ϟ TWENTY - Jung Minyoung

JUNG Minyoung
username. Littlemisstrouble
nickname. Mai
activity rate. 5 out of 7 

name. Jung Minyoung
nickname. Youngie | basically a shortened version of her name. everyone who knows her well calls her this
birthdate. december 16, 1998
birthplace. jeonju, south korea
hometown. jeonju. south korea
ethnicity. korean
187 x 187tumblr_inline_nbpfrmH8ko1qggwcd.png
fashion style
face claim. soloist iu (gallery)
backup faceclaim. gfriend's Sinb (gallery)

appearance. Height: 160 cm | Weight: 49 kg. Looking at minyoung, you'll see that she's a perfect example of koreas expectation on beauty. White skin, double lids, you know, the works. she often dyes her hair a lighter shade than her regular hair color because she thinks it frames her face better. She has nice cheekbones which shows when she smiles. She has a rather fast metabolism, so she doesn't gain a lot of weight even when she strays from her diet. She doesn't really have any piercings other than on her earlobes. Other than that, she's just a regular teenager.
fashion sense. When she's left to her own devices on what to wear, she usually dresses for comfort with sweaters, leggings, and trainers. Usually though, she's dressed by a professional stylist because she needs to taked care of her image being the center and visual of the group. She just let's her stylist unnie do all the work.
life's story
Positive | Kind, Caring, Determined, Passionate, good listener
neutral | Analytic, observant, Decisive, Intelligent, creative
Negative | Withdrawn, introverted, Dependent, aloof, pessimistic

Kind | minyoung is a pretty nice person. She fot it from her parents who taught her to treat people the way she wanted to be treated, so she treats people kindly. Soon she found that life exactly didn't turn out that way, still she treated people nicely because she was so used to it.
Caring | She naturally cares for people, even complete strangers. She's completely emphatic like that. She wants to see the people around her to be happy, so she cares for them often. She finds that if the peole around her are happy, then the happy virus will spread to her.
Determined | She wants to be the very best that she can be. she puts 110% of effort in everything that she does. she doesn't care if it's difficult, she'll still persevere and do her best.
Passionate | Her passion and determination sort of go hand in hand. Her passion causes her to do her best, and her determination helps her to continue doing what she's passionate about. She gets really passionate about the things she loves to do. When she start to love doing something, she does it like it's the last day on earth.
Analytic and observant | She likes to think. That's one thing about her you need to know. She observes the world silently and she breaks down this information in her brain. She's also observant this way. She just takes in the world silently, gathering information
Intelligent and decisive | As stated above, she likes thinking. It's mostly because she's very intelligent. What kind of intelligence is this, you ask? It's the well rounded kind of intelligent. She's book smart, street smart, and she's good at solving problems and puzzle. She uses this intelligence to make smart decision in life among other things.
Creative | from a young age, minyoung has been interested in all forms of art. She often uses art to express the feelings she can't express vocally.
Withdrawn | she likes her alone time, that's all I can say. SHe's afraid to get close to people. She's a bit afraid to hurt them because she's so shy and withdrawn, which causes her to be more withdrawn. (minyoung is troublesome, isn't she? *sigh*)
Introverted | She isn't really the outgoing person in the world. In fact, she's the complete opposite. she doesn't really know how to approach other people. other People are often the one to approach first.
Dependent | With the few friends she has, she becomes dependent to. especially in social situation. She thinks that they are responsible for her in situations when she has to talk.
Aloof | Even to people she knows well, she appears aloof and airy to. She's quite problematic, preferring to keep her feelings to herself. People often have to coax the problem out of her because shewill not speak about sensitive topics willingly.
Pessimistic | Her attitude that frequents thinking often turns against her. She overthinks everything even little things like social interactions. She lowkey thinks that she's alone agianst the world.

Minyoung story is not all that interesting. It's just a story of a regular girl. Since choldhood, Minyoung has beein a withdrawn girl. SHe didn't have many friends because she has difficulty making friends. She's not exactly anti-social, she's just a bit awkward in social situations. from a young age, she was interested in art, so she started doing all the art stuff like drawing, painting, calligraphy and folding paper, also known as origami. She started improving in the little hobbies she has, and would often join contests, sometimes even winning, all the while, keeping her grades in check.

When she was about 13, she auditioned in jyp to be a singer, because her best friend forced her to when said friend discovered that minyoung has a great singing voice. SOoyeon, her best friend has always been the only one (other than her sister) who can push her to do things she doesn't want to do. She fortunately passed and started training. training was just a big flurry of hardships for her. she didn't exactly make many friends with her fellow trainees, but she did make a few friends. she worked hard to improve, because she wanted to make her family and best friend proud. jyp noticed SHe was showing improvement and put her in the project group, twenty.

» nature | she thinks it's the perfect thing to draw
» NIght time
» solitude
» ice cream
» pizza
» fries
» chicken
» snsd
» amusement parks
» the highest point of the ferris wheel
» insects
» neon colors
» onions
» raw egg
» warm weather
» Drawing
» doing Origami
» playing the piano
» pushing her hair back when she's nervous
» cracking her knuckles
» Sleep walking
» she wakes up the earliestm yet sleeps the latest.
» she basically doesn't know what sleep is
» she knows how to play piano. she started playing when she was 8
» she can cook really well when the situation calls for it
» she still keeps her grades in check despite being a trainee
» she's a 3rd degree black belt in judo
» in context of the previous one, she started training in judo when she was 6 when her sister started training as well
» her original dream was to be an animator

» Ahn, sooyeon | best-friend | 17 | sarcastic, outgoing, Cheerful | relationship rate: 7/7
» Twenty | fellow members | -- | supportive, fun, dorky | relationship rate: 6/7
» Jung Sunhoon | Father | 46 | Strict, caring, Hard-working | relationship rate: 5/7
» JUNG Jinyoung | Mother | 45 | caring, supprotive, kind | relationship rate: 5.5/7
» JUNG minyeon | sister | 18 | sarcastic, supprtive, blunt | relationship rate: 6/7
spot & light
plotline. The Vanilla

talent twin. IU

predebut expriences. 
» [2015] played cha songjoo in the drama "school 201j5"

social network. instagram : @j.mini
lover's smile
love interest. n/a (optional)
backup love interest. here

personality. here

relationship. (status and how they react around each other <3)
little notes
suggestions. .
scene requests. 
» .twenty pulling minyoung out of her shell
» .Variety show guesting
» .photoshoot scene
password. goodbye baby
application layout coded by cerulean themes


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