240 x 280

username — littlemisstrouble

nickname — Mai

activity rate — 8


full name — Lee, Haneul.
other names — Sky - her english name

nickname — *
▷ Hana  | the rest of the members  |  Hana is a reference to counting. When Haneul practices by herself, she often counts before actually performs. Her team mates cuaght her doing it multiple times, dubbing her as "HanDeulSet" at first, but it evolved to Hana eventually
▷ Neullie | the fans | This is basically a pet name of her fans to her. They just took the second letter (neul) of her name and made it a tad cuter

birthdate — november 26 1999 | 16

birthplace — Busan, South Korea

hometown — Busan, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean

▷ Korean | Fluent/Native Tongue

beauty knows no bounds.

face claim — GFRIEND's Umji

backup face claim — LOVELYZ' Jin


appearance — Height: 163 cm Weight: 49 kg | She might not be the prettiest girl in the industry, but she's got that look that would make you smile like a father. Her face doesn't really conform to Korea's beauty standards, especially her nose, which was a hot topic in her debut days, yet her look is more international fans friendly than it is k-fans friendly. She doesn't like her hair being fully black because she thinks it make look tan so she dyes her hair a lighter shade. 

fashion style
▷ casual: A C E
▷ formal: A C E
▷ training: A C E

this is who i am.

plotline — something to dance for

traits — hard-working, caring, cheerful, approachable | stubborn, anxious, naive, clumsy

personality — 
The first thing you'll notice about Haneul is that she does her very best in everything. She's not a perfectionist, per se but she works hard to be the very best in all she does. Haneul is a pure soul. She wants everyone to be happy and do well in life. She'll start caring for you deeply once you've become more than acquaintances. Her caring nature often causes her to dote, and despite her being still young she dotes on people like she is their mother. She's also a cheerful kid. She thinks that happiness is a choice, and she makes that choice each day of her life. No matter how hard life is, she'll always try to find a way to be happy. One thing you'll notice about Haneul is that she'll very approachable. She just has that nice vibe to her that strangers will find comfort in.

Now to the negative side of things. Like all of us, Haneul is merely human so she has these negative traits. Once you get to know her, you'll learn that she's very stubborn adn a tad hard headed. She'll never admit it but she's rather proud of her views on life in general. She often won't do something she doesn't wan to do, unless someone pressures her into it, or she's convinced to do it. She's also very clumsy. There isn't a day where she won't trip on air, or somethinglike that. She often knowks things over accidentally, and stuff. Like every other teenager, she has these bouts of insecurity,but she's a performer and she really wants to suceed, so hers  are worse than of a regular teen. I wouldn't say it's as worse as having an anxiety disorder, but she get's anxious easily, especially right before a performance. One more thing about her: She's as innocent as a baby. She often gets confused by dirty jokes and those kind of stuff, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised if her innocence disappear sooner or later. Now, about the "naive" part. She's not really used to being tricked or manipulated because she grew up in a place full of nice and genuine people, so she's easily tricked or manipulated by other people.


background — 
Haneul wasn't exactly born with a silver spoon in . In fact, I would say that it's the complete opposite. Her family isn't exactly fortunate with their financial status, so from a young age, Haneul faced the cruel reality that financial stability is a big factor of a comfortable life. Since childhood, Haneul faced many hardships. Both her parents worked more than half the day and goes home at night tired, so she's often left to her own devices. She pretty much took care of her parents as much as they took care of her. At 13 years of age, she already started working in small restaurants (let me tel you, it took a lot of convincing to the store owners to let her work while still having school) around town to start earning a little bit to help her parents. Around a year of working, she entered a singing competition in her school because she is competent on her singing ability, and there had been talks around the school that a talent agents will be attending and they might choose to reccomend some students to their respective companies. Haneul felt that this was her chance to help her family in a much better scale and so she joined. She only got second place, but she did get scouted by one of the said talent agents. Haneul couldn't be happier when her trainee life began.

likes — 
▷ Japanese Ramen
▷ Coffee (or any beverage that gives her energy)
▷ Happy sounding music
▷ Organizing her stuff
▷ Mystery books
▷ Bingsoo
▷ Chicken
▷ Waking up her unnies and oppas

dislikes — 
▷ Heels (especially stilettos)
▷ Mangoes
▷ Strong perfume
▷ Mess (and general discord)
▷ The smell of cigarette smoke
▷ The sight of a pimple on her face

hobbies — 
▷ Drawing
▷ Singing
▷ Cooking

habits — 
▷ Blinking twice when she doesn't understand something
▷ Playing with her fingers
▷ Moving her hair around when she's nervous


▷ Likes pale colors
▷ Cannot snap her fingers nor whistle
▷ Very Flexible
▷ Can't run very fast
▷ She likes painting

▷ She has a baby pug named Sky 
▷ She llkes singing Beyonce and Whitney Houston song despite having a terrible english pronunciation
▷ She probably wakes up first among the members

stage name — Haneul
fandom name & color — Neullies |  Unbleached Silk (#FFDDCA) 

singing twin — GFRIEND's Yuju ( MAMAMOO's Wheein )
dancing twin — Red Velvet's Seulgi ( LOVELYZ' Mijoo )
rapping twin — N/A

training length — 1 year
trainee history
Trainee life wasn't easy for Haneul. She was very far away from her friends and family, and she couldn't afford to go and visit even though she misses them so. Innstead she spent her holidays training and training and training. She made a lot of friends while she was a trainee, but most of the friends she made often stopped training or left the company in favor of another one. It didn't discourage he, in fact she trained much harder, knowing in her mind that if she worked hard, she'll eventually debut and be able to hepl her parents. She found that she improved tenfold in both singing and dancing just half a year into training. 

what would you say your persona is? — "Persona? Umm I'm not really sure... Hahaha even though it's not exactly our group's concept, I think I'm the cute and happy maknae. Hahaha, the unnies and oppas can't compete with my aegyo because  most of them aren't that good at it" (then her oppas and unnies all yell "YAH! I'M CUTE TOO!")
what would you say is your ideal type? — "To be honest, I'm too young to think of having a romantic relationship with anyone right now, but someday, I would like to be with someone who treats me like my dad treats my mom. I want him to take care of me, and make me happy."
who would you say is your role model? — "Does it have to be an idol? My role models are my parents, because they're very hard-working and they took care of me well. But if it's an idol role model, my role models are my members, because I know they all worked very hard to reach this goal."

who i was given.

family — 

— Father | Lee Sungho | 47 | Cook for a traditional Korean Restaurant | hard-working, caring, strict | 8

— Mother | Lee Jisoo | 45 | Teacher | caring, cheerdu, hard-worker | 9
— Brother | Lee Jinki | 7 | Student | playful, stubborn, sarcastic | 8

who i chose.

friends — 

— Kwon Jimin | 16 | Student | cheerful, kind, sarcastic | 10
— Ahn Miyoung | 27 | Vocal Trainer | perfectionist, nice, caring | 7

who i love.

love interest — N/A but if you want to give her one, by all means, please do.

backup love interest


personality — at least 1 paragraph.
how they meet

relationship — at least 1 paragraph.

let me take a bow.

comments/suggestions — Sorry for any typos and grammatical errors and stuff

scene requests — They should go to veriety songs and stuff

SPADES - Mr. Simple - Super Junior
CLUBS - Shake it - SISTAR

turn in — back to the story


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