♛ Broken queens ; Jiwoo


birth name » seo jiwoo
nicknames »
— meongwoo "blank-woo" | this nickname was given to her because of her tendency to space out every ten seconds                   wooyi | her mom's pet name for her, until one faithful day when they were trainees and her teammates overheard the name, so they started calling her wooyi                                                          eomma-nim | because of her motherly nature, her members and the fans call her this
BIRTHDAY + DEBUT AGE » february 2, 1996 + 19 
BIRTHPLACE » seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN » seoul, south korea
NATIONALITY » full blooded kimchi (korean)
ETHNICITY » also 100% kimchi
— korean / Fluent / well, she grew up in korea so.........                  — english / advanced / she signed up for english classes in her school and has been studying it for 9 years                                       — chinese / conversational / she started learning it when she entered the company as of their wishes
APPEARANCE » looks exactly like irene except a tad shorter
STYLE » subtle cute and conservative. she likes sweaters, crop tops, leggings, romper, cardigans, high-waisted shorts and all the things "tumblr" girls wear. tumblr girls are her main inspiration in fashion, but she will never tell you that.
FACECLAIM » red velvet's irene
BACKUP FACECLAIM » April's chaewon
HEIGHT + WEIGHT » 157 cm + 40 kg HERE.
PERSONALITY TRAITS » (+) friendly, mom-like, hard-worker, kind, perfectionist | (-) very Talkative, bossy, byun, impulsive, perfectionist
— Seo jiwoo is the perfect example of the term "social butterfly". She's really friendly and is not one to get shy. she finds it easy to talk to most people, and can make friends easily. she really likes talking to the point of other people's annoyance. she's tends to talk or act before thinking it through so she is often in a complicated situation. she's caring and kind, often putting other people's needs before hers, to the point you'll mistake her to be a mom because of her personality. she's often the one who takes care of her members. she's not afraid to defend anyone who's being bullied or discriminated against, this trait got stronger after she recovered from the incident (see below). She's not the smartest potato in the sack, but she will work her off if it means being the best she can be. she has the innate desire for everything she does to be perfect. her perfectionism translates to bossiness in the practice room when her teammates don't live up to her expectations, then after a while she becomes sorry because she realizes that she was pushing her members around. she gets sad when she feels she's not living up to her own expectation.       she's also a byun, often looking at her members butts and s, sometimes even touching or poking their butts. the members hate it, but that just makes her want to do it more. she tends to space out when she's left inactive. leave her doing nothing for ten seconds, and you'll find that she's staring into space, deep in her thoughts.
— jiwoo spent her first few years with only her mother taking care of her because her biological father left her before she was born. it wasn't until she was four when she finally experienced what it was like to have a father when her mother and now step-father wedded. those years were nothing but happy memories for jiwoo, and when her brother was born, she couldn't be happier.
— Jiwoo is, and always have been the most popular girl in school. she was friendly, pretty, and talented. guys want to date her, and girls want to be her. most of her schoolmates adore her. keyword: most. there were some jealous people who disliked her with a passion. she never knew why, but they didn't do anything but spread a few harmless rumors. she ignored them for the most part. jiwoo's dream has always been performing, so she often joined talent shows. she didn't always get awards, but that only inspired her to work harder and try harder. until the day she got scouted but the talent agent. she auditioned and fortunately passed. her haters learned of this and decided to spread a bunch of rumors against her, calling her a talentless , and that she payed her way into being accepted. at first she didn't mind the rumors, but as she started to train and got more stressed daily, she started to think of dark things because of the rumors. the rumors didn't stop, in fact, it got worst, now calling her worthless and making a bunch of snide comments about her appearance and her talent. with the stress taking over her brain with the rumors flooding her brain, she started pushing everyone away, including her parents. she started to think of suicidal thoughts.they started to worry about her. one day in school just after nearly every student has left. she wandered to the bathroom with a box cutter on hand. she made slices on her wrists, and was about to get it over with and slit when lee hi, who stayed late because of detention, walked into the bathroom and saw jiwoo raising the box cutter to . hayi knocked the cutter away from jiwoo's hands and brought her to the nurses office. a few days later, she went to a psychiatrist and was diagnosed with clinical depression and has slowly been healing since then. slowly but surely, she's going back to her former self. she still goes to her therapist regularly because she still gets lapses of intense sadness from time to time. now, she knows to confide to the people around her.
— chicken feet (she's in a serious love affair with chicken feet)
— bingsoo
— pizza
— horror movies
— the colors pastel pink, and white
— waking up early
— waking up her members
— boa
— ailee
— juniel
— iu
— Snsd
— leonardo di caprio
— shopping

— coffee
— two-faced people
— the feeling of hairspray in her hair
— the dark
— bees (she was stung when she was two and developed a fear of bees) 
— watching horror movies
— Cleaning
— shopping
— waking other people up super early
— making choreo for dances
— playing her guitar
— scaring other people 
— claps her hand while laughing
— Clutches the person next to her when she's scared
— bites her lip frequently
— spaces out constantly
— talks in her sleep 
— exhales through her nose when she's frustrated 
— she can make dolphin sounds (whistle notes)

— she really really really likes food
— has a fast metabolism so she rarely gets fat
— she performed boa's no. 1 in her audition
— wants to be an actor-dol
— she is not athletic
— but she is very flexible (LIKE SHE CAN PUT HER FEET BEHING HER HEAD, do the splits, etc.) 
— she likes touching her members' butts
— and looking at their ies
— she's not really smart
— her ideal type is sungjong even though he's her best friend because she likes his personality a lot
— she snores when she sleep
— she's really ticklish
— she's really good at cooking, and she often cooks for her members
— She's bi, but she doesn't know it yet 
— father / seo, jonghun / 47 / he divorced jiwoo's mother right before jiwoo was born. he is distant and cold towards jiwoo. they don't really see each other except on their annual "bonding day" where they do different things to bond which always ends in awkward silence. jiwoo doesn't know her father much despite these annual meetings.
— moTHER / kwon, jieun / 41 / caring, kind, and would do anything for her children. she calls jiwoo wooyi, because that's what jiwoo's name was originally going to be. jiwoo get's her motherly instinct from her mom. 
— step-FATHER / kwon, jungho / 47 / he married jiwoo's mother when jiwoo was 4. their relationship is great compared to jiwoo's relationship with her biological father. he's very laidback and fun. they often go  to the arcade along with jihoo.
— step-brother / kwon, jihoo   / 10 / jiwoo loves her brother very much even though she messes with him a lot. she won't let anyone be mean to her brother. "nobody messes with my jihoo but me!", she would often say. in contrast to his sister's outgoing personality, he is very shy and reserved.

best friend / LeE, sungjong / 22 / idol - infinite /they met through sungjong's manager, who happens to a family friend of the seos, 3 years prior. they really hit it off at first meeting. he has a bright personality, and he sometimes becomes a total diva,but only around his close friends, including jiwoo.                
— BEST FRIEND / LEE, hayi (lee hi) / 19 / idol - soloist / They have been classmates since middle school school, but they only got close after the incident. she's not as talkative to other people except jiwoo. she's jiwoo's shoulder to cry on when she has problems, and vice versa. hayi is basically jiwoo's secret keeper and vice versa. 

OTHERS » nada
STAGE NAME » jiwoo / she decided to keep her birth name
POSITION » main rapper, lead dancer, and vocalist (lead vocalist and main dancer).
PERSONA » eomma-nim (mother) / despite not being the eldest, she has taken the persona because of her caring and motherly nature
TRAINEE TIME » 6 years (first 3 years she trained in sm ent)
— she was scouted while dancing at her school's talent show. she performed boa's no. 1 for her audition. the first few years have been difficult for her because that was the years that she struggled with depression. she was dismissed from sm ent for her multipla absences, and they didn't want a trainee who was depressed and and suicidal. she auditioned in crown and she was accepted, mostly because of her training time in sm ent. on her first gay, she noticed that the atmosphere is diferent from sm ent and crown. crown felt more genuine to her while 
SINGING TWIN » gfriend's sinb (mamamoo's wheein)
RAPPING TWIN » mamamoo's moonbyul (snsd's sooyoung)
DANCE TWIN » red velvet's seulgi (snsd's hyoyeon)
— she cameod(?) in dream high 2 as one of the students named park yoonmi
— accused of dating infinite's sungjong after a picture of them having their monthly lunch date, and it caused a big uproar among fans, most fans supported their so called "relationship", but soon it was discovered that they were only best friends. it boosted up broken queens' popularity but bought along a lot of antis to jiwoo (2015, a few months after debut)                               — the inevitable scandal when jisoo's uality is learned by the public
LOVE INTEREST » juniel (soloist)
— she has a very charming personality. she seems to have the power to put a smile to anyone's face. she is very lovable and friendly. she's too nice of a person. she's also determined and hard-working. 
— they met officially when broken queens was promoting the same time as her. the girls went to give a copy of their album and they took a picture together.
— the first interaction was when she gave a shoutout to broken queens new album on her sns. when jisoo saw it, she was shocked that her ultimate idol gave a shout out to her group. so she politely thanked her, but on the inside she was spazzing like crazy. that's where it all started. juniel and jisoo interacted much on sns. 
Actual RELATIONSHIP » internet friend
FUTURE RELATIONSHIP » after a year and a half of interacting solely on sns, the two finally went to a lunch date, as per jiwoo's suggestion. they had a lot of fun and they got to know each other more. their lunch dates became more frequent (so much so that jiwoo's 2 best friends started to suspect something), and feelings dtarted to develop. they started dating 6 months after their first lunch date, but they kept it low key for a while until it was somehow leaked into the public.  
COMMENTS/questions » hope you like jiwoo~! and if anything is not good, hit me up~ 

SCENES/SONGS suggestions »
— weekly idol random play dance where jiso just has a complete mental block(ie, forgetting all their dance steps), and is proclaimed as a dance black hole
— all da things mentioned above lol (juniel & broken girls interaction; juniel/jisoo sns interaction; juniel lunch date)
— jisoo realising her feelings for juniel and confessing it to lee hi and sungjong while shopping at myeongdong. then her best friends were like "we know!"
— running man where jisoo's lack of athletic ability is shown
song suggestions: mamamoo's mr. ambiguous | mamamoo's um oh ah yeh | gfriend's under the sky | kara's mama mia
PASSWORD » royals + (members' names said individually) four colors, four hearts, together as one. we are the broken queens/


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