+ ロワイアル ׃ sooyeon clark

Sooyeon clark
minchami - minn - 7-10
birth name sooyeon clark, 수연 클락
nicknames & aliases
cancer. her nickname among the class of 3-B because her star sign is cancer and her cancer illness. sooyeon doesn't care if it's offensive, it reminds her she's still alive.
shiba, 시견. given to sooyeon because she behaves like a shiba inu since she is good-natured and also her fascination for the japanese dogs.
birthdate july 5th, 1997
hometown seoul, south korea
birthplace wollongong, australia
nationality korean
ethnicity korean-australian
languages korean; native language
faceclaim sulli
backup fc yura, iu
height & weight 166 cm,  47 kg
appearance sooyeon is a very pale girl and has two moles on her back, parallel to each other on the left side of her shoulder blade. although she is quite tall for her age, sooyeon is quite skinny and underweight because of her illness. after months recieving chemotherapy, her hair had grown back to a boyish length that she likes a lot.  
positive; good-natured, intuitive, modest, honest
negative; passive, resentful, willful, naive

sooyeon is a good girl at heart and will never change. she follows her mind and although she often gets good grades, sooyeon says that she doesn't deserve it because she doesn't learn often. only in a desperate moment, sooyeon would lie. she was often taught and nagged by her mother to be the perfect lady and to be well-mannered. her mother also taught her to be feminine and disagreed with her hairstyle after her hair grew back.

because of her mother's nagging method, sooyeon is very passive to the things that happen to her but can be deeply upset if she is treated differently than others. when sooyeon wants to get something done, she would be so stubborn and determined to do it and it causes everyone to get quite annoyed at her. in some situations, sooyeon would be naive about it because she wasn't there or she wasn't listening.
sooyeon was born in wollongong australia, exactly nine months after her parent's wedding. her father was a flight attendant and her mother was a journalist covering holiday destinations. they eventually moved to seoul after a dispute with her mother's passport and lived there, sooyeon's father stayed in australia but occasionally visited them every twice a month. her mother is well known for her journalism and on her father's side, her grandfather owns a fairly popular bar.

when sooyeon was ten, her mother noticed a huge drop in her weight from being 39kg to 25kg without any dieting or fitness changes. she was tested for a blood test and soon found out she had lymphoma, a type of cancer that is a part of the immune system. not known before but sooyeon had been passed down with the illness from her grandmother on her mother's side. 

she was then homeschooled for three years before her father wanted her to communicate with children her own age and made her attend a public school. by the age of fifteen, sooyeon began recieving chemotherapy. she hated it and was insecure about herself as she became hairless and became more sensitive being in sunlight, which caused her to be indoors more. although this was temporary, she had to recieve it a couple more times in the span of a year. only recently, sooyeon has been starting to recieve radiotherapy.
- interested in shiba inus' and currently has one as a pet called pear, 배. 
-  likes to read books as her past time.
- jooyeon and sooyeon usually texts or messages each other.
- has no crush or love whatsoever.
- her hair is actually dark chocolate brown, passed down from her father.
- sweats regularly at night due to lymphoma and is usually always lacking energy.
- knows how to play the piano.
- hates watching murder shows or detective shows
- likes to watch people do things, because she can't be that active, herself.

xu minghao and wen juhui; sooyeon is friends with these two boys because they seemingly treat her like everybody else, not some kind of kid who can die at any moment.  sooyeon likes both of their personalities since they are unique in her eyes. she likes to comment on junhui's doodles, trying to guess what they are and laughs at minghao's adventurous schemes. although she is good friends with them, sooyeon is closer to junhui because of the silence they share together. not an awkward silence, like a gentle soothing silence.

ham jooyeon; almost like best friends, you can say. they call themselves the 'yeon sisters' because the last syllables of their names match. sooyeon took the initiative to become friends with her because jooyeon is 'cool' and smart.
class position 20-10 out of 28
socioeconomic status upperclass
life as a student sooyeon is very well known throughout the class for being in class twice or trice a week, since her therapy is always intruding school times. she gets very good grades although she is sometimes never in the lessons and is no doubt from her parent's social status and the fact she does her homework while waiting through therapy when she has times. when she is at school she is very quiet and almost everyone tries to look after her just in case.
weapon issued detailed map of the island, pot lid, mug
usage of weapon sooyeon will immediately use the map to good use; mapping where she is everynight, writing down and marking every danger zone that comes by. she hides it in the side of her band of her underwear, so no one would think she would have it under the layer of clothing and is easy to take out. sooyeon gets a little paranoid that someone might steal it while sleeping.

with the pot lid, sooyeon uses it as a shield although it is very weak. at desperate moments, she will throw the lid around like captain america. the mug is no use to sooyeon, the first moment she inspected the mug she broke it. 
there's not many strengths for this weak girl. she's definitely not the best but in fact the worst in physical abilities and she could not manipulate anyone since it's not in her nature. 
but there is some things sooyeon is good at and that is memorising things! she could easily remember locations, names, almost anything easily. for example, she'll look at her map for the danger zones and remember where it's located. 
sooyeon is also very nimble and quiet, which makes it very easy for her to move around easily without getting caught. it is also handy for her since she doesn't bring any heavy or loud objects with her. 
her weakness is definitely physical capability. since she hasn't recovered fully from her cancer, her bone marrows are still very weak and she can't afford to do any physical activity other than running and swimming. other than that, she's an average jogger.
sooyeon can't say for sure, but dead bodies or blood just makes her cringe. she won't think properly, possibly thinking about who it belongs to or what the person's last moments must've been. at the time when she sees it, sooyeon will probably reconsider about her own life and probably go to jooyeon for reassurance.
physical strength 1
intelligence 8
loyalty 10
courage 7
manipulation 4
comments hi! i'm so excited for this fic, i literally binged watched the movie last night...sigh. hope you don't mind a) i wrote in lower case because it simply looks better and b) i deleted the love interest section because I don't think sooyeon would have a love interest. she'll be like that one girl no one likes but likes...? like, what am i saying?! also, sorry if it's horrible, it's like 11.30 at night and i have a test tomorrow so...
suggestions sooyeon's map gets ripped in half by another classmate and she's on the other side of the map
during the start of the battle, sooyeon gets ambushed by someone and she smashes it into the side of the person's head, leaving them injured with blood rushing down their face.
passcode battle (like i can't get it out of my head....)
layout by tsoukatos. do not steal.


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