❛WRONG TRIP • kim hyo-jung .

kim hyojung
"now you've done it, you lil' sh*t!"
queen b ; used around the school and the group to annoy her. it basically means queen b*tch
hyo ; a short and simplified version of her name used by the group of friends, is used more than her real name.
birthdate • january 15th, 1996 (19)
HOMETOWN • hongdae, seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY • korean
— korean, fluent
FACE CLAIM • wonder girl's yubin
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM • 4minute's hyuna.
extras • hyo has one cartilage piercing on her left ear and a scar on her hip, on the right from tripping onto glassware.
 tell me a story.
positive; optimistic, rational, confident, brave
negative; risky, selfish, blunt, stubborn, sly

After the death of solbin, she became more willing to cooperate with the group instead of being stubborn and easily became emotional over touchy subjects like solbin, love and the dead. 

— hyo was born on the 15th of january in hongdae seoul. her father was an alchoholic who went to bars often and had one night stands. she was given birth to one of the ladies and was handed over to him. jonghyung promised to stop drinking but after he lost his job, five years later it happened again and soori was born. 

when she grew up, her father taught her how to play baseball and hyo immediately loved it. she loved it so much that in highschool she had tried out for the boys' team since they had no female baseball team. during her last year, she met a junior in the school and believe it or not, it was a love at first sight situation and the other girl must have felt it too. wait, a girl? Yes a girl. hyo fell in love with 16 year old solbi. what do you say, opposites do attract.
• dogs
• graffiti
• sports
• spicy foods & black bean noodles.
• sneakers

• silence
• any reference to blood
• abandoned places.
• gossip.
• sweet foods.

• swearing / cussing
• staying up late & waking up early
• loves to play baseball but was rejected from joining the boys' team
• hyo carries her baseball bat everywhere, except formal occasions
• has a low immune system so she doesn't mind wearing wooly clothes in the middle of the summer
• made up a chatroom name for gunwoo and herself called 'we're sunkissed and they're jealous of that.'
• can't eat sweet foods, learnt that at age 13
• if she hears you talking behind her back or doing sh*t things, she'll literally cuss at you, even if you didn't do it.

• father / kim jonghyung / 60 / accountant / unknown 
• sister / kim soori / 15 / student / unknown 
• choi gunwoo / 19 / student graduate / ALIVE 
• the rest of the gang/group/circle/friends/those people who hang around me. 
weapon • aluminium baseball bat, multi pocket knife
will your character die or survive? • hyojung will survive till the very end, though she has very close calls. 
STRENGTH • close combat, running, quick reflexes
WEAKNESS • low stamina, (if using a gun) bad aiming
outfits • before the chaos started, hyo used to love wearing singlets and shorts, etc. although when she had witnessed the flesh eating things, she changed frequently into tights, turtle necks, cargo jackets and combat boots. she figured that the zombies would have to bight into large layers to get to her luscious skin. 

• hyo even made solbi wear thick sleeved tops but stopped making her wear it since she was too humid wearing it. 
love interest • park solbi, 16, student. (oc)
face claim • lovelyz's jiae
WEAPON • spare silencers, spare bullets + first aid kit bag
personality • shy, altruistic, caring. stubborn, emotional, sensitive.
interaction • Solbi sticks around hyo the most, as she is most closest to her in the group. the two share a very timid but intimate (that rhymes) relationship. they cuddle for warmth, hyo comforts her when she is scared and solbi usually has to patch hyo up. solbi is hyo's sunshine. (totally not inspired from 'you are my sunshine')

• solbi is like everyone's little daughter and makes everyone want to protect her since she is one of the youngest in the group. though she cannot fight, solbi is like the medic of the group. her mother is a qualified nurse and taught her everything to know and even carries her own first aid bag everywhere she goes. 
ending • solbi dies when she attempts to help someone, whether it was a broken bone or cuts when the rest of the group is doing whatever but fails to notice that zombies were approaching.
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