchiHyuk #3
Euu r funny....
Nice colour lipstick.. hehe..
Wah.. cotton candy...

cotton candy! i've never had coconut flavored cotton candy tho :/
i've seen everyone starting to talk about Nanowrimo! What's it about? I've never heard of it before OTL
tachibana #5
omgg wow that exerpt haha

(also should it be dangled not dingled?)
"There would have been so many other names that would have fitted him and yet, she had named him after what dingled between his little legs"

You're so funny! Gorgeous aswell. :P