hello cupid, hello kwon sora
NICKNAME(S). KWON DANSHIN (or simply shorty) ya know... cause she's short (pretty much everyone except her parents call her this)
AGE & BIRTHDATE. 14; 3rd May 2001
ETHNICITY. 3/4 Korean, 1/4 Japanese (mom is half Japanese)
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN. KOREAN (fluent), JAPANESE (semi-fluent), ENGLISH (semi-fluent in a sense that she can hold normal conversations in English, but will have difficulty in really deep topics like politics and stuff), GIBBERISH (very fluent)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT. 158 cm; 45 kg 
EXTRAS. Has a girly wardrobe. Think "tumblr" clothes like fitted jeans, skirts, dresses, high-waisted shorts, crop tops, and all that jazz. She always dresses to kill. Turquoise is the keyword of her fashion sense. In her every outfit, she'll find a way to incorporate her favorite color.  [x] [x] [x] 
TRAITS. friendly, hard-worker, ambitious, talkative, impulsive, your resident crazy dork, messy af, gets irritated easily when practicing
ELABORATION. Sora is a very easy person to befriend. She is really friendly, and will talk your ears off if she gets a chance. She's everybody's best friend, but some people dislike her because they think she's way too talkative and noisy. She'll literally talk about nothing if she runs out of topics to talking about, just for the sake of talking. Because of her talkative nature, many people think she;s vying too much for attention. She's also crazy cause you know, she can. She's very active and will never run out of energy no matter how much you tire her down. She's not afraid to ruin her image just to do what she wants. She wants to dance like the grudge being electrocuted while doing 800000 headbangs in the middle of the street? She'll do it. Thankfully, she's a very courteous to her seniors so she stops when they ask her to... in public. While she's away from the public eye, she'll do what she wants. She also lacks the brain capacity to think things through before doing something. You know she'll buy that utterly useless planner because she felt like she wanted to be organized for once, only to lose it 10 hours later.
In contrast to her personality in the outside world, Sora is very serious when it comes to training. Sure, she'll play around a little bit, but she will focus on practicing than being silly in the practice room. Sora really wants to debut, so she puts her heart and soul into training even though it's not an easy ride. She has pushes herself so hard that she got hospitalized once from sheer fatigue. She still hasn't learned her lesson so she will still push herself past her limits. Thankfully, her unnies and oppas take good care of her so they stop her before she goes too far again. Even though she's young, she tends to boss everyone around in the practice room. She's not scared to speak her mind even though sometimes it's inappropriate and will get her into trouble.
Also she's very messy, like when you walk into her room you'll wonder if it's still a room or a jungle.
BACKGROUND. She grew up and SEOUL and decided she wanted to be an idol. She auditioned to multiple companies multiple times, but failed at all of them. She decided to audition to Big Hit Entertainment, and surprisingly passed at her first try. Since then she's determined to debut so she worked her off, and she has improved greatly since her first day as a trainee. The CEO noticed her improvement and decide to put her with many other promising trainees to feature in HELLO CUPID. 
++her favorite color is turquoise so you'll find it in her wardrobe, her room, her belongings, everything including her nails. If sora ever get's lost, look for the color turquoise and you'll eventually find her
++makes a lot of corny jokes
++enjoys watching movies in her free time
++favorite genre is horror and comedy, but she doesn't like it together
++likes to prank other people but ultimately fails
++refuses to eat garlic bread
++is not able to run to save her life
++is able to sing any Whitney Houston song of your choice at any time of day
++loves to rap but can't because she gets tongue tied
++is short but likes to deny it
++says she can't do aegyo but when asked, she becomes the definition of aegyo
++has a voice that can reach the other side of the world
++she doesn't know what sleep means
STAGE NAME. Cielo because Sora means sky in Japanese and Cielo is Italian for sky
STRENGTH(S). Has a wide vocal range, can act well if she does say so herself
WEAKNESS(S). Get's tongue-tied when she tries to rap, dancing is nothing special and can use some improvement
TRIVIA. SORAS is her fanclub name, pronounced like soarers because sky=sora=soaring. She loves her fans of course, and often interacts with them when she gets the chance. She's good at fanservice, doing what her fans want her to do, like flash some hearts, do some aegyo, you know, the works. Onstage, she gives her 1000%. She knows her dancing needs improvement so she focuses much on that. Offstage she is very happy-go-lucky in contrast of her serious on-stage persona. Her ultimate role model since childhood is Whitney Houston, and she like singin her songs a lot. Another one of her idols is Girls' Generations' Kim Taeyeon. She wants to someday be a leading actress for a drama, and she very much enjoys watching variety shows, so she would like to feature in one someday.
LOVE INTEREST. none (but can she be a matchmaker for the other couples? XD)
BACKUP. that pizza over there with extra cheese
 (if you need elaboration hit me up hahaha x)





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