{Rant} Why are you wearing makeup??

"Are you wearing makeup??" 

No, I just colored my eyelids with crayons.

"Why are you wearing makeup??" 

Because I ing want to, that's why. It's a free country.

"You trying to get a boyfriend."

No, not at all.

"You trying to be grown."

I'm not interested in that.


Why can't I wear makeup without everyone's commentary? Mind you, I don't wear that much. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do a full face. I can't do wing eyeliner to save my life and I don't want to glue my eyelids shut with false lashes. I keep it at a minimum with black eyeliner, mascara, and some shadow. I wear glasses so most of the time you can't even notice it.

On rare occasions, I decide to wear eye makeup to school. Sometimes I want to change up my look. Sometimes I want to feel prettier. Sometimes I have extra time in the morning. It has nothing to do with feeling ugly and having low self esteem. It has nothing to do with wanting to be grown or to attract a boy. If you aren't going to compliment me then shut your ing face.

I had one girl, an acquaintance, say to me last year that I don't need to wear makeup. I am beatiful without it. Most people I rant to say that it was a compliment. However, I think her comment was ignorant and unnecessary. Is she saying that only ugly people can wear makeup?? We all know that's not true.

I'm tired of the stigmas behind makeup: Only ugly, stuck up, dumb es wear makeup. Makeup is used to give you a new face and lure men. Those who don't wear makeup are innocent, nerdy, and lame. To be surprised that I am wearing makeup is insinuating that quiet, intelligent girls as myself are not hip enough to wear makeup. I don't like that.

The point I want to express is that anyone can wear makeup. There are no rules. You can wear a little or a lot. Do whatever the you want and to hell with the haters. Do it for you and only you. And if you want to feel prettier, that's perfectly OK :)


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Im a little bit of a make up guru. Eye liner on fleak, smokey eyes, double wing you name it. But that is because when I was younger and started to do make up I was bullied for it. Not because I was not good it it (yet) no it really was because I was wearing make up at all. Not so nice. But instead of stopping I just began to play with it. Using more colours and stuff like that. In the end I had people waiting for me at the school gate to see what I had done that day. Before I would go into the art room to have my picture taken. I now have a collage of all the make I did for a year and a half... But it was tiring and my mom hated it. So when I moved to a different school I stop and just wore socially excepable make for school. It helped that I was older now, since more girls started to wear it so i didn't stand out... Still I like to do it a little bit better than them. So, most of the time people need to grow over it. Oh and I always only do my eyes~
I only wear eyeliner and it's because I want to... my brother doesn't know better because he's still pretty young but I remember once over the summer I was putting on nail polish because I was bored (I usually never wear nail polish) he was like "it's summer right now... there's nobody to impress" and ._. well excuse you but I don't live to try and impress guys?
anyone should be able to wear makeup without getting criticized for it... it's supposed to exemplify the beauty you already have and it's up to people whether or not they want to do that... even if they don't want to, they shouldn't criticize others for wanting to ._.
I don't wear make-up at school and I don't really care if other people do. I mean, if that's what they feel like doing xDD I don't think it's even mentioned in the school guidelines as not proper school attire (at least in mine). Just don't be so defensive about it because people might take it the wrong way too. And we can't really separate make-up and beauty; make-up is created to enhance beauty; to hide blemishes or to enhance. But it's not right to assume that people who wear make-up are insecure or in need of a guy to notice them. My sis loves her make-up collection and she's not either of those :3 (But she never wore them in school either.)
Agreed! Where I live currently it's weird to not wear make up. I have severe cystic acne and back in my own country no one cared about who was wearing make up or who was not. As soon as I came to this country for Uni, my aunt dragged me to a cosmetics store to buy foundation to cover up my redness , telling me how 'pretty' I am but wanting me to cover up (and make my skin worst in the process), that bottle is back home now untouched. The only thing I wear is eyeliner and maybe mascara if I have time, Nothing else. Society must not be what tells you what you can and cannot do concerning something as petty as makeup.
Just be you and do you.

Forget them es
You do you girl! They are no one to judge you! Not ibly you wear makeup, i am wearing make up too! Maybe even more than you do, i am not only do eyes makeup, i do the whole face! Anyways, people they very annoying i know! Just ignore them and do whatever you want! They can't judge you unless you judge them! ^^