Homework and birthdays


My friend’s birthday is on 19 of Jan but I haven’t bought her present! :O and to make it even worse i think i don’t even have the time to go and buy >< i was deciding to buy her present tmr but then i have kpop dance lesson tmr afternoon…

My homework is also not helping xP CID is on thursday and I haven’t finished the assignment. and even worse i’m going out tmr night.


i know that nobody will even be reading this but just felt like writing something :P


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min0525 #1
@dinobunny thanks felicia! jy to both of us haha!
@eunhyukkey yups i was thinking after the kpop dance! :D anyway it only last for 1h so after that still got time muahaha
kelian :< midnight oil lorh. then tmr i see a minjun with panda eyes xD haha jiayous ^^ for the prez horh, go after kpop dance lah xD
Aiyoooo JIAYOUS !!! XD give her abit late can de ^^
And I have lots of homework too :(( homework sss