WYF in the Capital City of Leprechauns

It's been hours since I had this dream. So long that the next time to sleep is almost here but I can't seem to forget this dream lol. I dunno what it is about the guy but he seems to glue himself into my thoughts after a dream. The last time I dreamt about WYF was around the time when his lawsuit was still fresh. I ended up writing a fic about him. This time it'll be a blog post. 

It all began when gaksitalGaksital and I were hiking from one end of the city centre to the other in hopes of seeing Kris, who just happened to be in Dublin (lawl, I doubt he knows this place exists. Most people don't even know Ireland). The walk took forever and once we got to around St. Stephen's Green (a park) we saw him.

Being the cool fan girls that we are, we taught him a few tricks on 'how to not get ripped off like a tourist.' He was pretty grateful for it. Seriously the guy was so sound, so friendly, so chill, you wouldn't think he was a celeb at all. He was still pretty handsome, painfully so, and I couldn't exactly look him in the eyes because of it. He found out we were fans and that made him more friendly (lol imagine being him getting excited over us XD).

He was pretty excited to have Irish fans. Also he caught onto me being awkwardly shy and would purposely try and get me to stare into his eyes. He was teasing me loike... (I don't know what happened to gaksitalGaksital while all this was going on. Sorry gurl I seemed to have forgotten about you because it just became me and Kris from there on).

I still couldn't hold eye contact with the guy (come on! He's the WYF. Like how do you even?!). He was insistent about it which kinda pushed me back into my shell. (I need my comfort zone loike. Once I hit 'shy' there's no way of getting me out and esp not by force). But damn he accidently touched my hand and I freaked out and woke up...

I was so sad. I wanted that dream to go on for a bit. Kris was so cool. ;.;

I'm sure you guys dream about your biases too. They're probably more exciting than mine lol. What kinda dreams do you guys have?



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I had a dream where there was a zombie apocalypse and then there were mutants too. Exo (and i was there for some reason) had to fight off the zombies amd the mutants (who were evil versions of themselves). Most of them died and i woke up just before tao died. It was so sad
I had this one dream where it was like 10pm and I was laying in bed and apparently Chanyeol comes over to take me out for a night time drive. He was my boyfriend apparently LOL. And so I hop in the backseat and tell him to hurry and drive bc I'm afraid I might get caught by my dad?? Haha it was just a weird dream.
Hey.. I know dublin thanks to westlife..