to release or not

I wanted to finish that wgf form guide tonight, but it's kind of late and my eyes and closing n___n yeah will finish tomorrow. Then I saw I have a tab opened with an image and had a wtf moment and oh God.... I want to release these coloring PSDs, but I still don't know if they are good enough or not omg. I'll delete later cause it's the sleepy me talking right now and I probably sound weird but... opinions would be nice, guys. Even a small one. Yes, I name my psds taebby cause I can and there are mine and I am the one abusing them, so taebby it is.


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matraguna #1
mda, e tarziu, am carat multe pietroaie azi, taie un "i", posibil sa mai fie litere in plus :p
matraguna #2
2, 1+2, 2+3 (but it's just me not liking yellowiish faces generally)
i like the last one so much! :D
I like the 1+2, 3 and 2+3 ^^