⟠ AEON | Son Rhianne

»  (


littlemisstrouble • mai • 8


the basics.

name » Son Riahn (선리안 / 千里眼 )


» Riri - when she was two, she started calling herself this, and the name kinda stuck. 

» Rhianne - the name she used while she was still in America. Basically, it's just her name westernized

» Xiumin in a wig - see photo
BIRTHDAY » August 17, 1994 ( 21 / 22 )

birthplace » New York, USA

hometown » New York, New York
ethnicity » Korean


» English (native) She grew up in New York, so this was the language she was most exposed to.

»  Korean (advanced) her parents talked to her in Korean at home so she got some practice, but when she started living in Korea to train, she got better with the language. Occasionally, she'll make some pronunciation mistake, but thankfully her other members save her from it


face claim » MAMAMOO's Moonbyul [x]

backup face claim » SECRET's Hyosung [x]


appearance » No difference to faceclaim. Favorite hairstyles include ponytail and just plain down, but when promoting, she usually goes with what the stylist chooses to do to her hair.

style » She isn't exactly picky in what she wears. She'll wear whatever the stylist puts her in, but when she's just dressing herself, she prefers to dress for comfort, then for style. She likes the oversized sweater trend in the cold months and would often pair one with some leggings and some boots. In the warmer months, you'll find her in crop tops and either leggings or shorts. She'll wear any color except neon, because she doesn't like the look of neon on her skin. She pretty much shops anywhere that has her size. She also likes to experiment on her look, but eventually she goes back to her original style.








"  Hi! I'm AEON's happy rapper, Rhianne"

" And he was like, let me help you with that. I'm like I can handle my own heavy box, thank you very much "


the girl next door.

plotline » The Brawn

STAGE NAME » Rhianne
STAGE PERSONA » Happy Rapper
POSITION » Lead Vocalist, Main Rapper
BACK-UP POSITION » Main Rapper, Vocalist, Lead Dancer

DANCING TWIN » APINK's Eunji (she's okay, but not exactly the best dancer)
ACTING TWIN » (as much as she insists she can... she really can't)

» N/A

TRAINEE SPAN » 2 years
TRAINEE BACKGROUND » She participated in SM GLOBAL AUDITION 2013 as a rapper and vocalist. Fortunately she passed. She immediately moved to Korea, much to her parents disappointment. She very much enjoyed training despite it being very difficult. She was trained both in the rap and vocal section more than the dance and acting section. One thing she had difficulty in was the language barrier. Her knowledge of Korean was limited. In the first few months, she mostly kept to herself, drowning herself in training, but when she realized that she was being a total loner, she started to become more open to her fellow trainees. Actually, she was first approached by Wendy, a fellow trainee who speaks English. They became close and Wendy, who has more knowledge in Korean, helped Rhianne with her Korean. 



» Pizza | Her favorite food. She's especially fond of deep dish pizzas

» Gold | Favorite color

» Horror Movies | "They're exciting"

» Broadway Musicals | "DEFYYYYING GRAVITYYYY"

» Running | it relaxes her  

» Rain | she likes dancing, playing, and singing in the rain. It's just fun for her

» YouTubers | "OMG, YASSSSS TYLER OAKLEY SLAY QUEEN SLAY" Just a fun pastime for her


» Spiders | one of her only fears, she'll literally scream like a banshee and run out of the room if she see's one. Yes, that it includes fake spiders. "GET THAT MONSTER AWAY FROM ME NOW OR I'LL CHASE YOU WITH A SPOON"

» Waking up early | self-explanatory. "Ughhhh, five more hours"

» The process of putting on make-up | She doesn't really mind make-up when it's on her face, but she really dislikes the actual process. "It feels like a thousand spiders crawling on my face *shudders*" 

» Strong Perfume | It makes her sneeze a lot 

» Her own sneeze | She makes some weird noises when she sneeze (see video at 1:02)


» She bites her lip when she's thinking

» Talks in her sleep

» Exhales through her nose when she's frustrated


» Playing the guitar | she started playing the guitar when she was 6, and never stopped. She plays it from time to time because it is something that she really enjoys

» Running | she runs when she needs time to think. 


» Her blood type is O-

» She can run really fast

» But running is pretty much the only athletic thing she can do

» She's not flexible. She can't even begin to do the splits

» Yeah, she's bi, but nobody knows that.... yet 



» Instagram: @i.m.rhianne


home is where your heart is.

POSITIVE » happy(is that even a trait), sociable(for the most part), optimistic, approachable, caring
NEUTRAL » confident, ambitous, good sense of humor, courageous, brawny ;)
NEGATIVE » blunt, lazy(sort of), impulsive, opinionated, careless


(+) happy - she's a happy person. she makes it a point to stay happy no matter what negative thing happens. She believes that happiness is a choice, and she actively makes that choice everyday. Of course, she has her down days, but she tries to pull herself out of the well of sadness to show a happy Rhianne to the world.

(=) good sense of humor - one thing to know about Rhianne is that she likes laughing. She'll pretty much laugh to any joke, no matter how corny it is.

(-) blunt - if you ask for her opinion, expect to get an honest and slightly painful reply. She's also honest in that way. She's working on being less blunt because people often call her out on it. She doesn't realize she's becoming to blunt and harsh sometimes, and is apologetic when she realizes it

(=) confident - she's not afraid to go out on that stage and give it her all. Stage fright? Pfft! that is so last season! She'll often be the first volunteer in variety shows etc.,

(-) opinionated - when she has an opinion, best believe she passionately will fight for it. It may not always be right, but it's her opinion, and she doesn't care about yours

(-) impulsive - she often acts without exactly thinking it through. It often gets her into trouble, and into complicated situations, but she's used to it by now.

(-) careless - her carelessness stems a little from her impulsiveness. When she does have a chance to think things through, she'll sometimes still make a crass decision. Her carelessness sometimes leads to her destroying her image.

(+) caring - she cares for the people around her. Why? Because she believes without them, she wouldn't be the way she is now. She often can't express her caring nature easily, but you'll see her subtly taking care of her members through actions like fixing their hair to make them look their best, saving them from awkward moments in interviews, making them look good in interviews, variety shows, etc.

(+) sociable - barring the first few months of training, Rhianne's actually very sociable. She likes talking to people and getting to know them well. She likes being surrounded by her friends. It is with her friends that she's is most confident.

(+) approachable - because of her sociable nature, she is very approachable. She also has that face ya know? Like a nice customer service personnel. You can pretty much vent anything out to her and she'll listen and console you. Basically like a therapist.

(=) courageous - fear is a foreign concept to her (except if there is a spider involved). She's often the one LOL-ing while others are covering their faces in fear in a horror movie. 

(-) lazy - she has lazy days a lot when she doesn't feel like training or do anything. She doesn't like to do housework and the like, cause like who does?

(=) brawny ;) - despite her frame, she's actually very strong. Not like weight-lifter kind of strong, but she is pretty strong for a female her frame. Yes, she can open all of the bottles you can't.


background »

Midday August 17, 1994, Son Rhia was pushed out her mother's womb. Pushed by whom? Well partially by Son Jiyeon, and partially by our favorite girl Son Rhianne("She was taking too much space"). Fifteen minutes and seventeen seconds later, Rhianne finally left the womb because she was getting claustrophobic. And that's how the Son Twins were born! (idkwhy i wrote this)

Rhianne's childhood was nothing special. She and her sister were inseparable. They did everything together, and they have the same interests. They really liked musical theater so they would often  save up their allowance and go to Broadway to watch a musical. Their mother saw their interest in musical theater so she signed up the girls to singing lessons when they were ten. Both the girls improved their talent tenfold.

When Rhianne stepped into high school, Rhianne started taking interest in rapping and KPOP. She wanted to know if she can actually rap, and to her surprise, she actually can. She started cultivating this talent, and she cultivated it well. 2013 was the year everything changed. Rhia was getting ready to go to a good theatre, but Rhianne actually wanted to be a K-idol. She audtitioned to SM, and she passed. She was contemplating whether to actually grab this opportunity or not. Of course she asks her sister, and Rhia was like "follow your ing dreams. move to Korea and reach for your dream". Her parents didn't want her to move to another country alone at 18, but with a little persuation from both the girls, they gave in. 

Moving to Korea wasn't easy for Rhianne. It was like her life changed in a flash. 18, and in a country she wasn't familiar with. It was terrifying, that's for sure, but Rhianne was determined to pursue her dreams, so she pushed on despite not having much friends because of the language barrier. 
She eventually found a friend in the form a certain Son Seungwan. You might know her better as Red Velvet's Wendy. They were both still trainees when Wendy and Rhianne met. Wendy was really the first person that made Rhianne at home in Korea. 




» Son Jiyeon (Jenny) | Mother | 50 | Stage Manager | Caring and Gentle

They have a nice relationship. Jiyeon often is the one calling to check on Rhianne weekly. Althought they don't have the perfect relationship, they love each other dearly.

» Son Sungho (Eugene) | Father | 53 | Accountant | Sharp and Confident

They aren't exactly close to each other. Having a 9 to 5 job didn't exactly let them interact to each other, but Sungho cares deeply for both his daughters, and will not hesitate to beat up anyone who picks on them (which isn't exactly easy because of both his daughters jobs are in show-business)

» Son Riah (Rhia) | Twin-Sister | 20 | (future)Musical Theatre Actress | Ambitious and Blunt

Rhia is Rhianne's other half, her best friend, her shoulder to cry on, etc. They're really close, especially when they were children. Rhia is actually the reason Rhianne ended up moving to Korea, because the former told the latter to "follow [your] ing dreams"



» Son Seungwan (Wendy) | Best Friend | 20 | Idol - Red Velvet | Outgoing and Friendly

Wendy was the first perdon to approach Rhianne when she first arrived in Korea. Wendy is Rhianne's first best friend in Korea. They really bonded when they both discovered they like food very much. They often have lunchdates when their schedules aren't that busy. Rhianne was really proud when Wendy, along with the rest of Red Velvet, debuted, and likewise, Wendy was proud when Rhianne debuted as well. Rhianne sees her her twin sister in Wendy, so that's why their very close. Wendy has become Rhianne's sister number two when she can't get a hold of sister number one(Rhia). They're as close as actual sisters.


the one and only.

love interest » Jung Soojung (Krystal) (정수정 / 鄭秀晶 )
birthday » October 24, 1994 (20 / 21 )
group » f(x)

» Baby Jung - she's former-SNSD Jessica's little sister

» Little Yoona - she looks a lot like SNSD's Yoona

» Ice Princess - like her older sister, Krystal isn't exactly one of the warmest people. In fact, she's rather cold

backup love interest » Red Velvet's Seulgi


personality »
POSITIVE » nice, bright, hardworking, actually warm when you get to know her
NEUTRAL » shy to people she's not familiar with her, confident on stage
NEGATIVE » cold, "chic", blunt, looks arrogant and disrespectful
The media percieve Krystal as a chic, and cold princess. Those things are true, in a sense, but they're not the complete truth. Krystal appears coldand detached to people she's not that close with, but that's partially because she's just shy. Because of her resting face, she's called "chic" (tbh i don't know wtf chic means) and arrogant. She cant really do anthing about that so she let's it happen.

When you get to know Krystal, you'll see she's not that bad. You'll discover that she's actually a warm and caring person. She's also bright and happy when she's around people she's comfortable with. Her blunt persona, however, doesn't change. She'll tell you how it is, and she'll tell you sassily.


first meeting »

Rhianne was still a trainee, and it was her first dance class. She was walking through the hallways of the SM building and she enters a door, thinking it was the right practice room. Guess what? It wasn't. She walked into f(x) practicing. All five of the rooms occupants looked up expectantly to Rhianne. Rhianne's heart dropped. First day in this company, and I already messed up? she thought to herself. "Ne?" A pretty unnie(cough Krystal cough) in the corner asked Rhianne. Due to Rhianne's shock, she forgot momentarily to speak Korean. "Uhhh--- sorry for barging into you practicing, but is this Practice Room 17?" The pretty unnie looked over to a boyish looking girl. "She's foreign, help her." she told the boyish looking girl. "Hi! What's your name?" the boyish looking unnie asked in English. "Um Rhianne.." Rhianne replied. While Amber lead her to the right practice room she can't help thinking about the pretty unnie. Rhianne couldn't get the pretty unnie out of her head, but she also can't stop thinking about how the pretty unnie is cold and scary.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS » (present) friends (future) Secretly Dating cause it's not as if Korea is open to other ualities
INTERACTIONS » Rhianne later discovered that the pretty unnie's name was Krystal, and she wasn't her unnie. In fact, Rhianne was older than Krystal by a month. They didn't interact with each other much in the first year, but when AEON was preparing to debut, the company was introducing AEON to their senior groups, and that included f(x). Krystal didn't remember the incident in the practice room, but Rhianne did, and tbh she has a massive crush on Krystal. Rhianne made an effort to get closer. It took some time, but Krystal finally opened up to her. They got to the point where they were close enough to have late night chats, and lunch dates.

» Ship name : RhiStal

» It was two months into their friendship when Rhianne started flirting with Krystal. Krystal didnt think much of it

» They often share clothes

» They have matching necklaces that has a key pendant because they are the key of each other's heart (omg so cheesy)


CONCLUSION » They eventually got there. And by "there" I meant they finally started dating. At first, Krystal was uneasy with the relationship. She wasn't exactly used to dating the same gender. But as time passed, Krystal soon realized that her feelings for Rhianne was strong, and Krystal finally responded to Rhianne's advances. They finally started dating, but they kept it a secret to the general public. They acted carefully in front of fans, only acting as close female friends. Because of Krystal's acting skills, and Rhianne's reputation of being really friendly, they got away from it. No one suspected a thing (Except all of them RhiStal shippers)


last words.

comments/suggestions » Sorry for awkward grammar, typos, etc.

scene requests 

» Wendy&Rhianne lunchdates

» Rhianne admitting to her two sisters (Rhia, her actual sister and Wendy, her soul sistah) that she has a crush on Krystal

» RhiStal lunch date

» RhiStal moments

» f(x) approaching Rhianne, suspecting her of liking Krystal

password » AERI 


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