Every Night Update

Hi everyone! Thank you for subscribing to Every Night. Sorry if I haven't put the story there yet. I have two (or three, maybe) reasons why so I'll list them here:

  1. School. I am a freshman in high school and it is hard balancing free time and academics, especially since I come home late. 
  2. The draft I wrote is a bit crappy. After reading through it once, I didn't really like it so I went through it again, revising the story along the way. I tweaked the storyline a bit, making it a little longer than it's supposed it be.
  3. I'm pretty lazy. I spent most of my time listening to different songs (if you're wondering it's mostly BTS but also Seventeen) and printing out my Social Studies handouts (don't ask). 

The release date is hopefully on Thursday but if I can't then the latest I can do is Friday (which probably won't be on this day) and Saturday. Also, the reason why I am doubtful about Friday is because I have a field trip that day. Thank you for reading this really unnecessary post because probably other authors don't do this but I like to keep people updated :). Please stay tuned for this story and another one I am doing (still in progress, I have to add more chapters and the very first chapter). Thank you!






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