ㅤㅤ❛ eclare ⋮ 송현미



full name. song, hyunmi ( 송현미 / )
birthdate. february 28, 1997 ( 18 )
birthplace. jeonju, south korea
hometown. jeonju, south korea
ethnicity. 100% kimchi
nationality. korean
+ hyunnie ( ) her dongsaengs call her this when they discovered that they can combine her name with unnie. hence the name "hyunnie". but tbh it was completely hyunmi's idea and her saengies just didn't stop calling her this. 
+ magnet-hyun / jaseog-hyun자석  )  fans call her this because of the fact that hyunmi likes to really close to her members and can't stay away from them for too long
+  honey ( 하니 )  international fans called her this for the first few months because of a translation mistake in her first sm rookies video (instead of song hyunmi, her name was misspelled to song hani), but once everything was cleared up, fans didn't stop calling her this and the name still haunts her to this day.  

+  korean  ( fluent )  well, um... she's lived in south korea all her life, so she's fluent 
+  english  ( advanced )  ever since she started school, she has always been in an english class. Her father is an international businessman, and he has always thought that his one and only daughter will inherit his construction materials redistribution business, so he insisted that she learn multiple languages, including english. SHe wasn't particularly good in the language initially especially with her thick korean accent, but she improved when hailee began tutoring her in english, and she returning the favor and helping her with korean.
+  mandarin  ( conversational )  the exact explanation above, barring the last sentence.
+  japanese  ( conversational )  see above :3

faceclaim. iu
back-up fc. miss a's suzy
height&weight. 162cM AND 46KG

zero difference with iu. 

fashion sense.
fashion sense? hahah that'll be hard. well, long story short, hyunmi does not have a fashion sense. she pretty much wears whatever her stylist gives her. when her stylist-unnie is absent, she'll either wear a white t-shirt and leggings ensemble, or she'll ask her members (cough hailee cough) to help her dress.

personality traits.
 (+positive : hard - worker, friendly, honest, passionate, caring, like not shy at all ever, charming (?????)
 (+neutral : byun, likes to have skinships with the members, perfectionist, observant, confident, weird.
 (+negative : noisy, blunt, impulsive, messy, short-tempered, eclare's resident fashion terrorist

if you were to describe hyunmi in one word, you'll say the word "talkative". She never stops talking, even to people she just met. you'll learn that the girl has no sense of shame at all. it works to her advantage most times, but some people think of her as "noisy" (and tbh hyunmi doesn't disagree). because of her extroverted nature, she makes friends easily. hyunmi's unneccessary chatter often puts people in a state of comfort (like, oh I don't know, a new trainee), and the other party often eases into hyunnie's blabber, and they chat (eventually becoming friends because hyunmi will never run out of topics to talk about). SHe also has the tendency to act without thinking things through, which often puts her in difficult situations.

Being hyunmi's friend has its perks. once she feels that you're close with each other, she subconciously puts your happiness and needs in front of hers. Her caring nature often rivals a mother's love for her children. She's very observant, in a sense of being able to tell you've had a bad day by looking at the way you walk. now, we've established that hyunmi really cares for the people close to her. Well, it somehow translates to y'know... skinships. not the super ultra intimate kind, i'm talking about the holding hands "unintentional" body collision, a few booty touches here and there, you know, the works.

IN contrast to her relatively happy-go-lucky personality in the outside world, her persona in the practice room is very different. She loves performing, like, a lot. she wants the people watching her perform to enjoy her performance. She strives for perfection in all aspects of her performance. she wants to see perfection immdiately, and often gets very annoyed when she doesn't reach it. this is when she is her scariest. You'll often find her in the practice room, going over the latest choreography, singing her scales, or praticing her lines in the drama she's currently taking part in. She overworks herself, to be honest, and the people around worry much about her health. She will often insist that she's fine, but will stop when she's forcefully pulled from practicing to her bed.

another thing about hyunmi is that she doesn't clean after herself. She is very messy. when you walk into her room, all you'll see is chaos. I think that's all I need to say.

in the morning of the 28th of february 1996 life was given to a girl, and taken away from a woman. The girl's name? Song hyunmi. The woman who died was her mother, Song Jihyun. WIth the death of her mother, hyunmi;s father, song jungho started to drown himself, always leaving his daughter to the care of her aunt, Song yewon. Needless to say, hyunmi didn't experience the love of her parents first hand, but she's okay with it because her aunt yewon loved her very much, and that was enough for her.  

The moment Hyunmi stepped into school, her father signed her up for 3 language classes, namely English, Mandarin, and japanese.  Why? He says that it will be very beneficial for her future when she inherits his company. Hyunmi never wanted to inherit her father's company. Like ugh, a  construction materials redistribution company? BOriinngggg. SHe wanted to be a performer ever since her aunt Yewon told her that she has a beautiful voice. So she did everything to improve her talent. SHe found that she was pretty good at acting out little skits for her auntie yewon, so slowly, she improved her acting as well. She attended a lot of workshops, attended one-on-one classes, and so on. Her aunt yewon supported her all through this, even going as far as hiring a talent agent for her. It was 2008 when she finally landed a role in the korean adaptation of annie as the lead role, annie, which is pretty good for a first-timer. Her father, who thinks that performing is a waste of time and often discouraging her to stop performing, saw her perform (after a lot of bribing from yewon), and finally allowed her to continue performing. After doing her run in annie a year later, hyunmi auditioned in sm, starting her trainee life.


stage name. HYUNMI
stage persona. SKINSHIP QUEEN || WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET skIN CONTACT WITH MEMBERS {{backup: angel || because of her angel-like looks}}
back-up position. LEAD VOCALIST
individual fanclub name. hyUNNIES
individual fanclub colour.  Regalia / #522D80 

singing twin. IU ( JUNIEL )
dancing twin. mamamoo's solar ( IU )
rapping twin. ... 
speaking twin. IU ( GFRIEND'S EUNHA )
acting twin. APINK'S EUNJI ( IU )

(+ { 2008 - 2009 } starred in the korean adaptation of the musical "Annie"
(+ { 2012 } played a minor role in Dream high 2 as one of the students
(+ { 2014 } played park sooin in trot lovers
(+ { 2014 } participated in a photoshoot for etude house
(+ { 2014 } introduced as an sm rookie with a video where she sings "o holy night"
(+ { 2015 } participated in a photoshoot for ceci
(+ { 2015 } played cha songjoo in the drama school 2015
trainee span.  6 years (2009 - 2015)
trainee background.
Hyunmi has always wanted to be an idol since her childhood, and when she got accepted into sm, she was ecstatic. Trainee life was difficult, but hyunmi ignored all hardships by thinking of her end goal: being recognized as a top-class performer. Hyunmi made a lot of friends in the span of six years. she's friendly both her idol sunbaes, and fellow trainees. HYunmi worked hard to the point that the higher ups noticed her talent and dtermination and started taking care of her well. They helped her land minor roles in quite a few dramas, helped her audition for cfs, gave her a stylist because they realized she has a horrid style, and prioritized her over other trainees. The favoritism did not go unnoticed by her fellow trainees, and hyunmi and quite a few haters inside the company. Hyunmi ignored them and gave her 200% in training and her work, aiming to prove them that she deserved the special treatment. BY the time the group eclaire was formed, hyunmi had improved tenfold in acting, public speaking, singing, and dancing.

(+) her blood type is ab
(+) her social media handle in all platforms is @hyunnie28
(+) she gets surprised easily. like just tap her shoulder when she isn't paying attention will make her jump
(+) but she doesn't get scared of scary rides like roller coasters and the like. in fact, she loves them!
(+) she wants to star in broadway and/or west end someday
(+) her ideal type is infinite's sungjong
(+) she thinks she acts better than she sings or dance
(+) she plays the guitar and piano 
(+) she has a six months old white zu named Eunmi who lives in eclare's dorm (can be changed if there's a member who's allergiic to dogs)
(+) she can't sleep without cuddling with her dog
(+) she's sensitive to strong perfumes and would descend into a sneezing fit when exposed to one
(+) she can her elbow
(+) she is a very deep sleeper, hence she's difficult to wake
(+) she's a professional fangirl of snsd's yoona
(+) she likesto randomly burst into song


family relations.
+ song yewon | aunt | 34 | Coo of Song international enterprise of construction materials redistribution | yewon is hyunmi's mother figure. they love each other greatly, and yewon is the main reason hyunmi fell in love with performing. Yewon supports hyunmi in every choice that the latter makes, and urges her to be her very best.
+ song jungho | father | 40 | ceo of song international enterprise of construction materials redistribution | hyunmi doesn't exactly have a close relationship with her father, but they love each other greatly, and jungho let's hyunmi do what makes her happy. 
other relations.
bae juhyun | best friend | 24 | idol - red velvet |  irene and hyunmi started training at around the same time, so they had a lot of classes together, because of this, they got really close. they went everywhere together, so much so that hyunmi became known as juhyun's shadow around the company. Irene is the elder sister that hyunmi never had, and she loves her as such (and vice versa). Hyunmi is also responsible for irene's nickname "cabbage" (baechu) because bae joo = bae chu. baechu is also the reason that hyunmi has a vast fascination with butts
+ hwan Haneul | best friend | 18 | idol - eclare |  their first meeting was hailee's first day training in sm. hyunmi's first impression of hailee was that she was really pretty, so her first words to her was "wow unnie you're so pretty. teach me me your pretty ways." she said this really fast so hailee, not being exactly used to speaking korean, did not understand. hailee told hyunmi that she didn't speak korean well and spoke better in english then hyunmi was like "I'll help you with your korean if you help me with my english" and hailee agreed, and a beautiful friendship started. Hyunmi guided hailee throughout the latter's trainee life in sm, so they got very close in the span of four years. their relationship is like one of sisters. They tell everything to each other, and sticks with each other through thick and thin. And tbh hailee's is hyuni's favorite to touch, and hyunmi is really clingy to hailee, much to the latter's annoyance. hyunmi knows that hailee doesn't likes skinships very much, so she makes a point to have a lot of skinships with her. Hailee is also the reason that hyunmi got into social media. 








love interest. in my opinion, hyunmi is way too focused on her work to have a love interest, but if you would like to, you could pair her with a person of your choice, or have her be matchmaker to the other couples.
birthdate. month day, year ( age )
group. ...
+ nickname : just add in the explanation here and why is he called this as well as who calls him by this nickname.

couple trivia.
+ trivia fact goes here : anything you want me to know about the two that i should know about and write about? like memories or ship names and of such. 


personality traits.
 (+positive : (5 traits min)
 (+neutral : (optional)
 (+negative : (5 traits min) 

personality description goes here. i would recommend at least one paragraph but i just need to know the basics of their personality if not more detailed, and how they act around others. 

first meeting.
at least make it somewhat realistic, and reasonable. if the guy was an idol and your character was a trainee and you're from different companies, how would that work out? as well as if it was the other way round? if you're both in sm or any company in general, remember their busy schedules. i'd actually like to see some first meeting where it wasn't in the 'predebut' era, and when the girl is actually an idol, music shows and variety shows would be a great first meet ( if they are promoting at the same time or the love interest or your character just so happens to be a guest mc for the day ). 

relationship status. no dating please ( at least so early right now please )  
how do they progress in the relationship? and how do they act around each other behind closed doors and publicly? any interactions or important moments which effect the relationship should go here so i can have the plot set straight for the two of them. 

conclusion. dating?? break up? not or are ending up together you decide- don't blame me if my ending for the two of you is not what you had in mind. i've asked you what you wanted here kay?? 


what can i call you? mai (pronounced like the word "my" [i'm saying this because a lot of people ask what the pronuncation of my name ; ;])
username. littlemisstrouble
rate of activity (1-10). 8.5 ( normal days ) 6 ( exam days/busy days )

comments. hope you like hyunmi~! also, i hope you don't mind me making your character as a best friend~! if you're not a fan, feel free to modify their relationship to your wishes <3
also, don't hesitate to be harsh in your review on my form :) 
scene requests.  
(+) lots of skinship moments pls :3
(+) open forum among the girls. like just a simple sit-down on the floor like confession circle kind of thing
(+) weekly idol and runningman appearances <3

password. SKy ( because the sky is bight and clear )

© credits to #yaksogeworks, mine so don't steal or replicate thanks!


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